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In March a Bunny, a Saint and a Crafter meet at the Kin for chocolate and...


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Happy March Kinsters!!!


Do you have any idea how many things there are to celebrate in March?!?  Oh my gosh!  There is Easter and the Vernal Equinox of Spring!  It is the month of International Women’s History and the National Recognition of American Irish Heritage!  St. Patrick’s Day, Quilter’s Day, Earth Day and who could forget…Learn about Butterflies Day?  *bounces*  Be sure to mark the calendar too…for the Second Week of this month is National Crochet week and the third week…American Chocolate Week!!!  Holy Moly!!   The Kin will be on a party and celebration whirl all month!!!  LOL!


First off….we’ll be celebrating National Crafter’s Month with a Craft Exchange!!!


Sign up to participate will be from the first through next Saturday, March 8th!!  This exchange is really FUN and a great way to share all of our talents together!!  We have cross stitchers, photographers, beaders and crocheter’s!  We have cooks,  knitters, quillers and scrapbookers!  We have writer’s, artist’s, jewlers and wood workers!  *grins*  With all this talent..how could we not celebrate!  And for those of you who dare to tell me you are not creative..*a Twinnie look*  I won’t believe you!  Check out the Sign up thread for more details!!!


Second..we are celebrating Irish Days!


In 1995 the United States Congress declared March the National month to celebrate our Irish/American heritage!!  *grins*  In the Kin..our Elegant Eldest is our Irish lassie and has declared March OUR month to “Be Green”!!!    One of our activites will celebrate the silver tongue of the Irish story tellers!  Every Sash will have a  three word story game to participate in!  At the end of the month..your stories will be posted..and we’ll take a vote on who’s is the best!!   Which Sash will win the pot of golden points?  *grins*


AND...our Kinster, Tay, will be testing your knowledge of Ireland and St. Patrick's Day with a quiz to tease your brain!!!  Don't miss this one folks!!


Do you have any ideas of how to celebrate Irish Days?  Skip on over to the Farm and share your ideas with your fellow Kinsters..then keep on the look out for more ways  we’ll be bringing out the Leprechan in all of us!!!


The Kin’s Soup Kitchen

Well we are running a pretty bare kitchen folks!!  LOL  Don’t forget you get points for posting your favorite recipes!!  This month there are a variety of “National Food” Days!  Everything from waffles to pecans, frozen food to noodles!  So this month…post YOUR favorite recipe!!!


Other news…


~*~We have OOODLES of Raisings this month!!  Be sure to congratulate your fellow Kinster’s on their new Sashes at the Farm!


~*~And we have three NEW members to the Golden Knitting Needle Club!  Plus a very special member to recieve her SECOND Golden Needle!!  Congratulations to Jhae, Leanne and Taymist!  You are now Golden Knitting Needle members!  And a very special congratulations and thank you to URSULA!!!  She was not only one of the first to recieve her Golden Needle but also the first to recieve the second! Thank you all for your participation and being what makes the Kin the special family place it is!!!


~*~The Green Sashes are the Birthday Greeter’s this month!!  We have lots!!  Including:

Paetric, Lyenna, Lady Moraine, Tessandra, Daemon Dracos, Katiora and Mystica!


~*~March is also National Red Cross month!  If anyone donates blood or helps with a blood drive, let Lor or I know and we’ll be giving you points!! And cookies!!  *grins*



In like a Lion….that’s March in the Kin!!!  Keep an eye out for the check in thread..and you never know what may show up on our boards!!!  Be sure to check your Sash boards, the Knitting Circle and the Farm!!!


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