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Arrival of Perivar Tarigan (Attn: MoT)


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Perivar sat his mount on the edge of the Osendrelle Erinin, the bells in his twin braids jingled as he craned his neck to stare up at the massive White Tower.  The sun reflected off the tower making it appear as if made of polished metal.  He stood in awe of the city which was actually an island on the River Erinen.  The borderland cities were nothing to scoff at though their architecture could not compare to that of the Ogier and Aes Sedai.


The Aes Sedai and her Warder spoke with a guardsman while the pack of borderlanders stared in awe of the White Tower.  The pair crossed the Luagde Bridge while the guardsman made his way to Perivar and his companions. 


A little more than three weeks of hard riding had brought them from Arafel to this very spot, a short trip over the bridge and he would be in Tar Valon.  He wondered if the other borderlanders had made it yet.  He doubted as they had set out on foot to find a river ship to sail them south down the River Erinin while he and his mounted companions took the Shol Arbella - Tar Valon road. 


Even in his wildest dreams, he had not seen this coming.  Until that fateful day several weeks ago, Perivar thought that he would spend his life on the edge of the blight fighting back the shadow like his father and his ancestors before him.  For that he was prepared, even after more than three weeks he could still not believe that this was to be his future.


After the Aes Sedai and Warder left his father’s tent, he tried to reason with his father.  No amount of talk could convince his father to change his mind.  “We must do what we must Perivar, serve where we are needed most.  The White Tower fights the shadow just like we do, and they are in desperate need of able bodied men.” His father placed a his strong hand on Perivar’s shoulder.  “It is an honor to serve the White Tower Perivar, your service will bring more honor to our name.”


His father spread his hands smiling at him.  “Plus you will receive training from some of the best swordsmen alive.  You may even become a Warder one day, or maybe even a blademaster.” “You have the ability Perivar, but you must hone your skills.  Your mother should be happy that you do that at the Tower instead of the blight, I fear though that she does not agree with me.”  “Trust me you will do well in service to the tower, now go say your goodbyes and go get some sleep, you will want to be well rested in the morning.” 


He embraced his father then left the tent, “rest!” he thought to himself, “How am I supposed to rest tonight?”.  First he would find some drink and a game of dice, after that he would seek out Sali, the beautiful Arafellin girl had a way of making him feel better.  That last thought brought a smile to his face.


The grizzled guardsman spoke with an air of authority  “This way, follow me” though at first nobody moved in response to his command.  The man saw Perivar’s smile and called him down for it.  “Who or what are you smiling at?” the guardsman asked.



Perivar woke from his daydreaming looking first at the grizzled guardsman then at the looming tower.  “Ahh your first time in Tar Valon is it, very well then.”  The guardsman exclaimed, obviously used to newcomers to the island city.  “Well that is the White Tower is you couldn’t tell”  He spoke motioning towards the tower.


“Over there” he said pointing to the north “Is North Harbor”  then pointing to the south he went on “In the distance is another harbor, I’m sure you can guess it’s name.” He said with a nod and a smile “That’s right South Harbor” he said in response to one of Perivar’s companions who mumbled the name.


“The River Erinin runs North – South, though it runs on either side of the city.  West of the city is the Alindrelle Erinin while here on the east” He nodded toward the water “is the Osendrelle Erinin.”


“Now lets get under way, no doubt your arrival has already been reported to the Mistress of Trainees, you certainly don’t want to keep her waiting.” The sour look on his face gave weight to his words.  With that Perivar and his companions eased their mounts through the crowds as they followed the guardsman across the gate.


He took in all the sights on their way to the Warder’s yard.  Before he knew it he was dismounted and handing off his reigns to one of the grooms that had rushed out of the stableyard to meet them.


Following the guardsman’s instructions Perivar walked to the building which housed the Mistress of Trainees while his companions took care of their gear.  He took a deep breath then reached above each shoulder to touch the hilt of both swords that were sheathed criss-crossed on his back.  Satisfied, he pounded on the door then waited patiently for a reply.


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A gentle rain had settled over Tar Valon late last night and the gray clouds billowing overhead promised that it would continue. Hitching her cloak tighter Thera hunched her shoulders and pulled her head deeper into her cowl. She stalked through the yards barely pausing to allow passersby time to jump out of her way. Outwardly, she was the harsh Mistress everyone had grown to hate; inside she was a mess. Thera had given up on booze, being numbed no longer stifled her pain. The lack had helped to file her already sharp tongue to a rasp during the day, and left her trembling and weeping at night.


