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Okay, I'm 100% sure this has not been discussed before! ;D


The sisters who kidnapped Rand promised Colavaere that he would never return to Cairhien.


"They promised," she mumbled to Rand. "They promised you would never return." Too late, she clamped both hands over her mouth.


There is a scene in the book with Katerine Sedai and Colavaere:

"We intend to offer him escort to Tar Valon," Katerine Alruddin said, shifting slightly. She could never decide whether Cairhienin chairs were as uncomfortabte as they looked or one merely believed they were because they looked so uncomfortable. "Once he leaves Cairhien for Tar. Valon, there will be ... a vacuum here."

Unsmiling in the gilded chair opposite her, the Lady Colavaere leaned forward slightly. "You interest me, Katerine Sedai. Leave us," she snapped to the servants. Katerine smiled.


So very clearly, a promise was made by the AS that Rand would not return and yet he did. That is a spoken promise, broken.

Assuming that the person(s) who promised is not BA, an oath has been broken but nothing happened to the oathbreaker.

It may have been Katerine (who does not seem to be BA I believe).


Thoughts thoughts.

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Actually, Katerine is one of two confirmed BA involved in the kidnapping. The other one of course being Galina.


However, even if Katerina had not been BA, she could have spoken such a promise if she believed it to be true.

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Guest Dreadlord

Im sure the Oath about not lying goes off what you believe. So as long as they believed Rand wouldnt return then I wouldn't class that as a lie myself.


If the Oath went off what was really true other than what was believed by the person they could use it for sooooo many things it would be unbelievable. They could root out the Black Ajah with it, for one thing, by simply trying to declare each and every Aes Sedai as Black one by one

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