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Bubble of Light - Rapport by Chopping (attn: Brent)


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The Amyrlin's personal quarters weren't that much better than those of the ordinary Sisters, they were just much more spaceous and decorated more grandeously with marble floors and walls. The Amyrlin had only three rooms like any Sister, a sitting room, study and bed room but in addition there were bed rooms for a Warder and a personal servant - or another Gaidin if the Amyrlin was Green. But Annais Nevell had no need for the Warder's room as she had never been Bonded and her maid resided with the other servants as Odelia wanted to be where the gossip flew more freely.


She checked the rooms for dozenth time and tried to see them with an eye of an outsider. She knew that everything was in order as Lia took care of such things but it gave her something to occupy herself with. Why she was so nervous, she couldn't fathom. This was hardly the first time she and Brent had dined together. Sure, it was the first time she was the Amyrlin when it happened but it shouldn't change anything if they didn't let it to. She had no intention to do so, and from the brief moments they had been able to be alone after the Asha'man had arrived, she had gathered that neither did he.


In the large sitting room two sofas and three arm chairs tempted guests to sit and enjoy the views from the tall arched windows. Closer to the entrance to the room stood the dinner table set with gleaming Sea Folk porcelain and an elegant flower arrangement of crimson carnations. On the walls were fine tapestries from Tear, Kandor and Arad Doman set with scenes from Annais' favourite stories. The one depicting Mara and the three kings fishing for their crowns always made her smile. The cold of the marble floor was barely kept away by the finely woven carpets from Tarabon but both she and Brent were familiar with the trick of how to ignore heat. She would have to remember to ask him how the Asha'man had learned it.


On the mantelpiece of her fireplace were replicas of the carvings in her study, the little statues depicting her father and his men. Annais had tried to not clutter the room with too many things even though she had a sizeable collection of all kind of interesting objects from around the world. Currently she was displaying her collection of tea makers from Arafel and few prettiest tea sets from around the world. Beside the plinths holding the items, the only other furniture was a small table for her decanters of spirits and her strategy board. Anything more and the room would seem too crowded.


She wasn't thankfully given enough time to fret about her looks when a knock came from the door. The day before the Asha'man had been given a tour in the Tower itself and today in Tar Valon. Aramina was supposed to bring Brent to her quarters when he ended his visit with the Gray Sitters and Annais had asked Phaeadra to time their lunch so that he would have appetite for dinner. Maybe it could be seen as a sign of favoritism that she had assigned the Sitters of her own Ajah to escort the M'Hael but yesterday it had been the Yellows so it should shut most mouths. Only tomorrow and then the Asha'man would leave. Annais certainly wouldn't miss Linten and she was glad that Brent had taken her suggestion to pair the Asha'man. Certainly a Storm Leader was enough to keep the man straight. The thought of Brent leaving shouldn't have been so sad, despite all the time they had spent together in the Black Tower, they still barely knew each others. But she knew him enough to have passed the judgement that he was great company.


Opening the door, she smiled brightly at her Keeper and Brent. "Brent, Aramina. I hope that you have had a plesent day." Well, that was directed more for him as Annais had seen Ara last an hour ago. "Welcome and please come in." Aramina wisely didn't enter which made the gentle dismissal much easier. "Thank you for escorting my guest here, Aramina. I will see you tomorrow." Bidding her goodbyes, the Green departed and left her alone with Brent. Luckily she had rehearsed a few good lines for her part in the script or she feared that she would have been left tongue tied.


"How have you liked it so far in our humble abode? Did the Grays show you any interesting joints in the city? I hope that you're not too full as the kitchen people seemed to think that there will be half a dozen of us tonight. Take a seat", she gestured Brent toward the dinner table. He was quite the gentleman and took a chair out for her. She smiled at him warmly before sitting down to the high backed chair ornated with the Flame of Tar Valon and waited him to be seated opposite to her. She tried to keep her channeling to minimum around him and any Asha'man so she lifted off manually the lids of the trays on a small cart beside the table to reveal steaming dishes of Illianer food. She had made sure to use the best chef that could be found in town for today and surprisingly the name most Sisters from Illian mentioned hadn't been working in a high class restaurant but a small inn in the harbour. Savelli family had owned it for few generations, though so they had some traditional recipes.


"Looks delicious, right? Now, don't be alarmed as I need to channel a bit. I will remove the Keeping weaves off the food. They're the secret why it is still warm. Why don't you pour as some wine while I'm at it. It's nice white wine to go with the fish. Brandy will be served with the dessert as I don't want you tipsy like a maiden." Annais grinned at him feeling a bit more on even ground again. "Accusations of taking an advantage of you in a compromised state would do wonders to the relations of the Towers."


