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[TV] Cashmere Mafia, ABC


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Anybody watch this last night?


I was expecting it to be horrible, but I was pleasantly surprised.  I mean, it wasn't Fantastic, but it was good enough to keep me interested.  Basically, it's what Big Shots tried to be for men, but couldn't deliver.  Proving that the Sex in the City module really only works in a woman's world.


I was, however, shocked at how old Miranda Otto looked.  Is she supposed to be 40?  I thought for sure she was in her 30s.  *shrugs*





I liked how they dealt with the spinster's struggle over love and sexuality.  And I liked how they dealt with the nanny situation and that character feeling like she was being held hostage in her own home.  And I LOVED how they dealt with Miranda Otto's husband's affair!  ABC news cut in to the show so I didn't get to see the cecision to change into that red dress, but BRAVO on the choice for the visual and even mental connection there that something was about to Change!  I even liked that they gave a consequence to Lucy Liu's need to win over her fiance.  I think what I like about this show so far is that each one of these women has a lesson to learn and it's established clearly right at the front.  So we know there's a place to go-a goal if you will-for each character.  I'm interested to see how each of these characters grows.  So I'll definately watch again.

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