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Good information to know


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Hey, I am of course a hopeless lurker who goes through old threads and reads them, and found something of use. I found a thread that tells us all about what's happening in the different contries all across RP-land. Granted, it's about seven months old, but I'm pritty sure that the things in there aren't innacurate.




Check it out

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Yeah, it's already a little out of date.


- White Tower: Amyrlin Seat Sirayn Simeone vanished mysteriously, and the Hall was forced to declare her gone for good and choose a new Amyrlin, Annais Nevell of the Gray Ajah. Sirayn had sent a party of Aes Sedai to observe the Black Tower and the thirteen Sisters were captured and Bonded by the Asha'man. Annais was the negotiator sent to get the Sisters free and as a condition, the White Tower had to acknowledge the existance of the Black Tower to the rulers of the world. Sending a letter which included this decree was one of Annais' first deeds as the leader of the White Tower.


Annais died falling off a horse and they've got a new Amyrlin.  Or, maybe they're appointing the Amyrlin right now.  Something like that. 


Because of the way time works in the WT, things are a little weird.  When Jasine and Selene left Andor, it was before the whole Rahvin-equivalent happened, because otherwise Tarmon Gaidon would happen well before she became an Aes Sedai and there would be no actual possibility of her continuing her schooling.  Because of that, Jasine left home at the same time.  Which is several years before the current timeline, sometime after the Aiel war.



But that is an awesome thread. :)  I read it over before making my characters.

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