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Apologies (Dalinar and anyone else in the Dashiva house)


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The next morning was just as Racelle had expected. Dashiva woke to find his arm around her and without any sort of reaction he took it away and tried to get out of bed. Racelle leaped from her place next to him and helped him up. Without a word or any sort of facial expression, as always, she helped him to the kitchen where he took a chair and watched her begin to prepare him breakfast. She had not spent her life living in an inn never learning to cook. Dash said nothing the entire time she did so, and even as she put a plate of food before him and sat down herself he didnt even look up at her.


Racelle took all this in stride, outwardly at least, inwardly she was extremely guilty and ashamed. Her actions were for good reasons at the time, and she could never take them back or regret them, but were they really worth the betrayal Dashiva had to feel toward her at this moment? Their silent meal was interrupted by a knock at the door.


Rising from her seat at the table in the kitchen she scurried to the door and opened it to find the M'hael staring back at her. Blinking a moment in suprise she hastily remembered herself and bowed. "Be welcome, M'hael." He stepped inside and she led him into the kitchen to Dashiva. The reason for his coming never entered her mind as she led him there. But one look on Dashiva's face when he looked at her brought it about. For the first time, after all of her attempts at escape, she was afraid of the consequences. She realized that all the times she had tried before, she had never made it out of town. What kind of punishment might be issued? Well..more than the look she got from Dashiva?


OOC: okay, Jocelyn this can involve you somewhat and rion if he wants to jump in. Dali, i know i said dash would be the one to start the thread but he's having some rough RL stuff goin on so i did it for him :p

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The next morning was just as Racelle had expected. Dashiva woke to find his arm around her and without any sort of reaction he took it away and tried to get out of bed. Racelle leaped from her place next to him and helped him up. Without a word or any sort of facial expression, as always, she helped him to the kitchen where he took a chair and watched her begin to prepare him breakfast. She had not spent her life living in an inn never learning to cook. Dash said nothing the entire time she did so, and even as she put a plate of food before him and sat down herself he didnt even look up at her.


Racelle took all this in stride, outwardly at least, inwardly she was extremely guilty and ashamed. Her actions were for good reasons at the time, and she could never take them back or regret them, but were they really worth the betrayal Dashiva had to feel toward her at this moment? Their silent meal was interrupted by a knock at the door.


Rising from her seat at the table in the kitchen she scurried to the door and opened it to find the M'hael staring back at her. Blinking a moment in suprise she hastily remembered herself and bowed. "Be welcome, M'hael." He stepped inside and she led him into the kitchen to Dashiva. The reason for his coming never entered her mind as she led him there. But one look on Dashiva's face when he looked at her brought it about. For the first time, after all of her attempts at escape, she was afraid of the consequences. She realized that all the times she had tried before, she had never made it out of town. What kind of punishment might be issued? Well..more than the look she got from Dashiva?


OOC: okay, Jocelyn this can involve you somewhat and rion if he wants to jump in. Dali, i know i said dash would be the one to start the thread but he's having some rough RL stuff goin on so i did it for him :p

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Dashiva woke the morning after the failed escape attempt, and found his arm was once more around Racelle. Slowly pulling his arm back, he rolled over and started to get up. He had managed on his own the day before, and he was determined to get back to his old routine.


He felt some surprise, and then wariness when he realised Racelle was also awake and already helping him get up. He wondered if she thought that pretending nothing had happened would make him forget the day before faster.


Going down the stairs to his home's kitchen he sat down, fully intending on using saidin to cook, except that Racelle was already bustling around his kitchen starting to cook. He blinked once more in surprise, and shook his head as he started viewing her as the beautiful young woman she was to focus himself. Despite the oath she'd taken last night, he didn't entirely trust her and if he viewed her as a young woman, and a beautiful one at that he'd let his guard down again.


Looking down at the table, he looked at the food on the plate Racelle served him, and heard her sitting down across from him. He ate slowly, wrapped in thought, some were work he should be out doing already, others he should have done long ago except being sick had halted them. He tried not to think about the other's.


He ate quickly and quietly, looking up at a knock on his door. He went back to his food and looked up again at close footsteps, glancing at Racelle and then at Dalinar. He paled slightly, and scowled a moment at Racelle before straightening in his chair and touching fist to chest.


He figured he was going to be told not to leave his home again until fully recovered, but that was something he already planned on ignoring. He'd managed to chase Racelle and Jocelyn well past the walls, so he would return to his morning and evening exercises.


Instead of saying that, he nodded. "Morning Dalinar, have you eaten yet? I'm sure Racelle could cook you something to your taste, if she doesn't try to strangle me first." he said, trying not to make the joke sound flat.

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Guest Dalinar

Dalinar ducked his head subconsciously as he entered the front door of Dashiva's home. He had come here for business, unfortunately, not pleasure. His mind was brewing a storm of dark clouds over the news he had received. He wasn't angry. He was just disappointed... and troubled. These girls could risk everything with their rash behaviour.


