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Aftermath - Serving Toh (Ghaul)

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Ooc: Yeah, it's that thought.. remember? *winks*





Sands.. fevering... heat... pain.. it wrapped around her.. fire from within.. it burned her skin.. it travelled through her viens like a undying ember fresh from the fie..Talbitha.. Talbitha..... it all meant nothing to her.. lst... chaos in this place.. this is a dream she wished to wake from.. this place of eternal dying... no more.. mo more... lihgt.. is there light... cool.. haling... but not awake.. there is no waking... searching.. running.. dancing... dancing with the sands... shifting sands changing.. Creatures of blood... attacking.. NOOOO..... not Him... do not hurt him... unforgiveable..... running.. always running... spears dipping in the sands.. swirling swirling... like a blanket it heals... coolness of the moon.. it's washing over... cleansing.... waking.....




The weeks went by in a blur. With a high pitched fever from the poison of the creatures, Talbatha moved in and out of consiousness. Only aware of being in a healers tent and that she may not wake from the dream. In co-herent words uttered and lost to the nights. Only snippet caught by those watching over her. Nothing of substance. They were just words. Never a name.


The fever rose again.. taking over her, washing through her like a desert storm. They rushed to her, they didn't kow... the poison. Coolness.. And then nothing.




"How is she today?"


"Better. The fever has left her, and the wound healed. She was tramatized by the creature. Or maybe something else."


*Her eyes flutter.*


"Something else."


"There is no need for you to be here. She needs rest. She will wake in her own time."


*Footsteps walking away*


Talbitha slowly opened her eyes, the room dimmed and unhurting to her eyes. A low moan on her lips, she slowly pushed herself up from the bed, sitting up for the first time since she was attacked by that .. thing. Looking up she saw an apprentice wiseone standing at the doorway with a smile.


"it is good to see you awake. you have been well sought after."


Talbs looked at her questioningly. The girl only smiled, as wise ones tend to do, and left. Looking ahead of her, there was only one thing she wanted right now. Two things. A discussion with the Clan Chief and access to the sweat tent.






ooc: giving you a chance to 'respond' to the horrible disaster of the efil week. and a chance for my brain to work. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been a while since that day,in which reality gave way to chaos.Still no one could tell what really happened,or what caused it.The Wise Ones were just as puzzeled as Ghaul was.Whatever it was,it was limited to that day.Live has gone back into it's normal rythm,and as a proof of that Ghaul was on his way to the wise ones roof to see of Talbitha has awaken yet.The maiden had developed a fever since the battle with the blood creatures and has not awaken since.This was the third time Ghaul visited her,each time recieving reports of Talbitha recovering.Those were good news.Walking into the part of the wise one roof which was turned into an informary he asked


"How is she today?"


"Better. The fever has left her, and the wound healed. She was tramatized by the creature. Or maybe something else."


*Her eyes flutter.*


"Something else."


"There is no need for you to be here. She needs rest. She will wake in her own time."



That was true,Ghaul was not a healer,he was a warrior.He knew how to give first aid but long term care was beyond his knowledge.He nodded silently and left,heading back for his own roof,there were a few training related issues that needed his attention.Those were quick to settle,the Aiel were very organized people,and it was quick to get things done in the Aiel society.As the door of his roof opened Ghaul raised his eyes,expecting to see one of his trainees,but instead he saw Talbitha.Obviosuly she had awaken soon after he left.


"I see you Talbitha" - Ghaul began with the traditional Aiel welcome. - "I am glad to see you have defeated the fever."

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Arie Ronshor

"I see you, Clan chief." She bowed her head reverently, and did not look back at him.


"The wise ones have told me what you have done while i was.. not right if body. You saved me without thought, and looked in on me to ensure my safety."


Her mind raced with her own scolding and shame and desire to repay for his kindness. She never expected the man to bother with the likes of her. A warrior like him should have been fighting, not aiding one that fell in battle.


"You kept me in this world,saving me in this life. And for that I owe you 'Toh. My life is yours, under servitude until I have served, as our ways demand."








OOc: crappy post, me tired.. and i've been procrastinating on it cause i'm not very sure how to request/demand 'toh. :P i need to read more..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that was expected. Maiden's were famous about being the society that takes Ji'e'toh to heart the most, and Talbitha was not an exception. Ghaul stood and walked towards her. Talbitha still held her eyes low, refusing to look at him. Ghaul walked in circles arround her.


"So you think that because I helped you out that day you know owe me toh? That you've waisted my time?"


She was still looking down,so Ghaul stopped in front of her, and very gently raised her head until their eyes met.


"There that's better. It's always better to see the eyes of the person you talk to. " - plus, Talbitha had really beautiful eyes.


"The Aiel have survived by sticking together and helping eachother out Talbitha. That day I did nothing that you would have not done for me if I our roles were swtiched. It's an Aiel duty to help a fallen comrade, and I will not lose one of the most promising warriors this clan has by neglecting my duties.So - you do not have Toh towards me, Talbitha."



Ghaul was about to speak when he felt a damp spot on the side of his upper cadin'sor. One look revealed a dark spot, just below his ribcage. And old wound has opened again.


"Blasted thing, it never heals properly no matter what I try."



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