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The Flame and Void (open for Trainees)


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"Thank you, Master Jesse.  I will practice and improve.  I still have a little bit of trouble keeping the void stable, it collapses on me more often than not.  So you can be sure I will continue to put a lot of effort into it."  Jasine bowed deeply over his arm and then left, alone, to wander through Tar Valon on his way back to the Yards. 


Maybe after stopping for a bite to eat.  What harm could come of it?


((OOC: Consider me interested and signed up!  I'll watch for it to be posted to the boards))

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OOC: Hey, sorry for the delay. ;)


IC: Arath frowned as he listened to the instructions. The previous excersize hadn't been a big deal, he wasn't afraid of a challenge, but this was different. He never had any need to learn how to write; he could read well enough, for that was deemed necesity, but he could write only his name. Regardless, Arath pushed doubt and worry out of his mind, feeding the emotions to the Flame. He took the pen and board and tried to complete the excersize. Unfortunately, while he could take in his surroundings easily enough, he couldn't transcribe them onto the board. The pen and board were too unfamiliar, and Arath was getting distracted by the the texture and feel. Instead of drawing his surroundings, he focused on the tools, feeling their shape and familiarizing himself with them.


Fed up with the distractions, Arath set them to the side and squatted down next to a patch of dirt, and found a proper sized stick. With his surroundings in mind, Arath began to scratch them into the dirt. First he started slowly, drawing trees and flowers; however, aided by the Void, Arath began focusing on his surroundings, and the minute details that he had missed. That tree was wiped out of the dirt and replaced, this time having that one branch on the side. A circle was added to another, where a bird had made its home. Ants crawled swiftly in a curvy line through the grass; a fox stood frozen, it's head peeking out at him underneath a bush.


Eventually, Arath moved to draw another image, but found that all the space was taken up. This shock snapped him back into reality and he stood up to observe his drawing. It wasn't terrible, but definately shakey, giving the picture a childish and crowded air. Arath felt a little intriuged, he hadn't drawn anything like it before and found himself enjoying the simple drawing. Arath had released the Void after standing up, and suddenly realized that his Instructor was standing right behind him. Arath couldn't help but feel a little nervous- after all, he hadn't quite done what he was supposed to.

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"Good.  Not exactlly the medium you can take with you but still the objective was completed.  Continue practicing you are dismissed."


Well done.  You are finished with this class.  Hope you join us for Basic Fitness I will be starting soon.



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Arath nodded and continued drawing pictures, for once ignoring training to do something completely unrelated to getting stronger. He told himself that he was just practicing taking in minute details around him, and tried to ignore the pride he felt as his drawings were getting better. Eventually, the sun went down and Arath ran out of light, and so he made his way back to the barracks.


OOC: Well... there wasn't very much I could do with that but it doesn't really matter ;) But I've actually already done basic fitness; I might drop in though for some practice.

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