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The IC ^ < v Game

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor


I started this on another site and it has hit 20 pages.


So I decided to bring it here on a twist! It must be about your Characters (of any division).


How it works:



^  A fact you know of the person above you. (Or in this case, one of their characters)


< Answer to the Person above you's question. (Is you's even a word? I don't know at 6 am.. )


V Ask a Question! Anything goes. :D



For Example:



^ No one above me but me, so all my Aes Sedai's are blind to one thing or another (be it physical or mental)


< No question, But what I mean is that Maegan is physically blind, but also blind to seeing love or affection in return to hers. Suu is blinded to reason when she is afraid.


v What was the silliest thing you have had to RP with your Character? (If possible, please link :))

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blah...let's do this the easy way and I'll just continue on straight from Andrea's stuff here :P


^ Andrea is a fellow blonde, Canuck, caffiene addict and night owl

< An RP I did with Sam almost two years ago (http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3063&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)

v Do all your friends know about your DM addiction, or do you keep it quiet?

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Slightly confused. About the RPer or character?


^a) Straight from the horse's mouth: If Alyssa ever goes non-blonde (in other words, brunette) she'll dye her hair back to blonde. Oh, and she exploits Chat for their grammar, and I think it's 'cause she's canadian.  ;)


b) Character: Isha's Estel's grandson. And he broke my chair, wah!


< Not all my friends, but my family and roommates certainly know about it. I don't keep it quiet, but I do not flaunt it either, not unless the person I am telling prompts an interest first in either the WoT series, or in general RPs/fanfiction. Although I was more 'addicted' to Mirrors than DM.  :P


v When you write posts do you listen to music or write in silence?

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Andrea stated that it would be about the characters and the title says IC too, so I will go by that :)


^  Saline got Raised at the same day than Rory, her mentee and lover.


< I usually listen to music from youtube. It can be a specific song that suits the mood of me (the writer) or the scene. For example today when I wrote a post for Sana and Sahra, I listened to a certain tango song that plays on the background ICly.


V What is the greatest dream and fear of your character?

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  ^ Annais is on rather good relations with the leader of the Black Tower



  < Fears? I do not know if Ghaul fears anything yet, Daemon's greatest fear is losing Arie and the twins. That fear is half realized. As for Dreams - way to many too list or sort. And I am feeling lazy.


  v What do you do when the RP engine stalls?

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^ Ghaul is just getting married a second time and the sister wives will be a Wise One and a former Maiden. I don't know if he should be envied or pitied :P


< I'm very much a 'fun first, then work' kind of a person. Usually I try to get involved in a new cool thread that makes me excited to RP again. That gives me the needed boost of inspiration to write threads that have passed their apex already and therefore aren't so attractive to write. I have a really big problem with finishing my RPs.


v What is the worst timeline paradox your character has?

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Guest Arie Ronshor


^ Arette at one point was studying the Prophesies in the tower when Arie just to happen to come across her there. Arette then asked to send Arie on an E&E's mission but I never Rp's it out. Arette, however, was probably trying to avoid being caught of doing something suspicious.


< The 4-5 years between "Adalon Tower" and the main plotline for Cairma. The amount of 'it doesn't matter who's in it or what happens' Rps that occur would make any timeline cry...


v What character are you most excited to read about and why? (can be your own character)

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  ^ Korrena, Andreas's wolfkin, claims that she can behave. Though to my knowledge no one to this day has seen her behave. She is the troublemaker of the Wolfkin.



  < Well the one story I have been following with the greatest interest lately is Silence of the Lambs, with Arie and Talon



  v Are you a fan of Formula 1 races by any chance? ( ok so I could not think of a DM related question ... )

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^ Daemon had a brother named David Ronshor who was bonded to a Brown sister named Terra


< I don't watch Formula 1 races but since there have been/are Finnish drivers there, I am somewhat interested of the results.


v What has been the most embarrassing moment of your character's life?

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