She paused in her stalking to watch two young men work the forms; one with skill far surpassing the other. “ Keep your head up and your eyes on the target Jasine!” Thera barked and she nearly tripped when the young man’s eyes swung to meet her own. She could feel her face heating and was glad for the cover of her hood. “Begin again boys and keep your focus, if those had been more than lathes you could have lost your head.” Turning on her heel with a spray of mud Thera tossed back her cowl and glared up at the sudden appearance of the sun. The rain had suited her mood far better.


“Mothers milk in a cup” she hissed at seeing a young man parked in front of her door. Reaching out she clasped a hand on his shoulder and recoiled like a snake drawing her sword as the young man drew his own. His reaction time had been quick, but his form was sloppy.


“I’d put that back if I were you. I would hate to have to cut off your pretty little head” Judging by the shock on his face she was far from what he expected. Once his sword was sheathed , she returned her own. “Now that’s a good boy” she chided. “I assume you were looking for me. Come on in.” She threw open her door and flung her cloak in the direction of the rack. Taking a seat at her desk she pulled out the trainee roster and flipped to the most recent page.


“In case you had not already assumed I am Thera Trakelyn, Mistress of Trainees and unless I missed my guess your one of the Borderland whelps I’m to be saddled with.”


She gestured to a ladder back chair in front of her desk. “Sit down son, and tell me your name and what your doing here”


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Perivar stood staring at the door waiting on a reply, it never occurred to him that the Mistress of Trainees may not be inside.  He was unsure what tis meeting would be like and was unsettled by the change in his seemingly happy life.  His thoughts ran back to his home, the blight...


A hand touched his right shoulder shaking the thoughts of the blight from his head.  The hand on his shoulder obstructed him from drawing both swords so that he was only able to grab the one with his left hand.  He was used to drawing both blades which were sheathed criss crossed to his back as most Arafellins wore them.  The result was a clumsy affair though the sword was out and in hand in the blink of an eye.


He turned expecting the worst instead he stood staring at the beautiful woman with her sword firmly in his hands,  "Blood and bloody..." He bit back the oath, what in the light was he thinking.  When had she drawn her sword, he hadn't even heard it leaving the sheath.  Light he was unsettled, he began to stammer an apology though she spoke cutting him off.


“I’d put that back if I were you. I would hate to have to cut off your pretty little head” She was definately not what he expected which must have been plainly written on his face. Once his sword was sheathed , she returned her own. He attempted to speak again yet she continued“Now that’s a good boy” “I assume you were looking for me. Come on in.” She threw open the door and flinging her cloak in the direction of a rack.  She took a seat at the desk opening a ledger.


“In case you had not already assumed I am Thera Trakelyn, Mistress of Trainees and unless I missed my guess your one of the Borderland whelps I’m to be saddled with.” Light she had a sharp tongue, hid eyebrow raised slightly at the mention of him being a borderland whelp.  His hands twitched wanted to reach for his hilts in response to the insult though he already deserved a penance for drawing on her in the first place.  An insult was not penance enough.  Blood and bloody ashes this was not going well at all.


She gestured to a ladder back chair in front of her desk. “Sit down son, and tell me your name and what your doing here”


Sit he thought to himself, no that would be improper unless it was an order.  He stood erect, remaining as rigid as possible.  "I prefer to stand if it does not offend you?"  He waited a moment for her nod of acceptance.  Offend her, light you fool you already drew a blade on her.  He shook his head cursing himself causing his belled braids to chime softly.  He took a deep breath then with all the formality he could muster he began in a torrent in fear that she would cut him off.


"I am Perivar Tarigan of Arafel my Lady."  "I am here at the request of the White Tower though I assume you already know that.  There are many Borderland whelps on there way here"  Making sure he put a little extra emphasis on the word whelps.  Even though she probably already knew, he went on unfolding his story about the Aes Sedai and Warder visiting his father's encampent on the border of Shienar, he told how they were recruiting young borderland men to join the Tower Guard.  He went on describing how his father pledged him to the Tower's service.  He finished the story with a vow, "So I am pledged to serve the Tower 'til my dying breath."  He touched forehead, hilt, and heart then stood there at attention as he had seen the soldiers so often do, he was nobly born and as such had never had to stand in line at a position of attention though he had seen it often enough.

