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Basic Information

Handle : Lyanna

Character Count : Including this character, 2

Contact : w [dot] torenvliet [at] gmail [dot] com 


Character Information

Name: Myriade Erduan

Age: 168

Nationality: Saldaea (I had Shienar before but changed it) 



Hair: Long, dark brown, curls

Eyes: Darkblue, large, slightly tilted

Skin: Unblemished skin with natural blushes

Height: 5' 10" (5 foot 10 or 1mtr 79cm)


Voice: Warm, low and musical

Other: Long darkbrown hair that she usually wears in a loose tumble of lazy curls. When on the battlefield she has it in a tight bun or braid. Heartshaped face with startlingly large darkblue eyes. She has a regal way about her, which is only heightened by her height - she's 1 mtr 79 tall. She's quite curved but not plump. Unblemished skin with natural blushes and a broad, kind mouth.



Skills: Archery, daggers (quite proficient in both). Very skilled horsewoman. Very skilled tactician on the battlefield. 


Knowledge Weakness: Healing. Definately not her thing. She can Heal bruises and maybe a broken bone but that's about it.

Physical Weakness: Not really. Does tend to tense up during battle and thusly suffers from headaches afterwards

Personality weakness: She's kind, but she can be quite blunt. Typical green - she does have an eye for the finer nuances but can completely ignore those when she deems it necessary. 



Myriade radiates a calm authority. She has keen wits and is not afraid to speak her mind, even though her ideas might be against accepted conventions. She's good as a teacher, but even better as a general on the battlefield. Not a motherly figure, but warm and strong nonetheless, and a person people generally like to confide in. She makes friends easily and has a penchant for hot and spicy food.




Myriade Erduan was born the eldest daughter of Lord Kemal Erduan, one of the Saldaean nobility, and she had all the benefits that nobility can give one during her childhood. She grew up a stern, fearless child, who could hold herself very well on horseback and was quite sufficient in archery and daggers. Living so close on the border of the Blight, she's seen her fair share of Trolloc raids and the death and destruction that comes with it. 


Her upbringing was meant to groom her for succeeding her father and marrying into one of the other noble houses, thus combining the estates and titles that came with it. Before this could happen however, a group of Green Sedai with their Warders called upon her father's house to serve as a base for one of their trips into the Blight. 


Myriade was 14 at that time, and ready to be tested. Much to her chagrin, she proved able to learn channeling. She'd been perfectly content with her childhood so far, but it was abruptly cut short when she was taken to the Tower. 


Her years of novicehood were marked with rebellion, but she calmed down sufficiently to be tested for Accepted and pass. With her ascention to Accepted, she started to explore in earnest what she could mean to her country as an Aes Sedai. If she could not rule her father's House, she meant to be there for Saldaea in another capacity. The Green seemed a logical choice considering her background. And so she started to study tactics, and battle lore, and everything on warfare she could get her hands on. She has a great capacity for learning and tactics, and thusly caught the eye of some of the Greens early on in Acceptedhood. They took her by the hand and lead her all the way through Acceptedhood until the test for the Shawl, which she passed. 


As a young Aes Sedai, she made a fast career as a tactician during several raids into the Blight. She was lucky enough to be able to return to her homeland frequently and with the help of a Gray Aes Sedai settled the inheritance of the estate of her family after her father died. During one of her Borderlands trips, she encountered Lucius Talshar, a Shienaran cavalier, who became her Warder and accompanied her on many raids. He died after having fought bravely at Namandar which nearly killed Myriade. It took her a long time to get over her grief. 


Today, Myriade has returned to the Tower where she is quite a presence among the Greens. She likes to involve herself in the teaching of new Green Sisters, and is generally seen as one of the best tacticians in the Tower. She is currently Warderless.


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