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White Ajah - To do list


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For me to keep track of what is done and needs doing, and so you can all see it and chip in stuff that I've missed, or offer to help out :)  As things get done, they'll slide into the first list, the second covering what is left over.


What is done:


- Sitters and Ajah Head picked (Mordea Tempestae both Ajah Head and Sitter, Ismine Dorl and Adrai Tynin [Eldest])

- Site has been made  http://whiteajah.wordpress.com/

- OOC Head of Ajah picked (Me/James, somehow)

- Basic sketch of current politics and how we got to the current time done.

- Doctrinal conflict outlined, premise approved and opposing doctrines rounded out.


What needs doing:


- The White Ajah History needs to be written (process begun, on hold during November due to exams & Nano).

- RPing of sitters on the Amyrlin raising thread (Not done and low priority as it isn't 'necessary').

- Determine the direction the White Ajah will take under Mordea Tempestae beyond the assertion of her balancing the influence of both doctrines within the White Ajah.  What internal projects does it have running or will begin running?

- Old NSW bios need cleaning up and rewriting from the simple bios they are into more evolved characters.

- Determining areas of study/thought within the White Ajah from ethics to the nature of the Wheel and the Pattern.

- Determining what info would help out Novice/Accepted interested in the White Ajah and doing a write up for it.

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