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Hi all! :)


I'm in the process of writing up my first ever bio for the RP here, and I have a question. There's a point in my character's history where something bad is going to happen, but I need to know something first before I decide how to write it. In the timeline for this PSW, is there/was there a civil war wracking Cairhien? I know there's no specific mention of one at the PSW website, but thought I'd ask just to be certain before assuming there isn't one.




If I understand correctly during 999 NE there is rioting and violence in Cairhien as the city's inhabitants rise up against the Aiel currently holding the city. You could also use the 970s NE Aiel War which caused a great deal of war and chaos in Cairhien. How's that sound?


PS. Hello and welcome aboard! :D


Well I need something current. :) A reason that would cause lawless bands to be roaming the shores of the Erinin like the band that hijacked the girls on their way to Tear.


Oh, and thanks for the welcome. :)


999 NE would be appropriate then. There are refugees fleeing Cairhien with nothing and I imagine it would be feasible for them to band together and harass travellers etc. Unless you're starting a novice, in which case your character is looking at being born in around 910 NE and basically nobody remembers what happened back then anyway. ;)


Nope, I'm hopefully going to be going for Warder. Right now I'm looking at a band raiding across the Erinin into Andor and ambushing the isolated family farm. Kills the father and takes the women for their own purposes. My character, the oldest and only son, finds the father dieing and the outlaws escaped. It's what sends him wandering out into the world instead of staying home with his ordinary life.


Having glanced at a map, across the Erinin and into Andor is a heck of a long way for Cairhienin bandits to go raiding. It's half across Cairhien and then across Queen's Guard-protected borders into Andor ... I think it would maybe make more sense if they were home-grown Andoran bandits? Given the harshness of medieval life I don't think it would be unreasonable to get home-grown bandits anywhere at any time.


It's also better if you don't pin your character to the main timeline all that much. Trainees do age a bit before they are promoted to Tower Guards etc.


I look forward to seeing you around the yards :D


while you're pondering on your bio/waiting for it to get approved, why don't you take a look at our offsite boards?





Mistress of Trainees

your new boss ;)

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