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Sealing the Bore

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So, in the AoL, LTT took his 100 bros to Shayol Ghul and managed to seal not only the Bore, but also almost all of the Forsaken (with Ishy partially sealed, and Ag and Balth just getting owned by time)? How did they accomplish this? Someone indirectly mentioned this when I searched it up, but really. We keep being told that "the greatest miracles in the Age of Legends were worked with men and women channeling the One Power together". How did a bunch of dudes, unable to link, manage to seal the Bore and the Forsaken? If a bunch of female AS came along (can't remember the linking limit off the top of my head) with the male AS, could they, linked, possibly have sealed the Bore so it wouldn't start weakening a mere 3,000 years later? Then again, maybe saidar would have been tainted just like saidin, and then the Breaking of the World would have really sucked. But the DO would be sealed up for a nice long time, maybe a couple of ages. Thoughts?

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This question has been answered in TBWB, (The Big White Book A reference guide to the WoT.)  There were two plans proposed to seal off the DO. LTT's plan to use focus points to precisely seal the bore, and the plan to use the Chodan Kal to set up a barrier.  One of the female Aes Sedai thought that LTT's plan was too risky and convinced all female Aes Sedai of sufficient strength to boycott LTT's plan, an agreement called the fateful accord.  Around this time, forces of the shadow overran the territory where the access terangreal for the chodan kal were located, and this plan was also in jepoardy.  Withthe fateful accord in place  LTT took his 100+ companions and a whole bunch of soldiers with him and sealed the bore as it has been described in the series.


So essentially you are right, it would probably have worked better if there had been women, and there is a good chance that had there been, Saidair would also have been tainted.  However, the wheel weaves as the wheel wills afterall, and a patch that had lasted for several ages probably would not have left enough time for the bore to be fixed properly and still allow enough ages to pass for the inhabitants of the second age to have forgotten the DO again.  Complicated enough answer?

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The resealing of the Bore won't be with the One Power or else the DO could simply re-taint the Power. It must be resealed with the Pattern itself. I think that is where Rand, Mat, and Perrin's Pattern bending ability will be needed at the time, to stretch the Pattern over the hole and reseal it permanantly. Originally, Lanfear and the research team found, "a thinness in the Pattern". That was what the last patchjob by the previous Dragon looked like and what it will look like again.



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