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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The room echoed the elegance of its occupant.  Marble floors bare of rugs, though the floor seemed to be the only surface bare of various odds and ends; full but not cluttered.  Artifacts from every culture betraying how well travelled his companion was for the evening.  Unfortunately for Brent, the only country he was able to discuss at any length was his native Illian and maybe Andor to a certain extent.  Then again, he was hoping politics wouldn't be the main topic of conversation.  Politics should be over right?  He had gotten what he wanted and she had gotten what she wanted.  The "dutiful" side of their meetings was done; this was just a dinner between friends- if they counted as such already.


Light!  Annie the Amrylin Seat!  Wasn't that a shock!  Well, pleasant surprised really.  It boded well for relations between the two Towers.  Maybe now Brent could finally begin to dream to see the fruition of some of his plans.  The White Tower and the Black, equal by more than just declaration!  A day where Asha'man were recognised, if not as normal human beings, then at least as unfortunate men- not monsters.


'Be calming yourself down, Brent.  Else she do be thinking you be no more than some foolish five year-old.'  Odd, that particular thought shouldn't have made him cringe as much as it did.  Then again, combining it with a certain number of recent dreams... 'Not good!  Not good!  Fortune prick me!  You can no be letting yourself think that, friend or no.  She do be Aes Sedai and the Amyrlin Seat besides and you be the M'Hael.  It would no be even plausible if you two did be nothing more than Aes Sedai and Asha'man.'  Even if a certain other pair had a rather... intimate relationship. That didn't end well- not that any such incestuous relationship was likely to.  'Perhaps it do be time to be paying a woman, Brent.'


As the Keeper departed, leaving Brent and Annais alone in the doorway, the Illianer grinned and jokingly took Annais' hand, kissing the ring there.  "Good evening, Annie... or do you be preferring mummy, now?"


Mouth-watering smells wafted from the table as he moved a chair for her to sit.  While Annais uncovered the dishes, Brent couldn't help but laugh.  "You do be a gem, Annie!  I do no be having good Illianer fare since I did be leaving her years ago.  I did try to be having Covai and Dashiva make some in the inn, but it be poor stuff compared to the real thing.  It do be smelling delicious!"  When her face reached a certain level of obvious amusement, it took the Illianer a moment of confusion to remember what he had forgotten.  "Oh... right!  Wine."  Shooting her a sheepish grin and a blush, he filled their glasses.


"Me?  Tipsy like a maiden?  And here I did be hoping to end the evening in blissful oblivion.  Ah well, I be supposing one of us do be having to keep their head." he sighed dramtically before grinning.  "What do be this about taking advantages?  What could an Aes Sedai possibly be doing to a big bad Asha'man?"

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Annais was glad that Aramina had already left by the time Brent planted a kiss on her hand. It was rediculous how electric such a little touch felt, especially since he didn't seem to be as affected. Not that she let her pleased smile to slip. The smile turned into a hearty chuckle at his greeting. "As long as you know who your mommy is, Sonny." He had been really good about formality so far when they had been in public, calling her Mother and not slipping with more familiar Annais or, Light forbid, Annie. That would have raised some eyebrows.


She beamed at the praise. "Thank you, I try my best. This is the least a gracious hostess can do. Lets hope that it tastes as good but I am sure that it will." She waited for him to pour the wine but he seemed be just looking at her. And then came the delicious blush again. Time to direct thoughts back to safe waters and topics.


"Oh I am thinking all kind of crafty and cunning things like twisting on on such knots around my finger that you can never break free. I can start by getting you addicted to the secret indegrients in the food. Just kidding." She raised her wine glass. "I propose a toast to us and world dominion. Just as long as I get to be on top in our relationship", she added with a wink.


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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It simply would not do for someone well over twelve, let alone the M'Hael of the Black Tower, to have wine come out his nose- but it was a very near thing.  Nevertheless, alcohol burning in the back of one's nasal cavity is hardly a pleasant sensation and even "big bad Asha'man's" eyes watered when it felt like their nosehair was being burned away.  Brent tried very hard to get rid of the sudden, vivid mental image but the not-so-innocent smirk on her face was doing little to deter his minddespite the perfectly decent clothing.


Finally managing to actually swallow the mouthful of wine, Brent made a mental note to be very careful to time forkfuls of food.  He blinked away tears, managing a rather raspy laugh.  "To world domination and getting used to no having the top."  He drained his glass, anticipating that the evening had only begun to get interesting.


