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DM Handle: Sylvirci





DIV Bio is for: Freelanders, Seanchan


Character Name: Fyruk Da’covale


Age: 20


From: Shon Kifar, Sheanchan


Height: 5’8


Weight: 150lbs


Hair: Raven blue-black


Eyes: Green




Appearance: Angelically beautiful. Shoulder length hair that is blue-black and tied back with a black leather tie. Eyes as green as emeralds on a face that is innocent and childlike that adds a look of extreme beauty. He wears basic armor of the Ever Victorious Army most of the time and when not in armor he wears simple black pants and boots, leaving his perfect form exposed for all to see. He was very obviously in excellent shape, but that was to be expected after a life in service to a Lady of the Blood. He had danced and done forms since he could walk and all that training made him a sleek and slim powerhouse of muscled beauty. The last thing of note, and very few ever see it, is a birthmark on his right wrist. It is a perfect side profile of a raven in flight, of such a dark brown color as to appear black.




Personality: Fyruk knows he is property, he was born property and will die property. He is not dissatisfied or unhappy with this knowledge, instead he is jubilant and proud of his da’covale status. He has served a member of the Blood his whole life and lives to please whichever of the Blood currently owns him. He is fiercely devout and loyal to his newest Lady, the Daughter of the Nine Moons, may she live forever, and will attack anyone who questions or disobeys her in a heart beat even if he is unarmed. To him, his life means nothing if he loses sei’taer or face and honor before his Lady. He will do anything to keep that from happening.




History: Born as a da’covale he was taught that his life was to be in service to the Blood since his first breath. As he was an exceptionally beautiful child with an rare birthmark the Lady in charge of Shon Kifar immediately took him as her own da’covale. He was trained from the moment he could walk in the art of dances and forms that would please her. He was also taught how to serve the Lady in other ways as well, such as serving kaf and food or holding the hunting birds the Lady loved so much.




It was a good life for him as he gained favor with the Lady and grew to be a constant presence around her. When he was twelve she took an interest in seeing how he reacted around armed men while they trained for combat. Letting him watch the soldiers train barehanded and with weapons she watched his eyes. At first he barely paid attention until it became clear she expected him to, then he avidly watched the men go through their forms and exorcises. He was awed and drank in as much as he could. With his quick mind and good memory he quickly learned the forms and could do them himself.




His Lady did not want him to be scarred however, so instead she set a master to teach him and a damane to heal any bruise or cut immediately. Then he performed those forms for her pleasure, much to her great delight. Since his lady was so pleased with his performance of military forms he watched all soldiers of all ranks to learn all that he could and quickly realized that, if he so chose, he could be a soldier himself. However he would never do so nor would he ever ask. The Lady was Blood and he lived to serve the Blood and would do nothing to earn sei’mosiev, or face before one of the Blood. So he kept to watching and learning but only performing the forms for his Lady’s pleasure.




When he was 19 his life changed drastically. He was performing for his Lady when a commotion and the sounds of battle were heard from outside the chambers. He glanced quickly towards the Lady and saw the Blood drain from her face, fearing the worst and not receiving any commands from anyone. He quickly stopped what he was doing and ran to stand by the door. He was shirtless and only wearing the see-through white cloth pants of one of his station, but none of that mattered. He would defend his Lady no matter what, even at the cost of his own life!




A moment later the door was blown off its hinges and in swarmed a man dressed in the black and dark green of the Death Watch. Fear coursed through his veins for an instant but it wasn’t fear for himself, it was fear for his Lady. Letting the years of practicing the forms take over he slammed into the second Death Watch and saw him knocked back into the men behind them. The first man spun around and was shocked to see a dancing da’covale standing before him. That surprise allowed Fyruk to reach up and with a snap of his wrist he disarmed the man and ran him through. Now the other Death Watch were recovered from the initial psuh backwards and they swarmed around him on all sides. Without thinking about what he was doing, Fyruk simply lashed out at the closest one and managed to slash a small gash in his face before he himself was run through by ten blades. Fyruk started swinging wildly now and wasn’t sure if he managed to land strikes or not.




