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to teach again (Blight Survival)


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It had been ages since Corwin had stepped into a class room.  As soon as he did, he flashed back to when Cyriel Gaidin had been teaching him Blight Survival... something that turned rather unpleasant and humbling.  But that was years ago... many years ago.  Things just didn't feel right in the room.  Things were so confined, so.... dark.  It wasn't much of a secret that Corwin was the outdoors kind of guy, but he would have to learn to cope with this class.  He had been "asked" so nicely by the Master at Arms to teach since he had just gotten back.  But this was the life of someone who knew what he was doing around the Yard... always helping others.


He was told he would have three students.  It seemed not many in the Yard had both the class and the real world experience in the Blight Corwin did... or so he had said.  Pulling the chairs into a triangle at the bottom so that all could see him fine, Corwin plotted how to get out of the class as quickly as possible.



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Jasine liked to be early to his classes.  His punctuality probably had a lot less to do with any internal work ethic than it did growing up with four older sisters who usually beat him to dessert.  Being early wasn't always a good thing, sometimes the awkward silences with an instructor to stretch on uncomfortably as they couldn't begin the lesson yet, but also didn't want to banter words with a trainee.  Master Corwin did not look like the kind of guy who did a lot of bantering with words, so when Jasine showed up to class and there were no other students yet there, he was both gratified and uneasy.


He bowed very crisply to the Master as he entered the room and introduced himself in a deferential tone.  "I am Jasine Al'Thorin, Master Corwin.  I'm one of your students today."  He moved to one of the trio of seats, choosing the middle one because he tended to get on at least moderately well with just about everyone, and sat down.  He knew he probably looked nervous and unsure of himself, and as he struggled to find the void unsuccessfully, he worried even more that this man who already looked less than happy about being here himself would prove to be a difficult instructor. 


Jase took a deep breath and nodded to Master Corwin before closing his eyes and struggling to find and form the void.  This time it worked, and he was able to feed his anxiety into the flame and get a grip on himself before any of the others showed up.


By the time Perivar arrived shortly after, he was collected enough that he could drop the void again and smiled easily as he greeted the younger boy.

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Perivar entered the class to find it was already occupied.  He bowed to Master Corwin causing his dark braids to swing which resulted in a quick jingle of the bells that tipped the braids.  "Good morning Master Corwin" he said respectfully then turned his attention to Jasine who had taken up the middle seat of the trio which were setup in a triangle in front of Master Corwin.  "Good morning Jasine" he said nodding to his fellow trainee.  He was happy to see Jasine, his ever present smile was infectious.  He seemed to lift the mood in any room in which he was present. 


Perivar took the seat to Jasine's right though he couldn't say why he chose it over the left.  Perhaps it was that he preferred to be on the right side of the battle line.  He pushed that thought aside and thought on the subject matter for today's class.  Would they simply talk about the blight or would they be taking a trip there he wondered.


He had experience along the blight as all borderlanders did though no harm could come from the class.  He knew the veteran instructor would have more knowledge of the blight than a 16 year old Arafellin.  No matter how much you thought you knew there was always someone who knew more.  He wondered if the other trainees had ever been to the blight, it was a place that could kill you as quick as a well aimed sword thrust.  Most outside of the borderlands probably thought the blight was another tall tale used by elders to scare children. 

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Melenis entered the classroom, feeling a bit nervous despite her intentions not to. She knew the lesson she would be getting soon was Blight Survival: She had all but leaped at the chance to be in this class. To learn about Shadowspawn, the one thing she felt symbolised everything her father stood for... And she was about to learn how to best fight it. And through that knowledge, she would find the best way to undo the damage he had done as well.


Yet, it was this very class that gave her a strange feeling of reluctance, as if something would end up changing for her. Ever since coming to the Yards, she had seen her father in every training dummy, in every target she was striking, every imaginary opponent she was taking down. She felt reluctant, because she wondered whether these creatures she would be hearing about soon might start to take her father's place as the Greater Evil. And she found she didn't really want to stop hating him, not yet at least.


Shaking her head, she reformed the Void, telling herself not to let her imagination run wild like that. Taking a deep breath, she stepped confidantly into class, mentally steeling herself for any knowledge that might be thrown at her.


- "Good morning Master Corwin. Melenis Stormgate reporting for class."


After a brief bow, she took one of the seats and waited for him to speak. No matter what would happen, she would be ready for it. She was prepared.




Bring it.