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Thera only arched her brow and nodded when the young man decided to stay standing; it was nothing more than the typical stiff necked pride of a Borderlander. Something she had grown accustomed to over the years.


Her arched brow raised a tad higher at his tone, and she blinked in surprise. "I am here at the request of the White Tower though I assume you already know that.  There are many Borderland whelps on there way here"


Making a note of his emphasis Thera allowed him to finish his story, if only just. The last word had not even left his tongue when Thera slammed her hand down on the table with a sharp thunk. When young men and women came to the Tower thinking they knew something of the weapons they carried it always caused her more problems, and them more suffering upon learning that in the Tower they were only considered children. “Enough! It sounds like to me that you were drug here just shy of kicking and screaming, but that doesn’t matter. You will be held to your pledge”


Few things were worse insult to a Borderlander than calling him a liar or knocking his strength. In that short statement Thera had done both. It was a harsh method, especially with men who had so much pride, but they had to learn that her word was law. At least until they were raised to Tower Guards.


Thera held up a hand to forestall any rebuttal from Perivar and without looking up she jotted his name in the book.  “ Now, take I seat. We have much to discuss and I will not get a crick in my neck from looking up at you” Folding her hands on top of the desk she watched and waited, her face a stone mask.


Perivar visibly struggled with himself, but finally he took his seat. “It is good to know you can take orders, however much it may chafe” Almost as if by instinct Thera reached for her flask, realizing what she’d done she placed her hands back on her desk.

“Now that I know why you are here” she smiled wryly. “I might as well give you some idea of what you can expect from Tower life. It should not be anything too different from what you are used to. Training begins before first light and usually doesn’t end until after dark. The hours are long and rules are harsh, but if you make it through you will be counted among the most dangerous fighters in the world. “


Thera’s caramel eyes met his and she searched for some sign of regret, but she saw the same acceptance she saw in every face that sat in that seat.  “Good, now that you know the rules I will take you on a tour of the yards and you can tell me more about what training you’ve already had with those..weapons.” She eyed the swords on his back for a moment before standing and gathering Perivar with a look. 


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Her hand slammed the table as she said “Enough! It sounds like to me that you were drug here just shy of kicking and screaming, but that doesn’t matter. You will be held to your pledge”He definately had found himself on her bad side, he was warned by the Tower Guard after all.  He tried to prepare for this though things had gone wrong right from the start.


The Mistress of Trainees held up a hand to keep him from responding.  A pained look crossed his face as his honor took another hit, sure it was not his decision to come here though he had accepted his fate and had made an oath to serve the Tower.  An oath of service to the death was no small affair, nothing to enter into lightly though she apparently misunderstood him.  His hesitation had been at leaving the borderlands, his family was sworn to fight the shadow along the blight, would she understand or respect that he thought.  His honor was stained though not destroyed and his pride however was nother matter.



“ Now, take I seat. We have much to discuss and I will not get a crick in my neck from looking up at you”  He was not tall, especially for a borderlander, so she did not have to look up much to see him though she seemed to feel the need to make crystal clear that she held authority over him.  She must be aware of his noble birth but even he knew that meant nothing here, she did not need to drive the point home.


He took a seat saying "As you command Mistress" though he sat upright as rigid and stiff as a stone column.  She went on explaining to him what he should expect.  She was right it was nothing less than what he was already used to. 


Her Caramel eyes bore into him so much so that he thought facing a myrdraal may be preferable at the moment.  Then she mentioned a tour and talk of his previous training, her eyes glancing at the swords sheathed on his back.  She stood watching him and he did the same.


He could not hold it in any longer it had to be done before it ate him to death.  This reminded him of home, how many times had he run to his parents begging for a penance for something he had done wrong. "Mistress you must issue me a penance.  I should not have drawn my weapon on you earlier, a thing as simple as you placing a hand on my shoulder should not have been answered with a bared blade."


This next part was going to be tougher and he would rather have run weaponless into the blight than speak these words.   "You are a Lady, no matter your title or position here you are still a Lady which makes the offense worse.  It means nothing that you were armed and can obviously handle yourself, it is still a grave offense.  Regardless of why I did it, my honor has been tarnished and as such a penance must be served.  It must not be light." 


