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[Movie] Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day


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This weekend my mom came for a visit, so we went and did girly things.  We had high tea, we shopped and we went to see a girly movie.


We saw Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.  This movie was possibly one of the Sweetest love stories I've seen in a long time.  There's many sweet chick flicks that we adore, but the one that I always go to when I need a sweet lovely story is Sense and Sensibility directed by Ang Lee.  This will be a new GoTo movie for sweet romance. 


Amy Adams was just a cute as a button.  She reprised her "vacant" acting chops from Enchanted, except this time she's not a naieve fairy tale princess, she's a silly entertainer.  And Miss Pettigrew played by Frances Macdormand was sensible and, well Hungry and desperate for a job.  The result was a balance of two halves and the realization of True Love.




Seriously, I could have flown away from all the fluffy sweetness at the end.  Of Course I cried!  And it was funny enough that the gentlemen sitting to our left in the theatre with their wives enjoyed it as well.

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