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December in the Kin!


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Happy Holidays Kinsters!  


As Lucy tells Schroder..it’s that time of year for Jingle Bells, Ho! Ho! Ho! And giving presents to pretty girls…..LOL!  And here in the Kin..it’s time for FUN and tons of activites!   You can join in some of them!  All of them!   Don’t be a Scrooge and join in NONE of them!! I’d hate to have to  send Lady Christmas and her sister Mrs. Claus of the Kin to find ya!!!  


Here is an overview of our December activities!   Watch for their appearance in individual threads on the boards and jump on in!!!


:oHoliday Sign In/Roll Call!:

Normally we don’t do a regular roll call, but let’s find out who’s here and lurking! Everyone join in on this one!


;DKin Christmas Happy Mail Exchanges!:

Christmas Card Exchange…Sign up to send and receive Season’s Greetings from your Kin family this Christmas season!  The way it works is that you send a card to everyone who signs up and they send a card to you!!  Cards can be homemade, bought or postcards!  Some people like to share a recipe, tuck in a sticker or bookmark..but mostly to send a bit of Holiday Cheer!  The thread is posted for sign-up is already posted!  Be sure to sign up by December 7th!!

Secret Kinster Exchange… Gather 'round everyone!  It's that amazing time of year when we get to play Santa to our fellow Kin family members!!!    One of our holiday traditions in the Kin is a Secret Santa exchange!  This year we will be exchanging Ornaments!  The thread is posted for signing up..sign ups end on December 7th!!


8)Kinley Christmas Album: Vol 2!

Last year our Elegant Eldest, Lady Christmas herself, *grins* started this wonderful tradition of gathering together Kin members favorite Holiday Music to make our very own CD!   It is one of my favorite Christmas Albums!!!   Once we have collected everyone’s favorite, a CD will be burned and mailed to everyone who contributes a song!  Look for the thread for more details!


???Twinnie’s Holiday Trivia!

It’s no secret that I LOVE HOLIDAYS!  *giggles*  I have over 1800 Christmas Trivia questions just waiting to be answered!!  Kinster’s can get points for correct answers..and the Sash group who has the most answers as a whole will receive a bonus!  The person..member of the Kin or anyone that plays that gets the most points  will be getting a Happy Mail Surprise from Twinnie!


;)Letter’s to Santa

Here it is!  The official place to post your letter’s to Santa of all your wants and Christmas wishes!


:'(Christmas Woes and Glows :D

For the Kin only, this will be found in our Knitting Circle.  Sometimes the Holidays aren’t always as Happy and Joy-filled as the movies and commercials would have everyone believe.  This is the place to let your hair down, rant, cry and get a hug!  It’s also the place to share those moments of unexpected Joy that puts a glow in your heart!


:-*Pass the Cheer

One of the things that the Kin of the WoT books did was to provide help and service to the community!  During the Holidays there are many opportunities to do just that!  Check out the Pass the Cheer thread to see how you can Pass the Cheer this year!



:)Kin’s Seasonal Watch

Need a little pick me up?  Check out Lor’s listing of all the Holiday Specials on TV this season!


*bounces, jingles and laughs*  :D


Yup!  Lots going on in the Kin this December!  Join in one, some or all!!!  Happy Holidays everyone!!!


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