He braced himself waiting on her response.  She could understand his situation and assign him a suitable punishment or things could go from bad to worse.



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A lady? Thera’s eyebrows tried to climb right off her forehead, and the tiny flame of constant anger within her roared.  Callused hands flexed and relaxed only a hairs breadth away from reaching for their sword. Few things grated worse than a man thinking she was a member of the weaker sex. Never mind that she was.


Thera stared at young Perivar as if he’d grown horns; but it wasn’t him that had her nerves tied in knots. A week gone she would have already blown her top and knocked the boy down a peg or six, but now she hesitated. “Light Blast him” Thera murmured to herself at the sudden realization of where her reserve was coming from. Before meeting Jasine she never would have considered if her attitude was about to offend. Squeezing her eyes tight Thera took a deep breath and counted to 5, then added a prayer for good measure. Still when she spoke her voice was liquid fire. “If you insist after we’ve finished the tour that you deserve a punishment for your..transgression I will find something suitable”


Oh light how it burned, keeping her temper reigned in. Not even bothering to see if he would follow Thera stormed out of the office, her anger wound tight.


Over the last few years she had given countless tours to countless trainee’s and each one had been the same. Her bored voice droned on, and not for the first time she thought about pawning this duty off on one of the more trustworthy trainee’s. Stopping once again at her office door Thera placed her hands on her hips and eyed Perivar top to bottom. "So tell me, does your Borderland pride still insist on a punishment?"

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The Mistress of Trainees eyebrows rose as she glared at him as if she wanted to rip his head off.  He knew she would not like to hear what he said though there was nothing to do about it, what was done was done and trangressions must be punished. 


He noticed her hands, their suttle movements betraying her outer calm, he knew her emotions were battling within her obviously wanting to grip the sword and remove his "pretty little Arafellin head", that was what she had said earlier, wasn't it?  He doubted she found the hard edges of his face pretty, noe but a borderlander would.  On the edge of turning 17 though to outsiders he looked a bit older.  Foolish thoughts he mused to himself, well it was either that or think on the woman who wanted to kill him. 


Blood and bloody ashes! The Tower Guard had warned him though he never imagined this encounter in a million years.  He would rather have faced a dozen trollocs than this Mistress of Trainees, honestly things would not have been that bad had he not drawn his sword on her.  A fool move in response to a hand on his shoulder, it was done though and he must pay for the offense.


The Mistress of Trainees seemed to be doing one of those calming excersizes that his instructors had try to teach him to no avail.  She was calm enough though when she spoke her voice was like liquid fire “If you insist after we’ve finished the tour that you deserve a punishment for your..transgression I will find something suitable”


If he spoke it would only infuriate her further so he simply nodded indicating that he insisted on a punishment for his transgression.  She stormed out of the office without another word, she did not even spare a glance to see if he had followed though she must have known that he would.


The Mistress of Trainees gave the tour as if it she had done it a thousand times before.  Her voice droned on obviously wishing to be somewhere else rather than where she was.  Was this her normal demeanor or had he offended her so much that she hated him so.  She could hate him 'til the end of time as long as his honor remained intact.  His honor was still firmly linked to his family and it could not be stained.


Before he knew it they had returned to her office.  Placing her hand on her hips like his mother used do when she scolded him, she eyed him up and down before saying "So tell me, does your Borderland pride still insist on a punishment?"


Did she really need to ask again, did she think he would relent, no matter the price it had to be paid.  He nodded again in response though this time he spoke "It does Mistress"

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Throwing her hands up in disgust Thera muttered a particularly pungent oath and stalked into her office as if she meant to walk right through the wall. “Sit” she barked pointing vaguely in the direction of the chairs in front of her desk. “And nothing about preferring to stand…just sit and be quiet” Piled in a dusty corner of her office was a file with detailed lists of trainee’s who’d been punished. It listed their name their transgression and the punishment they were assigned. Thera often referred to those old lists when she had a particularly stubborn trainee. Contrary to what most people believed, Thera had not great love of punishments. He had hated receiving them during her training, and she hated passing them out even more; but it came along with the job.