Curious as to what exactly the woman might have up her sleeves, Brent decided just to continue the line of conversation.  "Shame on you, Annie.  You do be leading me on with such talk, I do half be thinking you be flirting!  What would the Hall be saying!"

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The reaction was a bit unexpected but then not as Brent had just taken a sip of his wine. Annais was glad that she had managed to catch him off guard and she was prepared to pat his back if such help would be needed. But he seemed to recover on his own. He really should be careful with his wine if he would drink at that phase. Annais poured him another glass of the fine white.


His rebuke made her just grin but the final reprimand stiffled the smile more than a bit. Quite a pour of cold water. Light, the Sitters would be outraged if they found out. Although the more scheming ones might even encourage her and demad to get all the bloody details so they could see how well she had him hooked. The thought gave her unpleasent shivers. One way or another, if she did anything and anyone caught on them, she would be at their mercy and Brent's position would also be compromised. "Just half thinking?" She smiled at him genuinely but she couldn't quite reach the playful tone again. "What would constitute as a full fledged flirting in your opinion then?"


"I asked before but you didn't answer then. How did you like the tour to Tar Valon today? If it is a boring topic, you should think up a better one. I'm just curious as to how your day has been. And your time in the White Tower. Has it been what you expected?" Yes, it almost bordered work and their roles but at least it wouldn't lead them to uncertain paths. Besides, Mia would have her hide if she did anything with Brent.



Titles are good for hiding behind them

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Despite the smile and the quips, something in her voice had changed.  Something that made him sigh and bite his cheek while trying to think through whatever he had said to change the mood of the conversation.  Taking another bite of fish, Brent was still unsure of how to reverse the conversation back away from "formal", if such a state existed with Annie, and while he was far from uncomfortable talking about the day's tour, he had spent all day repeating the same things over and over again.  There weren't many people at all with whom he could freely joke; the mention of "Tower" reminded him of the title he was trying to momentarily forget.  The rest of the Black Tower would not be happy to find him alone and chatting away amiably with the Amyrlin Seat, familiar face or not.


"In some ways Tar Valon do be what I expected it to be; beautiful, cosmopolitan, prosperous and all of that, but at the same time I did no be anticipating such a contrast to the Black Tower.  Ogier-crafted buildings, that do be practically art in and of themselves, do be held up against shabby brick barracks that did be thrown together with the One Power.  While I be imagining such a centre for the Black Tower, the reality do be that no such thing be possible.  People do no be so afraid of Aes Sedai as they do be of the Asha'man and even promises of commerce and protection do no be enough to outwiegh the obvious dangers."  Brent avoided the topic of the Taint, not wanting to damped the conversation with the depressing topic of his quickly-approaching certain demise.


"The city do be breath-taking but it be a constant reminder of what will never be for the Black Tower."  He shrugged, resigned to the Black Tower, and his, eventual fates.  "Change what you can, live with what you can't."

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Annie could sense Brent's mood changing too and she regretted it. But they couldn't return to the previous flirtatious mode as it was far too dangerous and could lead to things. Maybe some kind of a middle way could be found. She certainly hadn't excpected such melancholy from him, usually people answered such question politely and said that they had had a fine day even if they hadn't. Though of course she appreciated the honesty more. But that wasn't the kind of a mood she wanted to see him in. She was sad for him and the Black Tower but she wasn't going to let it to spoil their dinner and the last time in a long time when they could be alone. "Brooding Brent. I didn't know that you were such a pessimist." She voiced the last word as if it was the most horrible thing in the world that could be imagined.


"And a bullshitting pessimist of all things. You could hire Ogiers too and I believe that they would come. They protected the male channelers during the Breaking and despite their usual placidness, they can be fierce warriors with much bravery. Male channelers don't scare them. And comparing yourself to the sun when you are currently a bonfire is totally unproductive. You have the potential to be the sun one day if you have the balls to dream big and go for it. I saw a plenty of people in Black Tower who were totally willing to live there. They were relatives and had a close bond on the man who manifested but when you take the time to cultivate more such relationships, you could get people to move to you. I wonder if you have ever met a merchant really worth their salt. If you gave them good enough incentives, they would go to do trade in the Pit of Doom. Greed and good profits is what drives most of them and if you can sell yourself well enough, they will flock to you."


"But with that kind of 'oh woe is me' attitude you aren't going to achieve anything except a spanking from me. Or maybe that is what you were after all along." Annais winked at him.