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Now that all the students were here Corwin began, though they were all too stiff for his taste.  Well lets start off with hearing what you all know about the Blight.  There's more to it then Fades and Trollocs.  Corwin waited as they looked at each other, then saw the Arafellian begin to answer.  One thing he was going to have to get across to him that the bells were a horrible idea.  It was going to be difficult though, most all used them, and they felt it was something that struck fear into Shadowspawn because they would know they are going against an Arafellian.  Idiots, all it did was cause more problems.


But Corwin was going to try to show the dangers first to see if he would take them out on his own, it would be MUCH better that way.  But if worse came to worse, Corwin would be forward his opinion.  But for now, the kid knew more than the other two, and Corwin could actually work with some of what he said.



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He smiled at Melenis as the girl greeted Corwin and then sat down beside him.  He didn't speak, but turned his attention to Corwin as the man began to speak.


Jasine didn't know a thing about the Blight.  His genuine knowledge of the Blight mostly amounted to It's North of the borderlands, and bad and he couldn't exactly say that and make a fool of himself in front of his new Master. Light, the man could eat him alive.  Jasine had always believed more in making friends than intimidating enemies, but with this man he didn't even feel like he had an option between the two.


It all sounded like cradle tales told to scare little children into being good and following the Light.  It had worked with Jasine, he couldn't even imagine what it would take to turn someone to the Dark One's service and the idea that anyone would actively seek it or embrace it was completely unfathomable.  He coughed lightly, his throat suddenly very dry, and turned to look at Perivar, hoping the Borderlander would take the initiative.  Almost everything the boy had to say was sure to be something Jasine didn't know.


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Perivar looked at the others when Master Corwin asked what they knew of the Blight hoping one of them would speak up.  He did not want to speak first though the others seemed hesitant to answer, Perivar would be too if he had no experience, it was difficult to admit that you did not know something.  


The silence became uncomfortable so he broke it, he wanted the others to speak first so as not to seem like a know it all.  "Well the Blight can kill you quicker than a trolloc or a fade."  His face became serious as he looked at the others.  Perivar was quiet and kept to himself for the most part.  He did not like talking about his background unless someone asked.  He didn't want others to take him the wrong way so he was quiet about his past.  Most knew he was Arafellin or at least from the borderlands so he left it at that.  There was no reason to boast about that or his noble birth, neither meant anything here, here he was the same as any other trainee.


Perivar made sure that he had their attention.  He looked north, staring blankly as he went on.  "It is a nasty place that breeds evil and vile things.  Everything there is dark and twisted, touching the wrong type of leaf can kill you or worse.  There are many horrors there that could chill you to the bone and make you wish you were dead.  The water if you can call it that is tainted, it is not suitable for washing let alone drinking.  The place is simply evil."  He could have gone on but he thought that was enough for now.  For a few moments he continued to stare to the north then shook his head in a jingle of bells.      



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When Perivar didn't look like he was going to say anything further on the subject Jasine took a deep breath and chose to tell the truth.  "I confess that I know very little about the Blight.  I know that it stretches all the way across, from Saldea to Shienar, and that somewhere within it the Dark One is held in his prison." He dropped his eyes to his hands in his lap and then continued. "I know that it takes a very strong person to face it.  There are evil creatures with horrible venoms there, twisted by the Shadow."  He had Loraine Sedai to thank for that little bit of knowledge and he wracked his brain trying to remember what else had been said that booze-muddled night. "Creatures that could kill as easily as a fade or trolloc, but without ever hardly being noticed until their poisons took hold."


He paused for a moment, trying to think, and then shook his head. "I think that is all.  Back home, it was hardly spoken of outside of scary tales and everything gets exaggerated and made fantasy in those.  Surely it didn't swallow an entire country or anything like that."  He tried a dismissive smile but it felt all wrong and Corwin didn't seem to appreciate the gesture anyway, so he simply fell silent again and looked to Melenis.

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Corwin looked at the boy for a bit... oh it did swallow a country, Malkier to be exact.  Now you are both correct, there is more to fear than just a Fade or Trolloc, there are things they fear within the Blight.  Now, we are going to go to the woods and you are all going ot show me what you think could be deadly in the Blight.


The indoors was killin Corwin, he hated being inside.  It was time to be outside again, time to relax more.  As they approached the woods, Corwin let the students take the lead to fulfill their assignment.



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Perivar noticed Master Corwin looking at Jasine and realized that he was gaping at him.  How did Jasine know about Malkier? Jasine had not named the former country but he knew about the Blight swallowing a nation.  Not many outside of the Borderlands knew of it, or if they did they didn't believe it.  Once again Jasine had surprised him. 


Perivar looked around the woods where Corwin led them noticing many things that could potentially kill them had they been in the Blight.  He pointed to a low lying bush that had many branches "In the blight there are thousands of bushes like that with gnarled limbs just waiting to snare your mounts legs either toppling them or causing them to break a leg.  Once you are on the ground there are dozens of little creatures waiting to finish you off."


