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Elayne's babies and the aiel


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so I was thinking about the 'remnant of a remnant' thread and it led me to thinking about some other stuff.


The Aiel accept Rand as one of them, because Janduin was 100% Aiel and Tigraine was accepted into the Aiel. But the truth is he's only 50% Aiel.


However, to the Aiel, he's Aiel, and the Car'a'Carn to boot.


Elayne, is 100% wetlander, as far as I'm aware she has absolutely no Aiel blood in her at all. However, she has adopted Aviendha (and been adopted in turn) as a first-sister - will this change the Aiel's perception of her creed?


What I'm getting at is will the Aiel accept Elayne's babies as their own blood, or will they see them as the mixed-up cross-blooded things that they will actually be? If Aviendha is to have quadruplets eventually, will they (being 75% Aiel) be more accepted than Elayne's babes, despite being from first-sisters (probably sister-wives eventually) and the same man?


Who knows, the aiel pretty much accept everything, I mean, with Perrins eyes and Mins viewings, they simply shrug and get on with things. they will accept Elaynes babies coz Aviendhas is their aunt, and Rands kids. They accepted Egwene, and Mat. I think the only problem they may have trouble dealing with is Perrin Fighting (gasp, a blacksmith cannot fight!).


Ive always wondered why Perrin didnt simply walk into the Shaido and find out where faile was. As a blacksmith, hes untouchable. (sorry, gone off track)


My guess is yes they will accept Elayne, and the babies, as Elayne has accepted the Aiel.

Ive always wondered why Perrin didnt simply walk into the Shaido and find out where faile was. As a blacksmith, hes untouchable.


Possibly because the Shaido were a little unstable at that point? Taking wetlanders gai'shain was unheard of to begin with. *Molesting* the gai'shain, drinking ale . . . they were hardly considered Aiel at that point by the other Aiel.



I don't think they'll have a problem accepting Elayne's babies. Aiel aren't upset by much. Elayne should be able to prove herself not just another wetlander, and gain the respect of the Aiel.


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