"Now, if we want to have a pleasent evening, I think that a few rules need to be established. If you pout and sulk again, I will smack your pretty bottom. Certain words need to also be banned, such as the White Tower, Black Tower, Amyrlin Seat, M'Hael and channeling and channelers. If you absolutely must mention them for some obscene reason, you can at least do it in a humorous way. My suggestions would be 'World's Largest Phallos Symbol', 'Megalomaniac Project', 'Head Bitch', 'Supreme Bastard', 'feeding the addiction' and 'arrogant wool-heads'."


"Any objections? And would you like to dance?"


Annais Nevell

The Amyrlin Seat

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Within a matter of sentences, a wide grin split his bearded face.  Annie had that effect on people- or at least on him, though perhaps he was little biased.  All of what she said was true, although even the most greedy of businessmen would have to be bordering on insane themselves to set up shop so close to what may as well be an actice volcano.  Then again, volcanic soil was highly fertile and people had a tendancy to be complete idiots when money was involved.  If Brent weren't a male channeller himself, there was no way in the Pit of Doom he would set up shop closer to the Black Tower than Caemyln.  Then again, his business likely would have involved fishhing and there was a serious lack of oceans for thousands of miles around the Farm.


"And what if I be calling you "Amyrlin Seat" just to be seeing how you be reacting?"  Containing his laughter to maintain even a small semblance of seriousness was a painful business made possible only by a great many sit-ups.  "And do the mention of spanking be to encourage or deter me?  I do be having trouble deciding which."


At the mention of dancing, Brent searched the room for some sort of music.  Dancing?  Blood and ashes.  Between his lack of practice and general ineptitude with all things involving rhythm and pitch, this was likely to turn into a fiasco that really should be avoided if he wanted to maintain any semblance of dignity.  Light help him, but dignity was getting farther and farther from his mind with each hint and smile.


"Do you be pulling a Gleeman out your sleeve, Annie?  I do no see any music and I do be needing to have a great deal more brandy in me before I be ready to disgrace your ears with my terrible attempts at making music.  Oh, and neither I nor the Bl...Megalomaniac Project be liable for any broken toes."

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It was quite obvious that Brent's good mood had been restored and it gladdened Annais. The poor man didn't have much chances to enjoy his life and with his tendency to mope, he likely passed most such opportunities. She wanted him to remember his last night in the White Tower well and with pleasure as it could help in the future dealings. And naturally she wanted him to rememeber her well too. She had no idea when they would meet again if they even would. Being the Amyrlin meant that she could not leave Tar Valon without the Hall's permission and the Sitters likely would never allow her to go to Black Tower. And since Brent couldn't come to the White Tower save on official business, the meetings would be rare. It was a shame as she rarely met people she clicked so well with instantly but this evening would make a nice memory.


She arched an eyebrow and tsked when he tried her. Leaning over the table slightly, she shook her finger at him. "You don't want to provocate me so, Brent." She replied his question of her intent with a slight shrug and a mysterious smile. The smiled widened when he looked around beseechingly at the mention of dancing.


"Phaw, I don't intend to bring in any third wheels here as Gleemen are horrible gossips and such presence would force us to be all formal and stiff. Besides, I can be my own Gleeman. If I wasn't an Aes Sedai, I could have made a prosperous career as a traveling singer." She snorted at his dubious look. "You'll see soon enough. And I really want to hear you sing to me sooner or later tonight. You have such a pleasent voice that your singing will sound good too. If you need the brandy to give you the courage, then so be it. We haven't even gotten started with spirits yet but why wait until dessert." Annais stood gracefully and walked to a small sidetable where her teaset and crystal decanters and finely crafted glasses laid. She set one decanter and five glasses on a small silver tray and carried them back to the dinner table where Brent was still enjoying his dinner.


She begun to pour the amber liquid with apple scent to the five glasses and passed him three. "I hope that you are enjoying your food. Just leave little hunger for later as you will love the dessert. And here, three glasses for you. Apple brandy to smooth your voice and to ease your steps. One drink for each leg", she grinned before lifting one of the glasses to her lips. Her eyes were smoky as she regarded him over her rim. "Cheers, Brent." She threw the drink back and let it and the excitement warm her. Things were was heading quickly off the course and she was speeding them instead of acting all wisely like she had decided. Just this once. It was wrong in so many ways but nothing had made her feel as alive in a long time.


"And don't you worry about dancing. We just need to get adjusted to being pressed so closely against each others and learn to coordinate our movements. If you don't feel confident enough to lead yet, you can entrust yourself to my capable hands. I am very good. Are you ready to start then?"


Annais Nevell

A woman and really feeling like one

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  • 2 weeks later...

