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A World of Black and White (attn: Marden and Arath)


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It was a late afternoon and even though the worst glare of the sun had settled, it was still hot and the stench of blood and guts made Tammuz Square a not so pleasent place to be at. The Square itself and the nearest buildings had been badly damaged during the battle against Forsaken Serashada and her Dreadlords as the One Power had been utilized liberally by both sides. The rubble hadn't been cleared yet and there could still be survivors among it. Banders and Militia men circulated on a look out and after her latest short nap that had helped to her exhaustment only slightly, Arette had joined them to Heal anyone really badly wounded who they might find. Lillian was doing the same somewhere in the Palace, though the men had to be brought to her as her body wasn't still quite recovered from the hospitability of a Forsaken.


She and Lillian were in as bad state both since she had taken her Sister's exhaustment into her and the day had been maybe even more taxing than her test for the Shawl. Not only was she channeling at the edge of what was safe but Healing badly hurt men and walking among dead, many of who she had known personally and whose spouses and children would mourn them dearly. Heal, rest, get up and do it again. She was a Servant of All and the Tower casting her out did not affect that one bit: there was no other option.


The hem of dress got caught on a jagged edge of a stone and Arette nearly stumbled. The soldiers scanning the area nearby gave her a worried glance but she waved them to keep searching. She doubted that she would find anyone in the state she was in but then she heard an unmistakeable groan. Trying to spot its maker, she finally saw legs under a pile of debris caused by a fallen column. She did not want to waste her strenght on getting him out so she called for the soldiers to come and help. She wondered whether the man was even alive after such punishment but after the pillar was carefully removed, he was still breathing. And he had groaned.


The black uniform marked him as a man of the Black Tower and not one of the Shadow sworn. Arette turned his face carefully toward her as she laid her hands on his temples and the recognition made her freeze. It was Marden Veniso. Light, why did it have to be him. She could not make a decision like this. Healing had to be given to all that were in need of it and Marden might have done horrible things but he was not a darkfriend, just a madman and a murderer. And today he had fought on their side and been there to aid Con twice. The second time he might have even saved her husband's life. Con had been knocked down and a Companion was about to run him through when Marden launched himself at the attacker. She just stared down bleakly, trying to sort out the inner struggle.


The Militia soldier, Con's grand cousin or something like that, noticed her hesitation. "Be everything alright, Arette? No be telling me he be one one of the Light-cursed darkfriends." He spat to show his contempt.


What should she do? She couldn't just leave him to die and if they tried to move him now, it would do him injury. But he had killed three Aes Sedai and Light only knew how many Tower Guards when he had escaped from the Far Madding facility. Delaine Rivest of the Red Ajah, Sera Saunders of the Brown Ajah and Nela Maridi of the Yellow Ajah had all tried to help their charges so that they could maybe one day be returned into normal society. All of the men sent there had been deemed almost hopeless cases for they hated and resented the Aes Sedai for what had been done to them. They should have been glad to be rid of Saidin that would have driven them insane and killed them eventually like the other men the Tower had helped but they were everything but. Marden had proved every doubt of his capability of becoming a normal person ever again by his escape and the brutal kills.


Still, he had saved Con and he had fought for the Light today so he deserved at least a fair trial as fast as it would be. That he should have deserved anyway but even touching him disgusted Arette. Leave him to Lord Dragon's justice. The penalty for murder was hanging according to his new laws and since she doubted that Marden would be given over to the White Tower, it would be noose for him. A waste of good Healing but it was the right thing to do. She laid the weave on the man and watched his eyes shoot open. The soldiers restrained him and kept his back to the ground to stop him from hurting himself. He shivered and gasped and finally fell limp.


She removed her hands the instant the Healing was done and rubbed them on her dress as if they were smeared as she sat heavily on the ground, bone tired from yet more channeling. If Marden decided to do something to her, she doubted that she could stop him but that was what the soldiers were for.


"Marden Veniso." By her tone she could have as well said rabid dog. "Do you have something to say before I order your arrest for your crimes?"


Arette Stavros

Exiled Brown Sister

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Pain and darkness, thats all there was for Marden as he lay on the ground, at least he thought he was laying.  Yet despite the pain, he was strangely lucid, if anything the pain of the body helped to offset his inner pain that tormented him constantly.  The two counterbalanced one another to give a strange sense of peace amidst the anguish, he would die soon.  Nothing to be done about it, indeed he welcomed its embrace as much as he rejected it.  Death would mean freedom from his pain, freedom from his burden, but death would also mean he would be unable to watch over Dramon Calgar, his Dragon.  His one reason for existance, the one thing that gave him a reason to go on living.




Thrashing as the one power coursed through him, even as his flesh knitted whole his body rebelled against the foreign touch of the power that he couldn't touch, that wasn't his to control anymore.  Cheated of death and revolted by his body being violated so, his eyes snapped open to find a bright existance.  A vision fouled by the person who stood before him, a woman who deserved to die by his hand a thousand times for the agony her and her kind had worked upon him.