She quickly pawed through a few files before finding the one she needed. After closing the lid to the boxes Thera walked over and tossed the file on the desk. It fell open and she flipped a few pages further in as she took her seat. It was obvious by the dust and the slight decaying of the pages that the record was old. Finding the spot she needed Thera recited out loud.


“ Trainee Andulen Maxin age 17. Young Maxin has asked to be punished yet again for a insulting the honor of another young man who did not know the difference.” She glanced up to see if Perivar was getting the point of this. “This time I think I shall make it so he will never ask again. The punishment is as follows. From First until High he will be forced to run laps naked in the baking sun, and he will be switched if he falters. After that a few hours cleaning the jakes with his bare hands will get him ready for the last stage. Where he will be staked on a cart bed with all four limbs draw and tied until he promises never to beg punishment again. If after two days he has failed to yield we will begin removing appendages one at a time” Thera had read many files over the years, and she found this one very hard to believe. It did not fall short of torture if it did at all, but true or false it had served to scare many a trainee straight. If Thera closed her eyes she could almost see young Andulen going pop eyed at reading what his Mistress had planned. She could bet only hearing the words had scared the young man straight. Looking up into Perivar’s eyes she saw only acceptance and this time she could not suppress a sigh.

“As you can see Perivar, foolish boys who carry too much pride are punished severely.”

Standing up she walked around her desk to perch in front of him with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. “I do not like to dole out punishments young man, but I will if they are deserved. I do not feel your slip deserves what you are asking, but since you did ask I will oblige. But know I will be harder on you than on one who truly deserves; In hopes that you will learn that there is such a thing as having too much pride.”


Pacing slowing around his chair Thera taped a finger to her lips as she thought. “I think the first thing is for you to give up your weapons.” In a swift movement she drew both swords from his sheath and backed away a few steps with the weapons raised. “Fear not, they will be kept safe in my care until you are deemed worthy to handle them without harming yourself or some unexpected woman.” It had been a risky move, even for someone with far greater skill, but well worth the risk because already she could see a tinge of regret in Perivar eye. “Your belt knife two please” she said holding her hand out. “ Now that you are of no great harm to anyone I suppose it is safe to send you to Master Raten. He over sees the young me in charge of mucking out the stables and keeping the jakes clean. He’ll give you a task to keep you busy for a few hours. Whenever he is done with you report back to me. We have more business to attend to.” With one hand Thera opened the door and motioned Perivar out. He would learn one way or another that no good could come form too much pride.


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"Sit" she barked, she must think him an idiot since she added “And nothing about preferring to stand…just sit and be quiet” he knew quite well that it had been a command.  She grabbed something out of a box in the corner of her office which produced a cloud of dust.


Perivar watched as she flipped through some pages, the documents showed signs of age.  She started to read aloud once she found her mark.  "Trainee Andulan Maxin...."  He raised eyebrows at the mention of removing appendages, truly she did not mean to do that but if she did there was nothing to do about it.  The person offended had a right to decide the punishment, there was noone else present who could intervene saying that it was too dear. 


She looked at him to gauge his response but he offered nothing but cool acceptance of the fact that a punishment was due. Obviously the passage she read did not have the intended effect.  Standing up she walked around her desk to perch in front of him with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. “I do not like to dole out punishments young man, but I will if they are deserved. I do not feel your slip deserves what you are asking, but since you did ask I will oblige. But know I will be harder on you than on one who truly deserves; In hopes that you will learn that there is such a thing as having too much pride.”


Did she not understand, it was their way, was he to through his ethics and morals too the wind, it was the way he was raised.  If her punishment was too light then he would need to impose one upon himself.  He was always harder on himself than others could ever be.  A penance was meant to be hard.


Pacing around his chair she tapped her lips with a finger saying that he must give up his weapons.  In the blink of an eye she had snatched his swords from their sheaths.  Backing away she told him that they would be kept safe.  She seemed to think that he might attempt to grab them back.  Truth be told even if he had known she was going to do that he would not have tried to stop her.  This was his punishment after all, she was well within her rights to set it.  Nonetheless he felt the loss and he was sure that it was apparent on his face.  She probably thought he was pained from having them taken from him instead it was the fact that he had worn them every day since he had begun training with them. 


