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Ryen's Return to Tar Valon


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   The raucous laughter and the din of a dulcimer spilled out into the night, warming the winter night and bringing a smile to dried and cracked lips. The streets were full of mud and snow, cart tracks crisscrossed every intersection and groups of three or four staggered their way from inn to inn. The Wheel keeps turning but some things never change. Ryen Maher has returned to Tar Valon.


   The past four years have changed him greatly. He had come a long way since the boy who had walked away from Deneira in the rain so long ago. His face was harder now, he was more traveled. He had grown another two inches over the years and his body was lean and muscled. He carried his blade comfortably at his hip, a long blue coat hung down to his calves, covering a pressed white shirt and black trousers. Well polished, down turned boots with silver accents on the heel and toe showed that he had more money that on his first trip to the island city. A brown and slightly worn cloak looked out of place with his neat clothes yet accented them and gave him a rougher look that most did not recognize at a first glance. He led a strong gelding with nice ankles by the reign and clucked gently to her when the horse tossed its head and neighed its exhaustion. They only had a little further to go.


   Things had been moving too fast, both with her and with his training in the Yards. Things just hadn’t felt right and he knew in his heart that he was needed back home, in Andor. It turned out that he was simply too young, he hadn’t been mature enough to be so far from home yet.


   When he returned he found his oldest brother, Chris, had moved out of the house and was married to the thacher’s youngest daughter, Malyn. They had a small cottage on the edge of town, half a day’s walk from the family farm. His father, Jaffery Maher, was struggling with the harvest; he had been expecting the help of his three sons to bring it all in before the first frost, now with two gone from the farm it looked like they would only be able to bring in half of the total crop that season. At first Ryen’s parents feared that something was wrong, that maybe he had suffered some terrible injury and had to be turned away from the Warders. When Ryen explained that he simply hadn’t been as ready as he had thought, his father merely said “The eagerness of youth often clouds clear thoughts,” then shook the young man’s hand and welcomed him home.


   Ryen worked that fall season and helped his father to till the land before the coming winter. With the first snowfall though Ryen’s thoughts began to stray away from the simple farm life that he had returned to and regret began to sink in. After tasting life away he knew that he could never really reacclimate himself to farm life.


   The following spring he joined a merchant guard and traveled up and down the coast of the Aryth Ocean. He saw the Stone of Tear and the Seafolk ships in the bays of Falme. He even saw an Ogier once, while in Cairhein. He fought bandits and thieves around the world with the saber that his father had given to him. His quarterstaff also came in quite the hand when he had to fight but did not want fatally wound another. He learned how to pick out theives in a crowd by their slinking way of moving and their shifting eyes. He also kept two purses now. One with just a few coppers and a handful of wooden tokens to give the impression of coin at his belt, and his real one inside his coat pocket. He had learned much in his travels, now however it was time to go back to the beginning and see if he couldn’t fix his past mistakes and see if he couldn’t take up his training once again and see if he couldn’t once again try to become one of the legendary Warders.


   But that could all wait for one more night; tonight he was going to have a nice pint of lager and maybe some good whiskey. He would dance and laugh and try to find a Saldian who he had once walked away from. He fished out a silver penny for the stable boy at the inn he had picked. It did not matter what the sign said so long as the beer was cold and the whiskey strong. Tomorrow he was going to ride to the Tower Yards and hope to gain reentrance. Most men steered well clear of the White Tower, only a fool would head there of his own free will. But what would it make me twice the fool now that I am returning to the Tower on my own free will? Am I twice the fool for trying? Or is this really a new beginning for me?


   That would all have to wait tonight was for one last brew and dance before he had to subjugate himself to the rigors of the training once again. Maybe he could talk a Tower Guard into buying him a drink or two.


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Adria sat in the corner of an inn sipping at a cup of spiced wine that would have shamed her father back home. It had been nearly a year now since being home at the family inn near Ebou Dar. Her father bought only the best wines and produce from the country side. If she could she would go back in a heart beat, but that was impossible, the Seanchan made it impossible for her. She shivered as the door opened and a cold breeze blew inside. At least she thought that was the reason she shivered. She had never been afraid of very much, but the Seanchan sent chills up her spine. She took another sip of the wine and made a face at her cup. It really was disgusting. That was one reason she hated cities, the quality of everything went down considerably. She could hardly imagine spending the next years of her life in Tar Valon, let alone the White Tower. As the youngest of five children she never had many rules, and she was about to enter a world with nothing but. She had of course considered not going to the White Tower and going off on her own to start a business or something, but the Seanchan were quickly taking over the costal cities and moving inland and if she was to stand any chance against being collared she would need training.