((OOC: small edit to clarify his thoughts on Jasine's comment))   

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Jasine didn't know about Malkier.  At least, he didn't know he knew.  He hadn't even remembered the name of the country, he's dismissed the tales of its fall as just rumor, and his usually sunny expression was darkened and serious as he preceded Master Corwin out of the room and into the woods.  He was lost in thought until Perivar started speaking and he forced his thoughts away and paid attention to his friend.


He looked at the bush Perivar motioned to and his eyebrows rose as he mentioned branches snaring horses as if the plants were filled with the malevolence of the Dark One himself.  Surely it couldn't be like that.  Yet, the country... Light, a whole country.  He'd always thought of the Blight as just what its name suggested, a place of sickness and unwell plants.  How could that take away a whole country?


As Perivar finished speaking, Jasine muttered a single word that was more swear than prayer. "Light."

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Melenis remained quiet, filing away the information she had in her memory. Though she still found some things hard to believe, firsthand experience at being channeled at, the sheer speed at which Warders went through their forms and now what she heard about the Blight had been doing a good job at eroding what she at first dismissed as rumors. Still, if plants were indeed that dangerous, there was something she was wondering about.


- "Master Corwin? My apologies if this sounds a bit crude, but if it's entirely evil, and rotten to its core, why hasn't anyone tried to torch it?"


Though she generally wasn't a fan of senseless destruction, she did however keep in mind that the Trollocs and Fades Perivar mentioned lived in the Blight, effectively making it their stronghold. Therefore, wouldn't it be easier to defend if a large fire took out most of it? At the very least, it'd clear out a large amount of land, resulting in a wide open space that would have been perfect for firing artillery at approaching enemy forces. Though she still had the idea she was still seeing Shadowspawn tactics as being equal to human ones too much.




Kill It With Fire?

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Perivar glared at Melenis, was she mad.  He smoothed his face, it was not her fault, she was not familiar with blight and its close proximity to the borderlands.  Sometimes the blight grew closer to the borderlands and pther times it seemed to recede.  To light fire to the blight meant risking setting fire to the borderlands as well, maybe even the entire continent. 


Perivar bit his lip to stop from answering as he waited for Master Corwin to respond.

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Corwin listened to the question and thought for a moment, a good question, but the Blight is more than just the surface.  Think of the Blight like an Orange.  It has a thick outside, yet it's all the inside that matters.  We could set fire to the Blight, but that would destroy the land, the Blight is corruption and fire wont purge that.  Now, you are right Perivar, but there is much more here, now lets all look around for a few more minutes.  Anything you think could be corruptible, point out.



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"It sounds like everything can be corrupted, Master Corwin.  If the plants can... can move and act upon the Dark One's will, every branch could entangle, and every insect could poison.  The grass that horses graze on could make them sick, the water you've already said was undrinkable.  I don't see anything that couldn't be corrupted if the evil is that strong in this land."  Jasine spoke hoarsely, with no trace of his usual smiling good cheer.    The image he was getting of the place was so bleak and so hopeless that it was hard even for him to find anything to smile about.  "Do animals live in the blight?  Are they as twisted with darkness as everything else?"


The whole description sounded so... made up.  Master Corwin, and even Perivar, did not seem like men given to cruel jokes so the only possible outcome was that this place really was as bad as they implied.  He suddenly had a much deeper respect for the men and women who chose to live along this area, and his faint glimmer of the strength and bravery that must take was awe-inspiring.

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Corwin grinned, clearly Jasine had figured it out, but was in denial.  But that was most everyone's reaction at first.  With a nod, he went on, Everything IS corrupted in the Blight.  That is the first lesson you all must learn, there is nothing safe.  A twig can be a creature in disguise and kill a man, I had seen it.  The water is nothing like it, and if you get some of it, instead of the creatures living in it getting you first, it would never do to drink it.  If you want to survive in the Blight, you must have supplies, and those supplies are the top priority to protect in any attack.


Waiting a few moments so that they could actually think about that, Corwin then went on, tomorrow we will talk about creatures in the Blight, be ready.  Class dismissed.


Corwin watched as they all left, and hoped they understood just how dangerous of a place the Blight was.



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Jasine bowed promptly and deeply to Master Corwin, and as soon as Perivar had made his respects to the man Jasine caught his arm and took him off to one side to talk to him about the Blight.  It really was hard to wrap his mind around, a land that was unquestionably and totally evil, and he peppered the young boy with questions he felt would have been too silly for Corwin. 