He was highly amused that she planned on singing, particularly since her motives involved making sure the two of them were alone.  His own views on that matter were perhaps best communicated by his wide grin when she mentioned, perfectly innocently, the word “stiff”.  It was hardly the first time Brent had thought about this, but he had decided it unlikely and especially impossible upon hearing of her promotion.  Now that it seemed she really wanted their offices forgotten, he was more than happy to oblige-- so happy, in fact, he was positively beaming!


Throwing back the three glasses in quick succession, he rolled the last glass across the back of his hand.  He’d learned the trick first in the Perfumed Quarters and his habit of keeping a bottle of brandy close-to-hand had helped him perfect it.  It’d been far too long since he’d had the chance to show off a few bar tricks.  Of course, after recent promotions, this was really not the time for such a realisation.  ‘You do be thinking too much, Brent.  This do NO be the time to be over-thinking.’


“You do be needing to be careful how much of that excellent brandy you do be giving my poor legs, Annie, else they will no be able to stand.”  His grin illumined vague pronouns so there would be no question as to which leg he was referring.  Not that clarification seemed necessary.


Pushing back his chair, he took her hand as he stood.  With an overdramatic bow, Brent kissed her hand.  “You did already be claiming the top, I need to save myself at least a little male dignity and lead.” he smirked, wrapping an arm around her waist.  “Maestro?”


Brent Enios

Supreme Bastard of the Megalomaniac Project

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Bren't brandy chucking skills were pretty impressive as there wasn't even a sign of a flinch or cough despite drowning three glasses in rapid succession. And it was hardly the only thing Annais admired in him. There were alot of fine body parts all the way from head to toes and he had an endearing personality even if he was a bit negative from time to time. Too many good qualities for it to be safe. And he had that elusive something that made Annais salivate. She had actually been able to identify parts of it and they were the same qualities Milos had to her slight annoyance. Cockiness and the subtle knowledge that no matter how she talked and acted and was an Aes Sedai, she couldn't really dominate him. Not that she really wanted to and with time it would cause her to loose her respect for him. Still it was quite infuriating from time to time because she was used to being in control and he was harmful for her balance.


His warning of dosing him too liberally with brandy was met with a throaty laughter. Her throat constricted lightly when he took her hand and placed his lips on it. Such a small touch shouldn't have made her so aware of him. When he pulled her against him, her eyes darkened and her lips parted slightly as she regarded his face. All she would have to do was lean a bit forward and she could kiss him like she had imagined so many times. His closeness definately caused reactions in her and she had to clear her throat to be able to speak. They would do this right because this was the only time. He would have to do some pursuing and no matter how she wanted it, it couldn't be too easy.


Annie disentangled her hand gently, all the time conscious that his hand never left her waist, and began to clap a rhytm. "This is the beat you should follow. I will prepare my voice, hum an intro and then we'll start." She did quickly some basic excercises to warm her voice and the concentration on one of her favourite activities allowed her to not be so bloody aware of Brent for a moment. She begun with passion and intensity, clearly enjoying what she was doing. It wasn't hard for her to coordinate her feet and sing at the same time and she moved gracefully with Bren't lead, even covering some of his mistakes and keeping him from stepping on her toes.


Love is a rebellious bird

that nobody can tame,

and you call him quite in vain

if it suits him not to come.

Nothing helps, neither threat nor prayer.

One man talks well, the other's mum;

it's the other one that I prefer.

He's silent but I like his looks.

Love! Love! Love! Love!


Love is a Tinker's child,

it has never, ever, known a law;

love me not, then I love you;

if I love you, you'd best beware!


The bird you thought you had caught

beat its wings and flew away ...

love stays away, you wait and wait;

when least expected, there it is!

All around you, swift, so swift,

it comes, it goes, and then returns ...

you think you hold it fast, it flees

you think you're free, it holds you fast.

Love! Love! Love! Love!


Love is a Tinker's child,

it has never, ever, known a law;

love me not, then I love you;

if I love you, you'd best beware!


The music and the movements blended into one and Annais was breathless and caught up in the mood and theme when the dance was over. She had sung to him even if the lyrics didn't really reflect her feelings. But the heat was there and the rhytm had been perfect for the moment. "Oh Brent, that was wonderful. You are wonderful", she breathed. He was still holding her and she felt a nervous flutter in her belly... and so much more but she couldn't give any attention to it. "You should... shouldn't you release me?"


