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The Bond - Greens, and Rand


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I have created a new post for this rather than putting it in the Alanna's Bond thread as it covers much more than that, and that thread seems to be drying up. I can't find another similar post.


The Greens are the Battle Ajah, and it just so happens that they tend to have several warders - two or three is not unheard of or unusual. Rand is bonded to FOUR women; three channelers and one other, two of which are Aes Sedai, and the other two being quite strong (physically) women (Avi and Min).


Now, we know that the bond passes strength back and forth - indeed the only reason that Elayne bonded Birgitte in the first place was to give her some of her strength - to keep her alive.


So, perhaps (historically) there is more to the Greens having several warders? They are likely to find themselves in the middle of a raging battle at some point - does having say 3 warders mean you can take more hurt and survive than a woman who has only 1, or none?


With Rand, will having 4 women bonded to him give him more strength at TG - will he be able to take more pain and injury and draw strength from the four of them, than if he wasnt bonded to them?


Will Rand's drawing strength from Elayne affect her bond with Birgitte in any way? As he takes energy from her, will she in turn take energy from Birgitte?


Just thoughts, but I wondered!


Well, no. RJ has stated that the benefits of the bond remain constant no matter how many people bond the same person--and he was specifically commenting on Rand's situation when he said this.


That being said, Aes Sedai can draw strength from a Warder to sustain themselves--even unto their death. So having three or four Warders does provide Greens with a greater... energy source...than other Aes Sedai.


That's what I was getting at. The bondees are kind of like... energy ter'angreal, for better want of a comparison.


Could this give Rand the edge at TG?


Is it possible for a bonder to take so much energy from one of their bondees as to kill them? Perhaps that could end the 'which one of your three women will you keep?' debate - if he just kills Elayne and Aviendha, then only Min will survive!


I can always hope. There's got to be SOME end for Elayne...


You misunderstood me, Rand is not able to draw energy from his bonders--he recieves the advantages of the bond; the increased physical endurence, the increased health... but he recieves it in no greater degree than do any other Warder.


The holder of the bond is indeed able to draw the strength of their bondee, but Rand holds no bonds. He cannot draw strength, and would never be in a situation in which he had to choose to draw the strength nessasary to kill any of his bondmates, because he quite simply cannot.


And again, yes it is possible to draw enough strength to kill the bondee.


Here's what's always bothered me.


The Aes Sedai can draw upon her Warder's strength through the bond.  Since we know it is possible for the AS to kill a Warder, wouldn't it logically follow that the bond, by it's very nature makes the Warder weaker in general?


Since the Warder gains abilities such as endurance, the ability to heal, isn't it something of a paradox that the bond makes the Warder both weaker and stronger at the same time?


Where is the extra energy coming from?  The OP?  A constant source flowing into the Warder via the bond?






The Warder's increased endurence seems to simply be an increase in the natural abilities of the body. It simply makes the Warder's body more efficient--within the normal scope. And yes, it likely does have something to do with the Power. The One Power as we know causes a general increase in the efficiency of the bodies of those it interacts with--decreasing cellulose, increasing the immune system... etc.


And the distinction is in that whilst an Aes Sedai CAN draw strength from the Warder, she is not always doing so. It does not make the Warder weaker in general, but it will make him weak when she does it--indeed, it can even kill him. So, the bond does give the Warders extra strength, endurence and ability, but it also opens them to have their strength drained at need by their Aes Sedai.


Do you think Rina still draws strength from Elyas? I sooo hope that they are (positively) reunited in aMoL. I would love to see him instinctively protect her, save her from some fate, and her properly release him in thanks.


Well, its not a constant process--and we don't know if it has limits in distance... but yeah, she might still be able to draw from Elyas.


Frankly given everything that occured between them i dont seem them reconciling.


It seems that if a Warder ran, like Elyas and his Aes Sedai wanted him back, she could incapacitate him at her discrection at any time, track him down and haulhim back for a spanking. 


She would know where he is and could basically shut him down at will.


Makes you wonder if Rina would even want him back, renegade or no, long enough to set him free.


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