Obviously, the air must be breathable in the Blight or no man would be able to stay long there.  Did they have flying creatures as well, things like birds that you would have to keep watch on to see that they did not secrete some kind of poison on you from on high? Perivar was open and honest with him, if his words didn't contain as much detail as he had hoped.  Jasine only kept him a few moments, and when they parted he thanked the boy that he now held in a whole new level of esteem.  Jasine went off and got lunch, and by his next class his usual good cheer was more or less returned.


But he stayed up long after he usually would have succumbed to sleep, thinking about the Blight and Thera and trying to imagine her battling Trollocs amidst a green-yellow sea of putrid plant life, while giant insects and poisonous creatures that looked like a cross between a hawk and a lizard tore at her clothes and tried to drag her beneath the writhing leaves.  Even his wearying second class with Master Corwin where he'd sparred with Arath until he literally dropped had been unable to push him into sleep as easily as it should have.


It was a harried and poorly rested Jasine who showed up for class the next day, sitting in a corner of the classroom after skipping both breakfast and his morning routine in the stables.

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With everything she had learned today, Melenis had been given a lot to think about. Though normally this would have meant that she'd stay awake for an hour or two extra putting all the facts together, she was simply too tired after the weapon's training to stay awake, let alone think.


Though sore, she did have breakfast, she had a feeling she was going to need it later on. Returning to class, she sat down again, noticing Jasine in a corner looking like he'd been run over. Shaking her head, she walked over to the Trainee, slipping him an apple she had intended to save until after the lesson was over, in case Corwin had some surprise in store for them in between the two lessons.


After that, she returned to her seat again, intending not to move much so she could focus less on her aching muscles and more on what she would hear in the lesson. So far, most of what she had believed to have been myths had instead proven themselves to be true, so short of Arthur Hawkwing showing up she was strangely looking forward to seeing how much everything she had known was wrong.




Hasn't heard about the Horn of Valere

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Jasine gave his friend a smile that was warmer than he thought he'd be capable of this morning.  His restless sleep had ended up meaning that he wasn't up in time for breakfast and he'd only just barely been awake enough to come to this class.  He rubbed the apple against his sleeve and then started to eat it.  He'd have to do something nice for the girl later on, but it didn't immediately occur to him what that should be.


As he waited for the class to begin, a plan slowly started to form.  He'd need the help of another girl for it, though, and decided to seek out Thera for her advice later on in the day.  He had finished the apple and looked quite a bit better for both the food and the kindness she had shown by the time Corwin arrived to begin the class.

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When Perivar arrived he found Jasine and Melenis each eating an apple looking as if they had not sleep well.  He did not have a restful sleep either.  The talk of the blight brought memories that he would rather forget. 


He smiled at the others "I know you brought enough for the whole class...you know what they say?"  He laughed eyeing each to see who had brought the apples.  "I'm just kidding, I ate enough this morning to last me the whole day.  You know I almost never miss a meal.  Plus talk of the blight reminds me of food, there are so many wonderful things to eat in the blight." 


Perivar was trying his best to come out of his shell.  He was making an effort though it did not come natural to him.  He did not like talking especially of himself but he loved hearing stories that the others had to tell.  He was eager to learn of things outside of the Borderlands, he needed to know if he was going to effectively serve an Aes Sedai.

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Corwin walked in and saw them all waiting for him.  Clearly he had not worked them hard enough the day before...  No matter though.  Taking a seat, Corwin looked at them all before starting.  The Arafellian still seemed too comfortable.  Passing out all three sheets of paper, Corwin instructed them, Write down all you know about these Shadowspawn.


One the sheet was written:











Gray Men-






Include any weaknesses or strengths you know about each, and what must be done to kill each.  Corwin didn't expect them to know much, except for the Arafellian, but he expected a couple to stump him.




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Melenis looked at the sheet of paper, trying to recall what she knew of the things listed, if she had even heard about them at all. Most of it ended up being guesswork though, and she suspected the same would be true for the others. Apart from Perivar, of course, he was from the Borderlands if she recalled correctly. Still, ever since she came here she noticed the stories about Aes Sedai were true. Therefore, the stories about Shadowspawn would have some level of truth in them as well. If not... she'd hear about it soon enough.






Rabid wolves? Blood hounds in the service of the Dark One.




A species of large bats.




Roughly ten feet tall, former kings bound in undeath.




People who counterfeit official documents.




Hermits living in caves. Rumored to love rings.


Gray Men-


Species possibly related to the Ogier.




Half animal, half man. The Dark One's foot soldiers.




Subterranean species, often serving as a food source for birds. Commonly used as fishing bait.