He would have kept going but his Lady’s voice rang out in fear, “ Hold da’covale! Do not fight the Blood or their Death Watch! My Lady! What brings the Daughter of the Nine Moons, may she live forever, to see one as low as me?” Fyruk stopped and swaying from so many wounds looked around to see his Lady prostrate on the floor, the Death Watch had stopped as well and now made way for the woman walking slowly into the room. Seeing that she was Blood and guessing that she was the Daughter of the Nine Moons, may she live forever, he immediately dropped the sword and prostrated himself face on the ground arms and hands held flat and straight towards her. He wanted to apologize, say that if he had known it was Blood attacking he would not have fought, but it wasn’t true and he wasn’t allowed to speak unless spoken to. So he stayed there, even bleeding as he was, he stayed perfectly still. He had done what he thought a da’covale should do, live to serve or die for the Blood who owned them and he refused to feel regret for his actions.




His hearing and mind were starting to fade as talking began, all he made out was the Death Watch speaking in awe about what he had done before he was suddenly jerked upright and then he lost consciousness. When he awoke he was ravenous but he felt otherwise like he was whole. Opening his eyes he glanced about and was instantly helped to an upright position and then force fed. When he had cleared the bowl of food he was helped out of bed, it was then he noticed that he didn’t have a single wound. Realization struck him, he had been healed by a damane.. He was wondering why but kept his head down as he was lead by two Death Watch to his Lady’s receiving chambers. Only now his Lady was nowhere to be seen from the corner of his eyes. Instead he saw the dress he remembered from earlier.




Going prostrate instantly he wondered what had happened but he didn’t have long to wait before a melodious voice spoke. “ What is your name da’covale? What possessed a da’covale to attack Death Watch warriors and slay two of them? The Daughter of the Nine Moons wishes to know, may she live forever.” Without any hesitation he responded calmly and softly.




“ This da’covale is named Fyruk if it pleases the Lady? This da’covale has spent many years serving my former Lady by watching the soldiers train and practice, then performing their forms for the Lady’s pleasure if it please my Lady? This da’covale simply reacted to the threat he felt was bared against my former Lady if it please my Lady?” He didn’t feel like he was betraying his former Lady, he served the Blood and a higher member of the Imperial family was definitely higher and worthy of his calling her my Lady. He was curious as to why he had been saved though, attacking the Death Watch was equivalent to attacking the Blood!




Again that melodious voice rang out, “ It does please our Lady to hear these words. Fyruk, da’covale, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Ever Victorious Army! You will be watched and if found deserving will be promoted to Death Watch status and serve our Lady as one of her guard. You are dismissed!” He immediately got up and bowed as he walked out of her presence backwards.




He turned around and was immediately stopped as the doors closed behind him. Standing before was the Captain of his new Lady’s Death Watch, he looked and judged Fyruk with a quick glance before saying, “ You will forget you past except for your warrior’s training. It was I who spoke on your behalf to our Lady. I asked about how a da’covale who could fight, however ineptly, against my men and manage to kill two of them. After learning that you have never fought but been trained in the forms showed me that you have great potential to become a very skilled member of the Death Watch. Those skills along with this,” the Captain grabbed Fyruk’s arm and revealed his birthmark, “ tells me you were destined to be one of us. Now all you have to do is bring Honor and Glory to our Lady and yourself to earn it. Don’t disappoint me in helping you achieve this Honor being bestowed to you. I will see you again. Now go Lieutenant and no more of the old bowing and scraping around.”




Fyruk started to look down at the dismissal but at the Captain’s clearing of his throat, he looked up with pride and a hint of defiance. “ Good, you learn quickly. Never forget to be proud of your status and the status to come. We leave to reclaim the ancient lands of the Empress’ ancestors, may she live forever, in a few days. Train hard and when we land fight even harder and claim your place among my men in service to our Lady.” With that the Captain walked through the doors of the chamber and they closed once more.




A feeling close to ecstasy washed through him as the realization of what had just happened finally dawned on him. He vowed right there to bring Honor and glory to his new Lady and would not disappoint her, ever! With thoughts of devotion for his new Lady of the Blood and things he could and would do to prove himself worthy of the new status flowing through his mind he followed a soldier to where the rest of the Ever Victorious Army was camped.




Over the next few months he trained diligently to become a good warrior and leader. All day he trained and part of the night as well. He felt he had so much to learn and so little time to learn it before they landed in the old world. During this time he turned twenty but barely noticed or thought about it until someone asked him how old he was. They thought to question his right to command until they realized from someone else that when he was untrained he had killed two members of the Death Watch. That made the others in his new command quickly silence themselves lest they find his blade buried in their chest. He was a favorite of his Lady and everyone knew it, no one would risk harming him and losing face and honor before Her. He waited now for the horizon to appear and glorious battle engaged in the name of the Empress, may she live forever!

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