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completion of the story


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I was just wondering if there has been any word about someone finishing the story from mr Jordan's notes ( God Rest His Soul).

I was a relative new comer to the Wheel Of Time series and truly enjoyed reading the books, all 12 in just over 3 months.


Yes, from everything we've heard, the last book, A Memory of Light, will be finished. RJ left behind copious notes and recordings of his explanations regarding the story, plus he had been writing as much as possible during the last year or two of his illness. Everything is in place for someone, probably Harriet, perhaps with help from an established fantasy writer, to pick up and finish off the story.


As to when, it's just speculation at this point, but 2009 seems like a fairly conservative guess.


His death is still fresh in everyone's mind, and the family probably has other priorities at the moment, but I'm sure we'll hear an announcement regarding AMoL as soon as Harriet and TOR are ready to begin discussing it.


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