Annais Nevell

Head Bitch of the World's Largest Phallo Symbol

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Brent hadn’t heard the song before, but he had a few like it which had similar rhythms.  It had been ages since he’d danced.  Honestly, he couldn’t remember the last time, but it would have been some decade past and back in the Perfumed Quarters—not that he’d been known for particularly nimble feet.  However, a steady job, a good pair of shoulders and an early crop of whiskers counted for more in the Perfumed Quarters than a pretty, penniless face; and had earned him his fair share of willing partners.  Soldiering, especially the exaggerated and romanticised stories that went with it, had earned him at least a little experience, no matter how much had gone to rust in ten years of being out-of-use.


He could try telling himself that ingrained reflex saved Annie’s toes, but that was ego talking—Annie saved her own toes.  Not that she was much help for remembering where his feet were supposed to be going.  She was more of a distraction and her face when he barely missed stepping on her feet wasn’t helping.  Truthfully, very little was going in favour of remembering which foot was going which way.  Between her body pressed up against his and the sensuality of the song, his mind was definitely elsewhere.


Backwards, backwards, backwards, turn.  Promenade, promenade, turn, turn.  Backwards, spin.  Repeat with variations.


By the time the song had ended, she was left breathless and they were both flushed.  He hadn’t let go yet.  Her comment gave him the two seconds he needed to weigh his options and come to a quick decision.  What was a little risk?


He kissed her.  Not long and relatively lightly compared to what was raging through him.


When he broke it, Brent let her go.  “I didn’t figure you wanted releasing yet.”


Brent Enios

M'Hael of the Black Tower

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Brent was the undoing of her. No one had ever broken her self-control practiced for a century as badly. Fair enough, she wasn't as ascetic and self-denying as most of her Sisters but this was rediculous. No matter how deprived she was, this kind of an effect just couldn't be true. The touch of their lips was short and light but a quiet moan escaped Annais and she brought her hands to his broad shoulders to steady herself. When he let her go, she didn't and stared at him for a moment a bit dazed. He was just making it worse with his suggestive words. Upper hand, she needed it now and badly. If only he had been clearly panting and red-faced. It would have put her more at ease and she could have been amused instead of just bloody needy.


"I want it badly", she admitted huskily. "But not yet." Her voice was laced with disappointment. "Anticipation makes it all the better in the end." She took some hasty steps back to get some space and bumped into a chair. She wasn't reatreating, just err, getting closer to the dessert.


"I... umm... why don't you sit down", she motioned toward the sofa and arm chairs. She had a good hunch of where he would sit and she knew where she wanted to sit. But she wouldn't. A shame that she didn't have the cleavage to really make an impression when she leaned toward him. "I will serve the dessert." Everything was well organized before hand so all she had to do was to push a small service cart beside the table at the seating area and unload the tea cups and the tea pot kept warm with Keeping weave and uncover a cheese cake covered with berries. It was a welcomed distraction and she was able to cut pieces of the cake with a steady hand.


She seated herself to the arm chair nearest to the sofa and felt confident enough to grin at Brent. "Would you like to play something? I was thinking chop as you said that you can play it. The betting makes it very interesting but it shouldn't be anything too ordinary for us two. Truths and Dares maybe. Do you dare?" She took the first bite of the cake and placed it to her mouth sensuously slowly savouring every bit.


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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He was actually surprised to see her practically dazed when their lips parted.  Annie’s admission certainly wasn’t helping his swelling ego; it took a hit, though, at the words “not yet” just as he was leaning in again.  It was almost worth it to watch her back into a chair.  Annais Nevell, Am- right, no titles- who had been so sure through the entire Watchers Negotiations, constantly holding the upper hand; thrown off-balance by a simple kiss.  Brent dared not think how similar the situation might be if their positions had been reversed.


Offered the sofa or the armchair, he naturally chose the sofa.  He dared not let his eyebrows betray his curiosity when she chose the armchair.  It seemed barely a minute with her back turned toward him was enough for her to pull herself back together.  “Not yet” echoed through his mind and a small smile pulled at his mouth; the evening’s end had, more or less, been decided but it was still a question of who would hold the upper hand.


A mouthful of cheesecake allowed him a moment’s thought for his response.  Not that this was anything like the negotiations where he had to watch and weigh her every move and action, not that he wasn’t eyeing her every forkful, rather he was hoping to leave more than just a bland impression when tonight was over.  Brent wasn’t expecting anything to come of this, of course, but if circumstances allowed...  ‘You be thinking too much, again.’


“Fortunate for you,” he said with a grin that was getting a little too cocksure “I do be having a good deal more practice at chop than at dancing.  That and toes do no be involved.”  Being from the Perfumed Quarters and spending most of his life around the docks and sailors, Brent had learned chop before he was ten.  Chop games persisted most evenings at the inn and had been one of the only familiar surroundings in his first years as a Soldier and Dedicated.


