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Ta'veren - Miracles and Lucky Ones


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Some people get all the luck, dont they? We all know someone who always lands on their feet, always comes out with the best from any situation.


Is this just down to pure 'luck', as we tend to imagine, or to their money if they have a fortune, or could they be something like a ta'veren?


Is it possible that certain people in this world have the unconscious ability to... influence events, without even trying? To be truly influential people, or seem to have 'the knack' for something or other...



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I feel that it is more of a person being constantly aware of their surroundings and knowing what they want.  By being constantly aware they are able to take advantage of more situations than others which helps them appear lucky of fortunate.  It also helps to keep those times when you get completly swindled hidden. :P



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