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OOC: not really I usually check the boards a couple of times a day but as lame as it sounds I was kicked off my server at school for a week for downloading too much music off of limewire. So....my college grounded me. Gimmie a day to think about my response and I'll post for you- I won't be on AIM again until monday but if you need anything just PM me. I can usually find a PC

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OOC: Lol I'm on everyday pretty much for a few hours at least ;D. You can download to much stuff off Limewire?? im in trouble.looking foreward to your post. let me know if anything i post doesnt work, i read over everything a couple times but just in case i miss something ;)

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OOC: Sorry about the wait, hopefully we can get this rolling now.




The whiskey was warm and had soured sitting too long in it’s cask but the shiver that it sent running down Ryen’s back spread that warmth throughout his body.  Light, he half believed that the Shimmering Walls were built not for protection but as wind blocks. Strong harsh winds come to Tar Valon from all around the world but when they blow across the Erien they pick up the river’s freezing breath.

He set the empty glass down on his table and pulled out a silver coin which he flipped across his fingers until he got a waiting girl’s attention.  A girl came dancing over to him to retrieve the glass and he ordered a mug of lager to replace it. She made eyes at him as she giggled and danced away again. Pin pricks across his shoulders told him that someone else had their eyes on him too. Easing his blade in its scabbard, he casually brushed a hand through his dark hair and glanced around the room. The common room was full but not overly crowded, laughter and music swelled around them all. The food smelled fine but he wasn’t hungry, nerves for tomorrow prevented him from eating but drowning those nerves where why he was in the inn.  It was a beautiful woman sitting in a corner booth. The shadows hid her face but he knew that she was beautiful.

Throwing caution to the wind, Ryen gathered his cloak about him, brushed off his coat and walked as gracefully and casually as he could to her booth.

“Are you alone tonight?” he asked softly.

The woman did not look up at him but she said yes.

“May I sit with you then?” he asked with a growing smile.

Again she said yes, so he took a seat across from her, tossing his cloak in the seat next to him he glanced around the room once more to see if there had been any reaction to his movement, but he saw none and turned back to her and waited for her to say something.


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IC:  She looked at the man sitting across from her. He was extremely good looking and well dressed, but not flashy. She pushed a lock of her brown curls out of her face. She placed her hand on the dagger sitting on her red coat next to her. If she needed it she wouldn’t think twice about using it, but he didn’t look like the type to cause any trouble. Even though he had been looking around rather nervously. She shouldn’t be one to judge though not tonight anyway. Her stomach was in knots over the White Tower tomorrow or was it his cute smile? She was suddenly aware of just how low her peasant blouse was. If only her mother could see her now. She smiled.


“My name is Adria Thoram,  whats yours?”


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  What he took for a shy smile spread across the woman's face as she told Ryen that her name was Adria. "Adria," he tried the name, tasting it, and liked how it rolled off of his tongue. Maybe the smile was a bit more sly than he had previously thought


  "Well Adria, I am Ryen Maher, of Andor." Right then his tavern maid danced to his now empty table and he watched as a puzzled look danced across her face the same way that she had around the room. When she found him her face lit up again, but dimmed immediately when she noticed his new companion. The girl sloppily tossed his mug down and the brown beverage slopped over the sides. He gave the girl her coin and an extra copper as well. He would not have his next drink spilled in his lap by a presumptuous and jealous tavern girl. He followed the serving girls glares over to his new drinking partner and a blush began to burn his cheeks as he noticed exactly what the girl had been glaring at. Adria's dark curls ringed her sunkissed skin but also hung around a rather low cut and voluminously filled blouse that would have hung loose on most but that clung to her quite well. He adverted his eyes and took a deep drink hoping that she might not have noticed his wandering glances. He decided that small talk would be best to prevent any other glances.


  "So, Adria, do you mind my asking what has brought you to Tar Valon? I didn't think that most Southeners liked the White Tower, or those who reside in it."

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IC: Adria watched the tavern girl storm off and Ryen start to blush while admiring her bosom. She let out a little giggle.

"Well Ryen, I'm here to become an Aes Sedai."

She paused for a moment to let that sink in. She half expected him to get up and walk away. When he didn't she almost let out a sigh of relief, she needed a distraction tonight and he definately was one. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the tavern girl talking to one of her friends and pointing over to her and Ryen.

" I wouldn't order any more drinks here Ryen, your friend seems mad. Maybe we should move this party somewhere else?"

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   He hadn't really been shocked to learn that she was here to join rank with the White Tower. He had heard rumors of Arthur Hawkwing's lost heir had invaded the southern sea ports and that a wave of these Seanchan had sent people everywhere running. Most disturbing of all was that they supposedly had trained Aes Sedi on leashes- women with the One Power but not bound by the Three Oaths! A shudder ran up his spine and under the table he made a sign with his fingers to warder off evil and said a silent prayer. Adria was a smart woman if she had come north for such reasons.