Arrested?  The very suggestion made him laugh, an incredulous chuckle that preceded his attempt to get back to his feet but the hands that had held him down while he healed now restrained him so he couldn't get to his feet.  The very idea of being put on trial a second time by this woman caused his entire being to come aflame with a mercurial rage that was quickly overwhelmed by a cold burning hate that caused him to still himself as everything he felt for women of the shawl came to his face.


"Arrest me?  I've suffered your justice before you diseased bitch, piss on you and your idea of justice.  I answer to the M`hael and the Dragon Reborn, I am not subject to your justice any longer."  Looking at the men that were holding him, Marden snarled.


"Remove your hands from me!  Is this the measure of your gratitude?  I fight alongside you and risk my life for yours and this is how it is repaid?  Is this Illian courage?  Get your hands off me!"  Marden briefly struggled but the grip of his captors remained strong.


Marden Veniso

Gentled male channeler

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Now there was an insult Arette had never heard in her life and despite the extreme exhaustion she sat straighter and her face hardened. "And you will face the Dragon's justice. The penance for murder is hanging and since you have committed it at least thrice, the rest of it will be for the Creator to judge." Had the M'Hael known what Marden Veniso had done? Regardless, the Black Tower would not take it kindly that he was apprehended and would demand the right to punish him themselves. But considering that he was here and free, they would do nothing. They must have been aware of his deeds and just let them slide.


At worst it might place the whole Alliance in danger but her Sisters deserved justice. It would have been so simple if he would have just died but he had lived. If she had done anything to him or indeed, not done anything, his blood would have been on her hands. But she had to think the greater good too. If this tensed things so that Sofia would have trouble with her negotiations with the Dragon... Light. She would have to inform Arath who seemed to lead the blackcoats but something would have to be done to Marden in the meanwhile.


"One life does not replace another one. You may walk yourself if you behave, Veniso. Please disarm him and escort him to a cell in the Palace dungeons. I will bring Master Faringail there briefly." It was an effort to keep her voice strong and authoritative. She tried to stand up but her legs wouldn't carry. Con's cousin, another Philotas, came to her aid. Thankfully he didn't scoop her up but only helped her to stand and gave her the support of his strong arm. Her body screamed for rest more than she had ever craved for anything but this matter would have to be solved first. She didn't even want to think Con's reaction. He would disapprove, he had always had a strong bond with his brothers in arms and Marden had saved his life. But he had been sworn to protect the Sisters who had died and men under his command had also been killed then. So complicated.


Arette Stavros

Exiled Brown Sister

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Feeling his weapons stripped from him, Marden weighed up the options.  Too many armed men for him to get away, no one could stop him if he dashed for Arette though he was sure of it.  Only a few steps, he could scrabble and leap towards her, snap her neck and feel her thread snap in the same moment before their swords ended him.  Four rings, he could earn a fourth before he fell.  There were still others that deserved his vengeance, but here was an opportunity that he would not get again.  End her and her hypocrisy right here, one less threat to his brothers that wore the Black coat as he did, even if he was at the same time not one of them.  A half brother, a half man, missing what had once made him great.


But he would be no use to Dramon dead, nor would he do his brothers any favours.  If he were dead, he could not protect them, and while this woman who had once been Keeper deserved to die, they deserved to live far more.  If he attacked her here, victory or defeat, he would surely damn his brothers and leave them open to reprisal.  It was a decision he struggled with even as he slowly got to his feet.  By the time he had straightened, he wasn't wholly convinced his choice was the right one, but he made it.


"Penance?  I suffered your penance in Far Madding, as did David Harbin and Travis Muldoon.  You are the abomination, hypocrite."  Spitting, Marden turned to the men around him as he spoke with a tightly contained fury.  "Well?  Where am I going?  Come on you gutless cowards and traitors, lead the way."


Marden Veniso

Gentled male channeler

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Why did she even care what Marden Veniso thought of them. He was incorrigible and more than half mad. And she very much feared that the Black Tower would wheedle him out of this and let him loose again. It was true that he had fought for them today but she had watched him. The man had a death wish. She was also utterly convinced that if he had thought there was some way to kill her and get away with it, he would have done it without a moment's hesitation.


"Far Madding was your last chance to prove that you are not a threat to the world and killing three Aes Sedai and Tower Guards was not very convincing. Take him away now." She leaned heavily on Philotas and very much hoped that she could be carried right then. But no, she had to walk on her own two feet, had to find Arath and bear the outburst that would come. And she had to do all of it with dignity when she wanted to just curl up and sleep. And after sleep Heal more. Lillian would have dealt with this so much better. Why had it been she who found Marden Veniso? Lillian might not have even recognised him and he would have left and the Alliance wouldn't have been endangered.