The cards were dealt.  It was time for bets.  “I suppose I be betting first?  Truth; how do I be measuring up to the last man you be with?”


Brent Enios


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Annais tsked and eyed Brent with mocking dispproval at his arrogant expression and words. "It doesn't require much practice to be better than your dancing. But it's alright because it was just an excuse to get to pawn you. Just as I planned." She hadn't planned the effect of the kiss on her even though she had predicted that the kiss itself might come. Alright, hoped for it. But she wasn't desperate enough to crave for it. She should have just followed her plan to scratch her itch with some boy toy. But she had a sinking feeling that even that wouldn't have helped. They just needed to get the rules clear without actually talking about such mood dampening issue. Just tonight and she was on top - or at least they were both on top.


She winked at him. "And you have no idea what kind of connections I can imagine between chop and toes. Come next Dare and I will trump you and you'll see." She looked at her cards that were absolute rubbish. She kept any disappointment carefully off her face because she had determined that Brent was the kind of player you needed to let to win a few times first. He would grow even more overly certain and arrogant then and start making mistakes. Instead she assumed a swagger that mirrored his and eyed him with a false air of certainty of victory.


Oh how she would seethe and laugh internally at his satisfied look when she would be ah so disappointed for loosing after all. Her Truth would have to be something big enough that he would believe she was serious but also something that she really wouldn't mind never knowing about him. She didn't particularly look forward to talking about Milos even with no names named but she had to hook him. "My bet is; what has been your most embarrassing experience with women?"


The cards were revealed and she let annoyance flash on her face briefly before turning to Brent. She eyed him up and down suggestively leaving her eyes emphatically on certain spot. "I obviously haven't gotten all your measures yet but I am sure that you compare just fine. As for other things, you are younger, you are not a noble, you are not married nor a father, you have similar kind of colouring but your body types are different. He is more slender and you have broader chest and shoulders, perfect to grasp during... He, ah, dances and politicks better but you... you kiss better." Brent wasn't maybe quite as skillful technically but Milos hadn't made her swoon as quickly. She watched carefully Brent's reactions and tried to read what he thought of it. The swell of ego was certainly visible during the last words but it was the truth.


And she had spoken enough of him, Annais decided and pushed the deck to Brent to deal. Even before looking at her cards, she declared her bet. "Dare; you will kneel before me, give me a foot massage and kiss my every toe. What is yours, pretty boy?" Then she checked her cards and kept her face neutral save for a questioning and challenging eyebrow directed at him.


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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Annie had been “the mistress”?  Brent had trouble seeing her settling for “the other woman”. Then again, maybe that was his bias toward mistresses in general.  His father had been faithful to his mother... in his own way.  He was a merchant, so he spent as much time away from home as at home, so, yes, he had slept with whores and tavern lightskirts while away.  His wife had known about it, too, as had Brent once he was old enough to understand these things.  However, none of those other women had lasted more than a night or two.  There was no relationship to challenge his mother’s position; “scratching the itch” really hadn’t bothered his mother, or at least, not that she let on.


Speaking of “letting on”, concentrating on his cards was getting more and more difficult.  Brent could help but stretch and puff out his chest as Annie’s eyes swept over him. He laughed at her dare, checking his cards to give him time to come up with a dare of his own.  “While we do be on the subject of body parts then, my dare be this: you be having to touch your elbows behind your back.”


Barely glancing back at his pair of tens, he was only mildly disappointed at his loss.


Brent Enios


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Brent's Dare made Annais blink. She just couldn't see what was the fun in that. She was tempted to try it out to see how it worked but since she intended to win this round, it would be totally silly. She hid her smile at her good luck. The eight and five at her hand would have been poor cards if there weren't other two eights and a five in the table. She was going to get a wonderful foot rub soon and they both would be tormented by the ideas of what else Brent could do from the kneeling position. But not yet. They had time and they would use all of it to build the anticipation.


Laying the cards on the table, she smiled at him triumphantly. "I won." She kicked off her slippers and leaned forward to remove her silk stockings but then she decided against it. "No, you should do it." Pulling her hem up to her knees to reveal a pair of well-formed calves, she wiggled her toes at him. "Get into the position then." She decided to subtly try the trick Brent had tried to make her do and pushed her shoulders back trying to connect her elbows behind her back. It was bloody impossible and she gave Brent an annoyed frown.


