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Timelines and HoA


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Due to some timeline difficulties and the earlier forced aging I need to do some readjusting.  Basically, I need to make Shaneevae 76 during the main time line. Now, the problem is why on Earth would a 76 year old be made HoA.  Well, after much discussion with James we came up with this idea.


Shaneevae is on the Council at such a young age due to being maybe a token youth?  Maybe someone decides that fresh ideas are needed.  Well, when Raeyn decides to go into retirement the council begins discussing their choices for HoA.  None of them want it stating they're too busy.  Going something like this:


"I've other matters to attend to."


"But you're the logical choice."


"No, I'm not, but So and So is."


"I don't want it."


"Well, I don't either."


"But you're older."


"You're younger."


"That makes no sense."


"You're just senseless!"


"Well, you're a stupid cow!"


"I know! I know!  Let's make Shaneevae do it."


You get the gist. I'd love to see this RP'd out.  It could be quite funny.  James has agreed to NSW one of our stock Browns. Raeyn and maybe Neph could NSW Sada for us.  And maybe Owen will play one of our stock Browns as well.


What say you folks? ;D

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'm entertained.. but that kinda bites as i had Mae younger than Shan (in some form....)





Do as you will. :D My timeline is generally screwed anyways. :D

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Of course they can all still be friends.  I wouldn't have it any other way.


Timeline difficulties. *sigh*


A main character in Shan's life is tied to the main plot line and since I created him to be a man she grew up with that made him 130 years old.  Wolfkin are cool, but living until 130 years? I don't think so.


Actually, we had to not only drop her age, but we had to change the way they met.  He's still from her hometown, but they didn't meet until she returned on her father's death bed after being raised to Aes Sedai.


It also fixes things with another main character in her life that no longer RPs, but Shan still talks about......so it worked out well in the end.


Plus, I think the RP with the council could be fun. Arette, Andrea?  Would you two like to NSW some Brown council members along with James?



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Raeyn said that she actually asked RJ at D*Con or in some chat about that and he said that they are ruled by a Council with one taking First Chair.  Big decisiions are of course put before the whole Council.


At least I think that is what Raeyn said.  It would be cool for us to establish some Council members though. ;D

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Oh and I thought Jesse Bilal was the Head of the Brown Ajah?


Edited to add:


I found this old post of Raeyn's on our private board at the WT site.


The title of the Head of the Brown Ajah Council is First Chair, supposedly. He pointed out something that makes perfect sense though, in that the Browns are more concerned with knowledge than politics, so the title is just for title's sake, and not of any overly huge concern for the Browns.


Just thought I'd share that... I forgot the actual name for the counsel, so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds good to me, as that's kind of how I had it in my head for the most part.  I don't have a solid story scribbled out in my head, but Raeyn would've spent some time wandering and avoiding everyone else in the Tower for sanity's sake (somewhat tied to Matalina going off the deep end and 'dying') before coming back and working lighter duties.  If being a Sitter can honestly be considered lighter duties :D


Also, sorry for being sort of not around the past couple of weeks;  been totally busier than I thought I'd be with Christmas prep, work stuff, and the evil parental visit that's come and gone.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest nephitess

I'd love to RP Sada i this...any other plans for this?


The sitters i think would be members of the council. How many do we think should be on the council?

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