   Ryen also knew that Adria was right. He wouldn't get anouther drink here, atleast not one that he'd trust to drink. But what she said next caught him off gaurd. "Maybe we should take this party somewhere eles?", the woman had almost purred. He did not know what she had in mind, another common room or maybe one of the taverns, places that just sold beer and liquor without offer rooms for rent. Maybe she even means to bed me tonight! The thought struck him like a blow and he could feel a boyish grin spread across his face. It was accompanied with anouther little blush but this one he managed to subdued.

   He took a slow drink and eyed the Ebou Darian over the rim of his mug. What was she thinking? He knew there was only one way to find out. He would just have to go along and see where the night took them. He set the mug back on the table, "What did you have in mind?"

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   Ryen watched as Adria slipped and shimmied into her coat. There was a playful and seductive light in her eyes when she glanced over her shoulder to ask if he could dance.

   "I'm not bad, I mean I've seen worse. I can spin you around a dance floor if thats what you want." He got up, reached back to retreive his cloak and downed the rest of his lager. Then with a bit of a flourish he swung the cloak around his shoulders. Resting his left hand casually on the hilt of his saber he offered her his other. "You lead the way." he said with a grin to make a Tinker blush.

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The cold air hit like a hammer as they left the tavern. Adria snuggled up a little closer to Ryen as they walked down the street. It wasn't this cold back home, but she liked the way it awakened the senses and made you feel alive.


"Here we are." She said stopping in front of a place called The Golden Stallion. She walked inside closly followed by Ryen. SHe could feel the warmth of the fire from the door.



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  The air was cold but this time Ryen was glad of it, it ment that Adria would come closer to him and he gladly wraped his arm around her. She stopped in front of a nice looking inn and said cheerily "Here we are." The flapping sign had a gilded horse, standing on its hind legs. The Golden Stallion, it read.

  Ryen opened the door and music and laughter rolled out of the brightly lit common room. He held the door for Adria and let her lead him to another corner booth. She just had time to slip out of her coat before he had her back in his arms and was leading her to the dance floor. "You did want to dance? Didn't you?" He asked with a smile, he hadn't been impulsive in a long time and liked the dangerous feeling that left lingering through out his body.

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OOC: Sry i had to let my brother on for a min


IC: Adria laughed as Ryen pulled her to the dance floor. "I did say that." She was glad she had worn trousers today instead of a dress. They snuggly fit her body and were much easier to dance in. His eagerness left a smile on her face as she began to shake her hips in time with the music and spun around.

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  Adria danced closely and kept Ryen on his toes trying to keep up. She danced close and she danced fast. He laughed as she spun away from him and then danced her way back into his arms. As the music changed her hips slowed to keep the rythym of the slower song. He pulled Adria closer still and moved her in circles

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   Picking up his cloak Ryen turned and followed, taking the stairs two at a time. Adria sweet whisper still in his ear. Adria danced as he followed, even down the hall to the door at the end. He stood close as she dug out the key to the lock and ran his hands over her hips. Kisses alite on her neck as she turns the doorknob.

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Adria could bearly concentrate enough to get the door to her room open as Ryen ran his hands over her body and kissed her neck. Finally the doorknob turned and Adria backed up into the room with Ryen’s hands still on her. She gently pushed him onto the bed and slowly  removed her top and shimmed out of her pants, leaving her fully exposed. “It’s your turn.” she said putting her hands on his belt

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   Ryen was left breathless, staring at Adria's beauty. Light from the pale winter moon shone in through the cracked curtains. She crawled onto the bed and almost on top of him before she stopped at his belt to pull at it and croon "Its your turn."


   Her touch sent shockwaves through his body and kissed her fiercly while kicking off his boots. He rolled out of bed and tugged his belt loose, leaning the saber against the bedside before sliding out of his breeches. Throwing his coat and all but ripping his shirt, he hurried to catch up to her waiting nakedness.


   Now as bare as she was, Ryen lept back onto the bed, pinned Adria down and planted another firm kiss on her anxious lips. His lips wandered across her cheek, down her jaw line, back up her neck to her earlobe, which he gently bit. With a low growl he set to work pleasing her. His muscles clinched at her touch and her soft and subtle skin was exhilerating as her body moved with his.

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Adria moaned as they moved together. As she ran her hands over his muscular back and arms she could feel a white hot fire building inside her. She urged him on as she nibbled at his neck. Without warning all her muscles tightened and her back arched up leaving her gasping for air.


OOC: Sorry it took so long to post

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  • 2 weeks later...

  The morning came all to soon, Unlike someone I know, Ryen chuckled to himself. He had forgotten how great it was to wake up to a beautiful woman. His arm ached from where her head was rested on his shoulder, it tingled but the pain was glorious and accepted. A small price to pay for how he felt this morning.

  He gently leaned over Adria's slim shoulder to peer down at her face hidden in the dark curls. Golden sunbeams skirted the curtains to dance across her olive skin, she was so radiant that he was shocked that he found a woman like her to wake up to. Ryen softly moved a stuborn strand of hair that crossed Adria's face. Then he pulled her back against his body in a warm and comforting embrace.

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