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[MOVIE] Michael Clayton


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Empy has now completed his quest to see the movies nominated for best picture this year and bring back his thoughts.  Lets begin with how Empy ranks the films:


How much I enjoyed the films:

No Country for Old Men


Michael Clayton

There Will Be Blood

Atonement (really think something else should have been nominated, like Into the Wild)


How likely the film will win the category:

No Country For Old Men

There Will Be Blood



Michael Clayton


Synopsis:  Michael Clayton (George Clooney) is a “fixer” for a major Manhattan law firm. He is called in to deal with a bizarre case once his close friend, Arthur (Tom Wilkinson), apparently goes nuts after spending years defending his company’s supposedly lethal pesticide. This means a lot to Michael, because if he can’t rein Arthur in then his entire career is in jeopardy. However, the further Michael digs into Arthur’s sudden psychotic grudge against the very company he was employed at, the more he begins to question how “crazy” Arthur really is. This puts both Michael and Arthur at risk, as the company will go to deadly lengths to keep certain information from ruining them.




Think Erin Brokovich... replace Roberts with Clooney and add a better written story with more grit and suspense.  You now have Michael Clayton... at least in my opinion.  This is a movie you have to pay attention to... well not like Memento mind you but I think some people left confused from the film.  I personally did not know why as I think a 10 year old would piece it all together... but the story was solid and well written.  The movie is very story and character driven, therefore “Michael Clayton” is left to rely greatly on its cast.  Luckily this is the strongest point of the movie... as the casting was spot on and really drew you into the story.  I would recommend this movie to anyone that likes a good thriller.  I don't neccasarily suggest it for the big screen but a definite netflix when it comes out in February.


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Empy is adding that part about being confused (which really shouldn't happen, it is a pretty straightforward plot, but told in a compelling way) because after the movie (and an enormous diet coke) I went to the ladies.  On my way in to the stall I heard the following exchange:

Old Lady #1 "What movie did you just see?"

Almost-Old Lady #1 "Michael Clayton"

OL #1 "Did you understand it"

A-OL #1 "Yes"

OL #1 "Could you explain it to me?"


it went from there but I don't want to type it all out.  The opening of the movie is confusing, but then it goes back in time four days and all comes together to make sense, and it's suspenseful and much better than I expected from a lawyerly drama.

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