The frown turned into a disbelieving laughter when she realized that he was staring at her fairly flat chest that she was displaying clearly by pushing it forward. She returned to a normal pose with an amused groan. "Burn you. You owe me two dares now." Propping her feet at his lap, she poked him in the belly. "You should get started while I think on the other one."


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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Life just didn’t get much better.  He wasn’t adverse to foot massaging, and it appeared Annais had missed the point of his dare and was trying to figure it out; so foot massaging got forgotten for a minute while he appreciated the view.  When she finally figured it out, Brent just laughed at the prospect of two dares; no sense trying to get out of it until he found out what it was.


Changing his focus from her chest to the legs generously displayed in front of him.  He took his time in stripping off her stockings, fingers trailing over shaved skin.  Knuckles and fingers rubbed the stiff muscles of her feet.  It wasn’t long before his fingers drew a reaction the surprised him.  Each moan and sigh was another point to his ego.  For someone so out of practice...


“Now now, Annie, people” he carefully avoided mentioning “the Hall”, “be thinking I be taking advantage of you if they did walk by now.” Brent chuckled.


Brent Enios


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His hands on her calves and feet were pure bliss. It was teasing how slowly he removed her silken socks and how his touch grew stronger gradually from light strokes. He had good hands just like she had known and Annais didn't even try to hold back her pleased reactions. Some Yellow Sisters claimed that there were connections from your feet to other body parts and she certainly felt the effect of the caresses and massaging far beyond her soles. She had been supposed to think another Dare but all she could focus on was his hands on her.


"They couldn't hear us because the room is Warded", she mumbled and sighed with disappointment when he stopped moving his hands even though he left them to rest over her feet. She doubted that they would be playing any more rounds but it suited her just fine even though she was compromising her position too much. But she would get the lead back soon enough, for now she would just enjoy. She pulled her feet away from him with aversion and stood up. She stepped in front of him, turned her back and sat on the carpet.


"I know what the second Dare is. Will you help me with my buttons? I want you to work my shoulders too."


Annais Nevell

Amyrlin Seat

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Nope.  Brent was certainly not complaining; in fact, life didn’t get much better than this.  He was hardly averse to playing the masseuse, especially with unspoken promises for later on.  Hang a tie on the door handle, he wasn’t going home tonight!


Her back towards him, his fingers worked their way down the buttons of her dress.  Stiff, naked muscles shifted under his hands as his fingers kneaded them.  He slowly worked his way down her spine, massaging first her neck, then down to her shoulders.  The lower his hands went, the more Annie seemed to relax, leaning against him.


Brent moved down to her shoulder blades, undoing a few more buttons as he went.  It was getting harder and harder to remember he was just supposed to giving her a massage.  The temperature in the room seemed to rise while his head was drawn to hers by the magnetic force known best as desire.  By the time his thumbs were rubbing away at the muscles along her spine, close the bottom of her shoulder blades, his lips had replaced his hands at her neck.

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Brent was good, really good. His hands were big and slightly callused but still gentle and her every nerve was tuned to him. Annais was more aware than ever of every touch and press on her skin. He worked the tautness off her muscles but filled her with entirely different kind of a tension. She wanted him so badly that it wasn't healthy. She was very much afraid that she might want to keep him for his hands, sense of humour and the whole mouth-wetting package, but that was a concern for another day.


When his lips begun to nuzzle her neck, she closed her eyes in pleasure and leaned even closer. Kisses and even little nips, and she expressed her approval by deep sighs. He worked his way to her earlobe and she couldn't take it anymore. She turned and pushed him back by laying a hand on his chest. His heartbeat was racing as much as hers, she realized with a wave of self-satisfaction. Propping herself on his lap, she murmured "My turn".


Annais brought her face close enough that their breaths mingled but when he tried to kiss her, she pulled away slightly with a playful smile. "Hasty, are we. We will take it slowly, very slowly. When I am done with you, you will be begging." She had the patience for it but she wasn't certain if she had the self-control if he'd change the rules. Not the first time at least. She wished that he wasn't ticklish as she would start with feathers and warm and cold breaths. Keeping was such a handy thing for having ice all around the year.


Gazing intently to him with her own desire-darkened gray eyes, she barely touched his face with her fingertips as she followed the light nap of his skin. Every inch of his face she caressed until she finally joined their lips. Tender at first but gradually growing in passion, the kiss was a promise of what would come. They both breathed raggedly when they finally parted and she begun to unbutton his somber black coat. Gone was the slow teasing now and she used her teeth and nails lightly on his broad chest before she lead him to the bedroom in a trail of shed clothes.

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