He was greeted at the door by one of them, Dashiva had made passing though vague references to the one he assumed must be Racelle. Her greeting was polite and seemed courteous enough but Dali's gaze paused on her a moment measuring and weighing silently.


He then turned into the kitchen, where Dashiva was gorging himself on a small feast of breakfast. The M'Hael Haran paled slightly on seeing him, and then saluted swiftly.


Dalinar forced a small smile at Dashiva's flat ended greeting. "I will have to thankfully decline the offer. I'm glad to see you restoring your energy though," he said approvingly.


"No, truth be told, I'm actually here on more official business... as usual. But for once it shouldn't mean more paperwork for you, seeing as the business is with your house-guests." Dalinar swung his gaze to Racelle and gave paused to see what her reaction would be.




OOC: Sorry it's a bit brief. Not sure what you are after exactly, if anything specific. Let me know, or we can just play it by ear. Tah!

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Racelle stepped aside once she was in kitchen and put her eyes on the floor as soon as Dalinar began speaking about her and Jocelyn's escape. She did not know what to say. She felt wholly responsible for her and the child's actions. She had apologized to Dashiva and on oath she would not leave without permission. She assumed Dash would explain all this to Dalinar but instead...


"Of course, we can discuss it in my office." He had shoved his plate away from him and was straightening from his chair. Dalinar nodded in acquiescence as Dash strode, slowly, past him and up the hallway. Vexed, Racelle darted past Dalinar through the doorway to Dashiva's side. She took his arm, but he shook her off and walked on his own. She sighed but let him. Besides, she worried about the stairwell more than the hallway. He may be strong enough to walk on his own, but she would be damned by the Light if he was going to further injure himself because he wouldnt accept help up the stairs!


He took them slowly and his jaw was set determinedly, but Racelle took his hand and refused to let go as he put a foot on the first step. As he ascended his grip tightened and he leaned heavily on the rail along the wall and her hand. He had really come a long way. The last time he had attempted the stairs he only made it half way before he had to sit down completely to gather his strength before continuing. This time he had made it all the way to the top of the stairwell without major difficulty. She was glad to see that he kept her hand in his as they made it to his office. She helped him around his desk and into his chair before taking a place along the back wall.


After the worry about Dashiva passed as he sat in his chair easily, her worry turned back to Dalinar. What would they do to punish someone for attempting escape?

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Guest Dalinar

Dalinar followed Dashiva upstairs to his office and closed the door behind him.


He turned a stern eye towards the M'Hael Haran. "You're not pacing yourself." It was a statement, not a question. "Next time you get yourself that sick, I'll have a new Soldier Heal you back to health... Unless you're very lucky, you probably won't be able to move for a week afterwards."


Dalinar slumped down into a chair without waiting for an invitation and folded his arms across his chest. "But that's another matter. Racelle is posing a problem. Potentially a threat. Along with that other woman found with her. What is being done about it?"




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Dashiva stood and started walking towards the stairwell to go to his office, and shook his arm to pull it away from Racelle. Walking down the hall, he refused to admit he was barely strong enough to walk around on his own even now weeks after that bloody trip to his home town.


Setting his foot on the first step, his jaw tightened as he pushed himself up and slowly took the stairs. Racelle took his hand and he shook it to try waving her off again, but this time she didn't let go and despite all his best efforts he clenched her hand tightly and leaning hard against the railing he'd istalled when he'd built his home.


He got to the top and walked a little slower into his office without bothering to try shaking off Racelle's supporting hand and dropped into his chair a little more heavily than he really wanted to.


"You're not pacing yourself." Flinching slightly, he looked back at Dalinar levelly. "Next time you get yourself that sick, I'll have a new Soldier Heal you back to health... Unless you're very lucky, you probably won't be able to move for a week afterwards." His gaze hardened and froze before he pushed away the anger. Dalinar knew how much he liked exercising, and must know he felt like he was in a jail.


"But that's another matter. Racelle is posing a problem. Potentially a threat. Along with that other woman found with her. What is being done about it?"


Flicking his eyes over Racelle, he looked back to Dalinar. "The other woman's weapons have been confiscated, and their access to both their mounts and stable are very restricted," he said flatly. Glancing at Racelle again, he added "Racelle here has sworn an oath that would tie anyone but a Darkfriend if it wasn't a complete lie... I have Rion watching the other woman too."


Shrugging, he looked at Dalinar. "There isn't too much I can do to them, short of throwing them in a cell, unless your implying I should..." he trailed off and shrugged. Personally he didn't think he needed to go that far, but if Dalinar gave the order he doubted he would hesitate more than a few heartbeats.


Something which would be quick and as painless as possible would be his gift, not like what he'd done to those Aiel at Dumai's Wells.

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