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Basic Information

Handle :  Miya

Character Count : (For this Division) 1

Contact : deannamross@gmail.com


Character Information

Name:  Miya Kiyoshi    [ MY-ya  KEY-YO-she ]

Age: 15

Nationality:  Arafellin



Hair:  Blonde, kept in a multitude of braids a few of which have copper bells at their ends.

Eyes:  Large brown eyes.

Skin:  Caucasian

Height:  Short (1 span, 2 feet, 1 hand)

Voice:  A melodious voice when singing and storytelling, might have made a good gleeman actually, but as she gets excitable her voice increases in volume sometimes without her even noticing she's doing so. 



Special Skills:  A talented singer and fabricator of stories, known to entertain local children with fantastic stories she created on the spot.  Also, very experienced in basic "women's duties" ... housework, mending, laundry, cooking etc.  Able to ride horses and enjoys doing so very much. 

Knowledge Weakness:  Despite her love of stories she's actually unable to read or do more than the very basic mathmatics due to a focus on her farm and family life rather than higher education (which was unavailable in her area of the country.)   

Physical Weakness:  Miya is shorter than some of her peers and so is forced to make up for her lack of stature in sometimes "colorful" acts of personality.  (read: mischief)

Personality Weakness :  When asked to share her opinions she, like many of her country, will do so freely often ending in hard feelings instead of the desired response of pleasure over her blunt honesty.



Miya is generally a very friendly person, reaching out to others often before they do her.  Quick to laugh and share a story but also to seek adventures great and small, a habit that has landed her in trouble a few times and danger at least once.  Miya has a big heart and is easily wounded by those she brings close to her.  She has a hard time understanding the desire to hurt others and so even her mischief is rarely mean-spirited.  When she is hurt though, she seldom lashes back and instead pulls inward seeking quiet and solitude to heal.  A true Arafellin she most definately holds true to what Southerners spitefully call "Blasted Arafellin Honor" a sense of honor which dictates one always speak their mind freely when asked and to repay debts and obligations as quickly as possible.




Miya was born on a small farm in the village of Tifan's Well in the nation of Arafel.  She is the only daughter of Kyril and his wife Samitsu.  Miya also has a younger brother named Paitar.  Miya's life was a fairly typical life of a farmer's daughter.  Most of her days were spent with her mother learning the "womanly arts" and those that weren't were spent with children from neighboring farms exploring the vast plains in which they lived, just past the shadows of the mountains and near the great river's edge... a river that would one day take her to her destiny in Tar Valon. 


Two retired Aes Sedai happen to come into the village shortly after her fifteenth name day and detected her potential.  That same night they were at her home when she returned from play, after a long private talk with her parents, they left.  The following week her parents arranged for her to travel with a merchant caravan to the river where a boat would take her down the river and back up another branch of it to the White Tower. 


While Miya's past seems plain and largely uneventful, she is certain her future holds something far more exciting and worthy of great epic gleeman's tales.  After all, not every girl gets to travel to the White Tower and learn the "wonderous secrets of the legendary Aes Sedai." 

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