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New BT Division Leader Needed (Deadline for Apps: 23rd May)


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As you guys have probably noticed, Joce has kind of gotten eaten up by real life.  And even though we love her lots and think she has been a great Division Leader, we're going to have to make with finding a replacement, as the Division deserves active leadership.


To that end, we're putting out a call for applications for her replacement.  If you are interested, please fill in the following form and email it to raeynsedai(at)yahoo(dot)com and owen.glendawr(at)gmail(dot)com:




NOTE! You do not need have a character in the Black Tower at current, but if you were to be chosen for the job, we would expect you to make one.







How long have you been RPing?


How long have you been RPing at Dragonmount?


Why do you want to be the Black Tower Division Leader?


What do you think you can bring to the Black Tower and to the DR PSW as a whole?


How would you deal with a problem member?


In a conflict with another member, be it staff or one of your members?


What would you say your strengths are?


How much time can you dedicate weekly to the job?


Anything else you'd like to add? (References, other useful skills, etc)



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