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^ Character image, for easy referrence. Doesn't usually wear dresses, obviously, but it fits the description better ^^;


Name: Calaun Ontrix Seyr

Username: Jehaine

Email: Amyante[at]hotmail[dot]com

Subgroup/Guild: Shadowspawn (Myrddraal)

Clan of Origin: Ahf'frait


Weapon of choice: Two-handed axe.


Physical Description:


Standing at 6 ft 2, and weighing approximately 152 pounds, Calaun is of average height amongst her fellow Myrddraal. She has short black hair hanging down to her shoulders in length, white skin and no eyes. Though truthfully, not many could look her in the eyes if she had them. She has a small red birthmark over her left breast in the shape of a cloud drifting in front of a crescent moon... though that might be a little bit too much credit considering its size.


Like most Myrddraal, she is lean, though appearing to be more muscular than the norm, most likely due to her preference of choosing an axe over a sword. Though her body is that of a female, not many are able to tell the subtle differences due to the heavy black cloak and cowl hiding her form, or the slightly higher pitch of her hissing voice, and most don't even bother to.




Calaun has a fair share of willpower. She will follow orders, but has a strong sense of honor, and will refuse to do things that go against what she believes in. Those beliefs include the Dark One breaking free of his prison and out into the world, and standing in His favor when that time comes. A true Ahf'frait, she believes weapon skill is the path to victory, and has virtually no tolerance for weaklings and cowards. Perhaps the oddest trait of her personality is that she is very adamant on being called a 'Myrddraal' as opposed to 'Halfman', 'Lurk' and other names that seem to be popular amongst Lightfools.


Quote: "Live by the sword, die by my sword."




Being female, Calaun's future didn't look all that glorious. As most Trolloc females were used as mates to bolster the Tribe's numbers, her father -- generally not the sharpest tool in the shed -- figured the same had to be true for his Myrddraal daughter as well. Lacking a son, and quite possibly having little else to do with his free time, he still taught the girl the basics of weaponry though, teaching her what he knew of the massive axe he carried. Myrddraal or not, he reasoned, Calaun was still his child, and as such had his name to uphold within the Ahf'frait.


When the time came that the girl was to be drafted into the Army of the Shadow, one of the first things she encountered was a large amount of sexism. Oh, the Trollocs weren't much of an issue, they'd shy away from her eyeless gaze -- or at least got the feeling they were needed elsewhere, anyway -- but the true threat came from the other Myrddraal in the Fist. One that had until recently been the only Myrddraal in the Fist. One that had no intentions of sharing its priviledges to a newcomer such as herself. While most Trollocs could be brought on other ideas by her gaze, the other Myrddraal had no reservations against using her as its bootheel. She was the youngest Myrddraal addition to the Fist, and therefore below him as far as he was concerned, something he never hesitated to point out to her.


When one such act of humiliaion got out of hand and he decided to show her 'what women were for in his eyes', she didn't intend to hold back any longer. A fight broke out between the two Myrddraal, causing quite a bit of destruction in its wake as tent poles were used as clubs, and kicks sent each other flying into stakes driven in the ground, snapping them like twigs. The other Trollocs in the camp cheered the battle on, some even placing bets on the outcome. A fight was a fight after all, and no Trolloc in his right mind would try to break up a fight between two Myrddraal, both of whom could tear said Trolloc limb from limb. At the end of it however, Calaun managed to get the upper hand, squeezing her tormentor's throat shut until sunrise.


In the eyes of the Ahf'frait however, she had been starting to get a grudging respect of some of the Claw Commanders due to her being able to kill a Fadeling alone and unarmed. The fact that the victim in question was a total selfish bastard helped a great deal in earning a small degree of respect in the Trollocs' eyes. Hearing the rumors amongst his subordinates, the Fist Commander decided to give her a chance and took the girl under his direct command as a full member. Male or female, a Myrddraal in the Fist was better than NO Myrddraal in the Fist, and if she had already proven herself to his Claw Commanders EVEN BETTER.


Though other Myrddraal (and some Trollocs) are still able to tell the difference between Myrddraal genders behind the armor and cloaks that simply weren't intended to show off more feminine forms, most don't bother to bring it up as she earned her place as much as they have. If she didn't, she'd get herself decently killed anyway, so who cared?




Calaun has a fair share of willpower. She will follow orders, but has a strong sense of honor, and will refuse to do things that go against what she believes in. Those beliefs include the Dark One breaking free of his prison and out into the world, and standing in His favor when that time comes. A true Ahf'frait, she believes weapon skill is the path to victory, and has virtually no tolerance for weaklings and cowards. Perhaps the oddest trait of her personality is that she is very adamant on being called a 'Myrddraal' as opposed to 'Halfman', 'Lurk' and other names that seem to be popular amongst Lightfools.


I have a problem with this paragraph. The word Honor implies several things that I don't believe you intend to imply. First and foremost being that she carries beliefs of sympathy, kindness and goodness. That simply can't be so. Secondly, if she truly does strive to free the Dark one of his prison and stand in his favor, then there will never be an order given her that she won't follow. That essentially makes this paragraph moot.


Beyond that, unless I am mistaken, Myrddraal are blessed with less self-will than trollocs(who simply haven't the wit to care). This means that there are many points in this bio that are, quite frankly, too human.


These are my concerns.


Well, i was kind of at a loss how to describe it. With 'Honor' i meant she won't use dirty tricks in combat to take someone down. Though kindness and sympathy are often associated with it, i believe you're thinking of chivalry here.


When she fights a Lightfool, she will not spare his life. But she won't use dirty tricks on him either, like attacking him in the back (one vs. one, anyway. Regimental manoevers are another thing entirely). Nor would she treat the Trollocs linked to her as expendable cannon fodder, for that matter. One can be evil to the core and still fight with a sense of honor, which was what i was going for when i named it that.


As for 'orders given that she won't follow', that would be her refusing to go on suicide missions. Oh sure, a Warlord or Chosen outranks her far enough that she'd follow it without question, but if for example the Fist Commander had a stupid idea she'd not bow her head and keep quiet about it. She'd still try and fulfill the goals, just not necessarily in the way she was ordered to. "The end justifies the means", so to speak, and results are what ultimately count.


Fair enough. That clears it up enough that I don't have any problems with that particular mention. There is still the matter of how human she appears... but that's really a matter of personal preference and I suppose it's not something I should deny you your Crosscheck for. My issues being absolved, consider it CC'd.


actualy this natural, the fades is a throwback towards the human stock in the trollocs


if you look in the books their behaviour and abilities lay more to the human scale of things then the trolloc one, they can speak and comunicate quite well, they have a human body form if white in skin, eyeless, and taller


so its natural to presume it would behave more human like then trolloc like, in fact by our info in sg the normal fade has no love as such for trollocs and those who do are nickenamed trolloc lovers as an abnormal thing *s*

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