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Aes Sedia = barberic?


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Ive been thinking about the as hiearcy. The get control based on how strong they are. WTF? This is the the epidomy of civilazation in this world, or so alot of people think. Why do they do the same thing as ... barbarians. Come on. Even the "savage" Aiel have a requirement then give them an education that will probably kill them. Really, i hate the as enough.


Yes, this forum actually does need another "I hate all Aes Sedai! Even the smart ones, the brave ones and the noble ones!" topic. ;)


The ranking by strength system doesn't seem to make the best use of the resources available to the White Tower. The person who is technically strongest with the One Power isn't necessarily the most intelligent, the most skilled or the most competent in that particular situation. However, being inefficient does not necessarily equal barbaric. I think conclusions are being jumped to here.


Please use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. The apostrophe and its best friends, capital letters, love you. Thanks!


Well position is not only based on strength in the One Power... If the Amrylin tells a sister stronger than her to do something the sister doesn't ignore her. And the position of Amrylin (and Sitters/Heads of Ajahs/Keeper) is not based solely on one's strength in the OP.


To say strength = power is contrary to our civlization is completely wrong. Of course strength = power. In 1800 if Germany kindly asked Belgium to do something, it did it. Just like now if the US asks Iraq to let in inspectors it does it, or gets invaded. I don't see Russia asking the US to get rid of its WMDs.


In our civilization on a personal scale maybe strength doesn't often effect communications. But AS are not normal people. Where kings and queens have armies that give them more influence than peasants, AS have their strength in the OP.The Amrylin has the strength of the White Tower to back up her words, as the Sitters have their Ajahs. Individual Aes Sedia have only their own strength. (The use of strength to reinforce points is out of use but Moiraine mentions the only way to tell whose stronger if 2 AS are very close in strength is a duel, which hasn't been done in a long time, not, has never happened before)

  \ said:
Please use proper spelling' date=' grammar and punctuation. The apostrophe and its best friends, capital letters, love you. Thanks![/quote']


Not everyone has perfect spelling and grammar, including me. I say post what you think however you spell it. If it's too unintelligible, we will let you know. I would hate to see someone afraid to post because they don't know how to spell a word or two.


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