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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step Rien


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The note from Ginae still in hand,Daemon was waiting near the Armory entrance.As Ginae had informed him he was assaigned a new mentee - Rien Lach.It was a while since he was entrusted a mentee due to his harsh ways of training,and he has almost forgotten what being a mentor is like.But he was soon to recall that.


As he noticed a young man,almost a boy walk into the yards,he checked the note again.Yes,he matched the description.


"Rien Lach?" - the boy nodded. - "I am Daemon Ronshor,Tower Guard and Grand Master of the Path of the Blade.I am assaigned to be your mentor.Now follow me,we're to visit the Armory.While we're on our way there - tell me about your skills with weapons"

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Rien walked with the unfamiliar man, and answered

"My father started to teach me the sword, but he died before he could teach me much of anything" Rien's nervousness showed in his voice, he was finally starting his training! "I also can use a bow and a quarterstaff, although I don't see how that could help me here" Rien finished.

Rien's long journey from Caemlyn to Tar Valon had been wearying, but he paid no attention to his fatigue, after all, this was his dream.

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Bow and quatterstaff,weapons that relied on the users agility and speed.Daemon made a mental note of that as he led Rien further into the grounds.His question continued.


"On which do you relly the most Rien,speed or strenght?Which do you think is your best and what might give you an edge in combat?"


The massive building of the armory was now infront of them,as Daemon rained more questions on Rien.


"Do you preffer heavier weapons or lighter?Ranged or melee?" - Daemon noticed that Rien was a bit nervous but he had one last question. - "And do you preffer to fight alone or in group."


Obviously Daemon had overdone a bit with the questions,as Rien ws deep in thought.


"Take your time and answer truthfully to these questions,as they will help me pick the right training to suit your talents.Once you answer,enter the armory and choose a weapon you like best"




ooc:Description of all weapons in teh armory can be found here : http://www.gaidin.org/armory.php

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Rien puzzled his mentor's questions for a few moments. He liked speed, after all he had almost gotten away with his father's brandy back home...He liked the idea of a light weapon such a thing would suit his speed and cunning. Rien also liked both ranged and melee weapons, because they each held their own advantages. But the one question he pondered the most was whether he liked fighting alone or in a group.

Rien figured that fighting in a group was easier, but Rien wanted to train hard, so he decided on fighting alone

Rien answered his mentor's questions in order, and Daemon gestured to the wide double doors of the armory, Rien opened them and went inside.

Rien's eyes widened when he saw what was inside,the room was filled with weapons! Rien had never seen so many in one place! Ringing of steel came from the back of the room, where the forge apparently was.

As he walked around the room Rien searched for a weapon that looked swift and deadly, and after searching for a few moments he found one. It was a sword, but it looked much thinner than the sword his father gave him, it also had a perculiar curve. But what was it? It looked sharp and very dangerous, but at the same time it looked fluidly majestic.

Rien decided that he would use this sword, for now at least, he might not like it, it didn't look anything like his father's sword. What about his father's sword? Rien asked himself, should he use that instead?...No,he would use his father's sword when he was worthy of it.

Rien walked out of the armory quickly and eagerly showed the sword to his mentor.

"I have chosen a weapon, sir" Rien said, "but I don't know what it is..."

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"I have chosen a weapon, sir" Rien said, "but I don't know what it is..."


Daemon thought that Rien had chosen one of the more exotic weapons in the Armory,but to his surprise Rien has chosen a katana.


"So I see.Well what you have chosen the katana sword.There are quite a few katana wielders in the Tower Grounds,including myself.The katana is a masterpiece of a weaponsmith.It is manifactured ina process called folding the metal.A katana is often folded several thousand times,which makes it very strong,and creates it's unique cutting edge,but the down side of this is that the katana is fragile.Though some consider it a heavy weapon,it is actually not so heavy,and ot relies on the speed of it's wileder,and the sharpest cutting edge that any sword has,to win a fight.You need to be very carefull with such a weapon though,and it's maintenance is not easy.You need to make sure that the edge is not damaged and keep the blade oilded and clean at all times." - Daemon's gaze turn a bit to the side,looking at the entrance of the armory. He took a flask of weaponsmith oil,some rags,and a sharpening stone. - "You will need these in order to keep the blade in shape Rien. Now,do you have any questions about the weapon or it's maintenance?"