The second part of that sentence had been the biggest insult that he had suffered since arriving.  Kept safe in her care until he was deemed worthy to handle them without harming himself or some unexpected woman.  He barely bit back an oath, blood and bloody ashes, he had carried those swords for years and could wield them blind folded without a chance that he would injure himself.  Did she think that he had no skill, that he was simply allowed to parade around with them strapped to his back.  He was no Warder or blademaster though he could wield them better than most his age.  He had faced many trollocs before coming here, had she?  He tried to clam himself but inside he felt like a tightly compressed spring.


Light! insinuating that he would dare harm a woman, no self respecting borderlander would dare think of harming a woman.  A woman had nothing to fear, she could parade around the borderlands naked and not have any fear that she would be harmed.  The insult bit deep and his face contorted under the strain of bearing the insult. 


After all he had only drawn because he had been thinking of trollocs and myrdraal when she came up behind him placing her hand on his shoulder.  There was no room for excuses though, he could not...no he would not offer one, never!  He removed his belt knife upon her command and handed it to her hilt first.  He wanted to scream, pure fire filled his eyes. 


She went on  “ Now that you are of no great harm to anyone I suppose it is safe to send you to Master Raten. He over sees the young me in charge of mucking out the stables and keeping the jakes clean. He’ll give you a task to keep you busy for a few hours. Whenever he is done with you report back to me. We have more business to attend to.”


She opened the door and motioned Perivar out. Before leaving he washed his face of all expression.  Taking a calming breath he knelt to her touching forehead then heart.  For a moment his hand almost went to where his hilts should have been, a penance.  He ran, no he srinted out the door, the silver bells in his braids chiming as he went to find Master Raten eager to serve his punishment.  As soon as he was sure that she could not see him a smile broke on his face.  His penance was issued and would be served...



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He paused momentarily, his exhausted arm hung in the air as if it was about to knock on the door of the Mistress of Trainees.  Light he hoped this meeting went better than the first.  He had cleaned up after his day mucking stalls and cleaning the jakes though he was not sure that he could ever wash away the smell.  Shrugging his shoulders he took a calming breath, honors are even he thought then pounded on the door.

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The smell of soap intermingled with old hay and something foul drifted to her nose as soon as Perivar opened the door. She wrinkled her nose before she was able to control herself.

“Welcome back Perivar, I trust your day with Master Raten went well? And that you have also considered your punishment met?” He nodded before taking his seat. “I am glad you are done with that foolishness, now your real training can begin. Since your foolishness put you a day behind I trust you will work twice as hard to catch up.” She raised her eyebrows slightly to put emphasis on her words. They were an order, even if formed as something like a request.


Turning behind her desk she grabbed his swords and his belt knife too. “I think I can trust you with these again, just do not prove me wrong.” Folding her hands together she watched the young man as he settled his blades. The weapons suited the boy and she was glad to see only relief in his eyes.


“Since you’ve already had your tour..and a punishment the only things left are your 100 laps and then you begin your training. Get to those now so you can spend the rest of the day catching up”  


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Perivar opened the door and approached the Mistress of Trainees desk.  Even though he had washed as best he could, he still stunk from his chores which and it was evident that Mistress Thera had noticed as well.  She must have expected as much since she knew what his penance would entail.


He nodded when she asked if he considered his punishment met.  He dare not speak so to himself he said honors even.  She told him his foolishness had cost him a days training.  That bit deep though his honor could not be tainted, no matter how far behind in his training that it put him.  She told him that she expected him to work twice as hard to make up for it making sure to emphasize her words.  That he would definately do, he would train as hard as ever.


Mistress Thera reached behind her and his eyes lit up as she picked up his swords and belt knife.  She handed them to him saying that she thought she could trust him with them with a warning not to prove her wrong.  Another jab he thought, he kept his mouth closed as he strapped his weapons where they belonged, with him.  He could not recal the last time that he was without them.


Perivar thought a moment, had he been home such a comment about a man being able to handle his weapons would have been an serious insult and likely would have led to a fist fight or a duel.  That of course if the offender was a man, if it was a woman then that would be another matter altogether.  He certainly did not put voice to that thought, she would've gone up light like hundreds of the illuminator's nightflowers.


Mistress Thera finished their meeting by ordering him to run 100 laps around the yard.  With formal bow he spoke "As you command Mistress!" then sprinted out the door and began his laps.  He hoped that he would finish in time to get some training in.



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