Step, step, step... her feet were lead. Philotas knew who she wanted to find and he asked the blackcoats after Arath and steered her to the right direction. She was more than greatful as it freed her to gather her thoughts. She needed to be very diplomatic, listen his harsh words calmly and... Rest. Why hadn't she just pretended that she didn't recognise Marden Veniso? She saw the sidelong dark stares the Asha'man gave her and knew that she would be even more hated after today. Why did she even care?


Finally they approached a familiar figure and after a moment of waiting he noticed them. She didn't bother to try and stand straight. There was no shame in being exhausted after all the channeling she had done. "Master Faringail. I would inquire about a member of the group you brought from the Black Tower. Marden Veniso.... did you know that he has killed three Aes Sedai?"


Arette Stavros

Exiled Brown Sister

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Arath stared at the Aes Sedai for a moment, carefully thinking out his response.  He hadn’t been expecting any good news when he saw her approaching, but this ... this was not something he needed right now.  "We are aware that he’s had problems with the Aes Sedai in the past.  But unless he just attacked you, I don’t see why this needs to be brought up now."


"Problems", Arette repeated with a thinning of her lips. Calling a murder of three Sisters that was quite an understatement. She wasn't going to start debating why it had to be dealt with now, he would have his chance to explode about it soon enough. And he had saved her today, the vile Forsaken would have Stilled her if it hadn't been for Arath. She had thanked him no amount of words could express her gratitude. She didn't wish to quarrel with him but she couldn't back down on this.


"I just Healed him and since I did come across him, the... problem became topical. Since you are the head of the Black Tower delegation that he is a part of, you are the person to discuss with about the trial. There needs to be one, don't you agree? Murder is quite a serious offense, not to mention triple murder."


"Murder.  Yes, it is serious but then ... I'd be more sympathetic if he had not just been gentled.  I can't say I'd have done different under his circumstances."  Arath took a deep breath, trying to remember his promise to himself to be civil with the Aes Sedai.  "Very well.  If you insist on this trial before we've dug all of our men out of the rubble, then I had better be there to make sure it's fair at least.  He'll be tried under Illian law then?"


Arette simply chose to ignore Arath's comment about Gentling. Nothing justified a murder, nothing. And they had done Marden and the world a favour by severing him from Saidin. He would have gone insane and rotted horribly likely killing others in the process. Yes, it would be horrible to loose Saidar and she would likely be as depressed herself as she had been after Calvin's death but never lusting for blood like Marden and like Arath had just confessed. What was wrong with these men? Unbidden an image of a Stilling rose to her mind, a scene of Karana's trial. Arette staggered and would have lost her balance if Philotas hadn't kept his solid hold of her. How it had ached to watch it until tears had blinded her and how her beloved mentor had to be suffering. But Karana had a cause and a purpose, she was with the Dragon and she had inner steel that would keep her going.


"Not today", she whispered weakly. She had to be strong now or at least appear so. It was a demanding task but finally she managed to speak in a normal voice. "He is the Dragon's man now so he should be tried by Lord Dragon's laws. Penalty for murder is hanging, I've understood. A jury maybe? I am sure that the Queen will want to be present as will the Commander of the Militia. I am not quite certain who would make an unbiased judge, maybe one of the Banders. It has been customary to arrange a hearing before the trial itself and I suggest we do the same. Just... not today. So much left to do." She would go to have her precious sleep and then Healing would continue.


She faced Arath squarely. "If you wish a word with Veniso, he is being held secure under the palace. No harm has been done to him nor will be done until he has been convicted." She shouldn't have needed to even say that but this man would suspect the worst of her.


Arath pursed his lips slightly at her last words.  Until he has been convicted, as though it was already decided and the trial was simply a formality.  "I'm sure he will be safe.  But just to make sure, you wouldn't mind if one of the Asha'man is kept with him."  This was a statement, not a question, but Arette nodded almost imperceptably, as if giving permission.  Just one more thing that got under Arath's skin, even if it was a habit of women in general and not just the Aes Sedai.


"Well then, unless you have a problem with another of your ..." Arath paused for a moment looking for an appropriate word, then continued with a shrug, "... allies, I must finish accounting for the rest of my men.  It would be a shame if someone were to die because of a few precious moments lost."  He knew he shouldn't be making these verbal stabs at her.  The Aes Sedai was an ally, however much neither of them liked it, and adding to the tension between them wasn't likely to help Marden out of his situation.


As he thought of the other man, for just a moment the whole weight of the situation came crashing down upon Arath's shoulders.  He was only 19 years old; why was he responsible for all of this?  The burden of leading men to their deaths in battle, the trial of a man under his command, dealing with the bloody Aes Sedai and their schemes ... it was so much, even for a man much more his senior.  Arath shook his head and walked away from Arette, moving toward a group of men extracting someone from a pile of rubble.  He would have to vent later.  For now, he was needed by those in danger of their lives, both Marden Veniso and those still buried under collapsed buildings.


Arette & Arath

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