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Rien took the items from his mentor. A Katana? he asked himself, the name was new to him. Daemon's explaination of the weapon further increased Rien's confidence that this katana was the right choice of a weapon.

Rien examined the deadly weapon closely, the hilt had leather wrapped around it, and the crossgaurds were small, but functional. The blade was bright from polishing, it shone in bright contrast with the old hilt. The blade was obviously new, but the hilt must have been sitting around for a while. The scabbard wasn't leather, it would appear that the blade might cut through it if it was, but instead it was hard, Rien couldn't tell what is was made of. On the scabbard there were two yellow ribbons that would hang down when the sword was worn, the ends of the scabbard were capped with metal that seemed to have small designs on it. The scabbard seemed as new as the blade.

Rien understood that he would have to maintain the sword, after all, he had taken care of his father's sword.

"I have no more questions, sir." Rien responded, "I am eager to get started"

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Rien was obviously in awe by the weapon,and was eager to learn.Good,this ment that Rien would pay attention to instructions,and take good care of the blade.


"Worry not Rien,your training will begin soon enough.Enjoy your free time while you have it,because once you begin training,free days will be few and far between.Though I would like to see what skill you currently have." - with that Daemon drew his own sword. - "I wish you to attack me.I will only defend myself."


ooc:Ok,have a go at Daemon,with the current weapon scores you wouldn't be able to penetrate his defence but let's not bother with details,just have fun

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Rien was surprised at his mentor's offer to attack him, he didn't expect to fight him this soon!

Rien awkwardly drew his curved blade and assumed the only stance his father taught him

"Are you ready for this?" Rien asked his mentor, who nodded back.

Rien started out with a quick lunge towards Daemon's sword arm, but that move was easily blocked. He continued with a quick swipe at his mentor's leg, but again, it was blocked. Rien was beginning to feel foolish, he thought he would be able to come here and be better than everyone, but he obviously wasn't better than Daemon. Rien had practiced by himself whenever he got the chance, working out angles of sword strokes and how to block them, but Daemon's moves were subtle and effective, obviously much more advanced that Rien's moves were.

Rien didn't let that stop him, he let out a fury of slashes directed at Daemon, and like before his attempts were all in vain. Rien decided it was useless, but he wanted to get one more attack in. This move had cut through a small tree back home, before he left...before his father died. Rien stepped back and stood almost crouched with the sword at his left side. He stood there like that for a few moments, gathering up his waning strength. Suddenly he jumped forward and made a horizontal strike at Daemon's middle. Daemon stopped the sword with his own blade and directed it towards the ground.

Rien was done. Daemon had blocked everything Rien could throw at him. Rien looked at his blade, saw the damage he would have to fix and winced. Daemon seemed to sense that Rien was done, because he had already sheathed his sword. Rien grabbed his scabbard that he had dropped and sheathed his sword as well.

"I guess I have a long way to go," Rien said to his mentor, and it was true, he did have a long way to go, but Rien would never give up...

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"Are you ready for this" - Rien asked before attacking.Unbeknows to him,Rien triggered some memories in Daemon,memories of his first days of training. His first words to Tria Gaidin were almost the same.And as Rien attacked Daemon could easily see himself in his trainee days in Rien's moves.


It was not hard for Daemon to block Rien's attacks,but still this he was pleased with the skill Rien showed.True,it was still rough and unpolished,but that's what he was for,to make sure that Rien develops every single grain of skill he had.


The clash of steel did not rang for long.One by one,Rien's attacks were blocked,with little effort on Daemon's side.It was very soon that Rien realized what he had to do.He sheeted his blade.


"I guess I have a long way to go"


Daemon sheeted his sword


"A journey of a thosand miles begins with a single step Rien,and you just took your first step on the art of honing your skills to perfection.Have the rest of the day off,and enjoy it,it will be your last in quite a while.Tomorrow we begin."

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