She looked over the answers she had given one more time before handing the sheet back to Corwin. She had tried to recall everything she had heard, both in gleemens' tales as well as the occasional talk between Warders. It didn't matter if she looked it over another ten minutes, her answers weern't likely to change based on what she knew. She was fairly confident she had gotten the normal things right -- though she didn't know why forgery was specifically attributed to Darkfriends, and earthworms apparently evil as well -- and even though she was unsure about some things (Was that GREEN Man or GRAY Man?) there were no blank spots in her sheet, and that was the most she could hope for based on her knowledge.




Isn't a good guesser

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Perivar took the piece of paper listening to the instructions, Write down all you know about these Shadowspawn.  Perivar glanced at the sheet recalling some of the names though he frowned when his eyes fell on a few of them.  He began writing trying to remember all that he could about each.  Some he wished that he could forget.



Darkhounds-  Hounds of the Dark One, they are larger than wolves.  They do not leave tracks on dirt and grass though if they cross over cobblestones or boulders they will leave paw prints.  I have no idea how to kill one.


Draghkar-  Half man - Half bat with large black wings and large black eyes.  Their kiss is death, they will sing a song that will snare.  If you can avoid being snared by the song, steel will kill them.


Fades- Also known as Myrddraal, the eyeless, lurks.  They are man sized with a complexion that is pasty-white.  Even though they lack eyes their sight is keen.  They can easily hide in shadows and can move in almost complete silence.  They control fists of trollocs and are linked to them so if they die so do the trollocs.  Fades are skilled swordsman, their attention to you can inspire fear making it difficult to face them.  Even after they are killed, which is not easily done, their bodies thrash about wildy for hours.   


Forgers- They craft the black blades that the Myrddral carry.  It is said they are not truly alive, they are bound to Shayul Ghul and will die if they leave. 


Gholam- I know nothing of Gholam.


Gray Men- They can be men or women and are the assassins of the Dark One.  They are often called the Soulless since it is said that they have given their soul to the Dark One.  They are very difficult to detect making them efficient assassins. Normal weapons can kill them.


Trollocs- Huge beings, half man, half beast, they have the body of a man and the head and sometimes the feet of an animal such as a bear, eagle, wolf or goat.  They are significantly taller and wider than the largest of men.  They are dumb, lazy, cowardly and often kill for the pleasure of killing.  They see very well in the dark but are blinded by the light.  They are led by Myrddraal and linked to them so if the Myrddraal dies then so do they.  Some are good at tracking though they they are lazy and will often give up unless the Myrddraal pushes them hard.


Worms-  They are a creature of the blight though all of the others foul creatures that dwell in the blight are said to scared of worms.  It is said that the only way to kill them is to hack them to pieces.  They travel in packs.


When Perivar was finished he longed for a bath, he wished he could forget all he knew of these foul creatures.  Perivar was aware that he didn't know everything about shadowspawn, that was why he was here.  Not knowing such things could kill you or your Aes Sedai quicker than a blade.  It was the knowledge that he gained here that may one day save his life or that of his Aes Sedai. 


He turned in his paper to Master Corwin then took a seat trying to push the thoughts from his head for at least a moment, he did not want to think of home. 



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Jasine's stomach dropped as he looked over the list of shadowspawn.  He would have expected a list of shadowspawn to turn his stomach, but this unease was entirely because so many of these were foreign to him entirely.  He'd never even heard of the Draghkar, Gholam, Forgers, or Worms in relation to shadow spawn, and the Fades, Darkhounds, and Trollocs he was only loosely away of.  The Gray Men tickled something, but he just couldn't place it at all.  With a heavy sigh, he set to writing.  He chewed his lower lip a bit after he filled in what little he knew of those three and then looked at the others two.  He could make wild guesses, but Jasine didn't want to make Master Corwin think he was making sport of this class. 


Because Master Corwin had specifically told them to write down weaknesses and how to kill the Shadowspawn, Jasine was particularly disheartened at his lack of knowledge.  If there was a trick to killing any of these, he surely did not know of it.


Darkhounds- Great big hounds that hunt with the Dark One.




Fades- The Eyeless, man-like creatures with no eyes at all that can move through shadows and steal children to feed to Trollocs.






Gray Men-


Trollocs- Creatures that are half-beast, half-man in appearance, they are unaccountably evil and motivated only by their hunger for flesh and their fear of the Dark One.





He handed back the paper to Corwin without meeting his teacher's gaze.  He was taking this class to learn this stuff and he knew he probably shouldn't feel so... useless and stupid.  But he did.  The many empty spaces on his page mocked him.

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