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To find another closure...


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Liitha yawned as she sat up, it was still dark. Raising she went to the stream nearby, slowly washing the sleep out of her eyes. She had hid well and allowed herself some light sleep trusting the horses to alert her if anything came close. Sliping into black pants, she pulled on a white shirt and combed her hair before braiding it and puting it into a knot in her neck.


Darkness was slowly giving way to a dawning morning. She lit a fire to make tea, it would be some time till she could drink that again, she wouldnt dare light a fire after crossing into the blight. Her breakfast where some fruit and bread, dousing the fire she went over to the horses. Her new mare slowly where becoming a fine horse fit for her need, the gneldring she had bougth solemly to use as a packhorse for this trip and would be sold when she returned.


She petted the mare on her neck as she watched the sunrise, half a year had passed since she arived in the borderland. During that time there had been a passing of age, and she had let her hair grow with that. She smiled as she felt the mares restlessness under her hand, the mare was young, but she was not.


It was time to leave youth behind and let age setle, to close this chapter of her life too and when she went back to setle for what had driven her to the yard in the first place. She knew it was time soon to find closure and close the circle she had been walking on so long, close it to start a new.


Smiling Liitha pushed away the mule of the mare when she nudged her. It was time to go and she mounted.

They had a long way in front of them this day before they crosed into what had once belonged to the ancestors of her fathers side, before it was swallowed by the blight.


The day passed, for periods she walked to spare the horses. The pack horse mainly carried food and water. If she could keep to the rations both she and the horses would return. It was with silence she laid tarwins gap behind her, and when the evening fell she camped among what seemed be the ruins of an small village once.


Her scouting brought no signs of life but rather total abandoment, nothing had passed through here for long. With that in mind she allowed herself a half sleep though her hand rested on the katanas, at any sign from the horses she would be up and about.


In light of the next morning she had a closer look on the ruins, pictures and thougths flashing through her mind. Wondering what peoples had lived here, could it be a place like this her father had grown up at.


Back in the sadle riding deeper into Malkieri she thougth on how it could have been to grow up in the lost nation. She thougth on what she had read throughout the years, of traditons and the people that once had lived in this land...




..Liitha sat on top of her mare looking down on the lakes, in the distant she could see spires. Her journey was at end, it wouldnt be wise to penetrate futher into the blight, neither did she have the resources to do so.


It was with a sadened smile she pated the mares neck before she tugged the reins to turn her about, with one last look over her shoulder she tugged the leading rope of her pack horse before puting the mare to a walk back towards the borderlands.


The day infront of her was long, and the more ground she could cower the bether, she where not safe in the bligth alone despite of her skills, it had been a risk she had needed to take thoug. The time in the bligth, even if the land was marked by beeing part of the blight had given her chanse to find closure. She had more to achive before returning to the yard thoug, she would return to the borderlands and visit the rest of them as well.




As she spoted the watch tower in the distance she almost could feel something wash out of her, tonite she would sleep in a bed, and she looked forth to wash the travel dust of her. It had been a long day and she where returning without the packhorse, the gneldring had tread wrong the other day and she had had to put it down and leave it behind.

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