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WoT Computer Game

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Oh cool, someone else is playing too! It would be awesome to hook up and play in multiplayer mode, but I doubt my home connection (26K tops) will handle any multiplayer at all. I intend to put it to the test eventually anyway of course, but I do expect it to fail miserably.

Guest cwestervelt

As a Wheel of Time fan, my problems with the game, even those that concern the games connection to the books, have nothing to do with the story of the books...


From my experience with the game, it was just another first person shooter. They had so much they could have done, then they base it on Unreal.


As far as being faithfulness to the Wheel of Time it was atrocious. An full Aes Sedai that cannot channel so use Ter'angreal for everything? That is not going to happen regardless of what timeframe the game was set in. How did she make it through her test for the Shawl? Sure, if the setting was the Trolloc Wars, as I remember it being, the Aes Sedai were desperate, but they were still unwilling to lower there standards.

As far as being faithfulness to the Wheel of Time it was atrocious. An full Aes Sedai that cannot channel so use Ter'angreal for everything? That is not going to happen regardless of what timeframe the game was set in. How did she make it through her test for the Shawl? Sure, if the setting was the Trolloc Wars, as I remember it being, the Aes Sedai were desperate, but they were still unwilling to lower there standards.



She CAN channel. Just not very much. She was strong enough to become a sister, just one of the weakest sisters in the Tower. And in the game she is treated by most of the other sisters with the contempt you would expect from that. She became Keeper because the Amyrlin chose her, and that was treated with contempt also. Later it is revealed that when the Amyrlin discovered her, she used a Ter' Angreal to block most of her ability so that the Black Ajah wouldn't recruit her. She is actually one of, if not THE, most powerful sister in the Tower.


As for the earlier comparisons with Fain, the hound does have some similarities as he is taken over by Mordeth in Shadar Logoth, but unlike Fain, he does not MERGE with The Hound to become a new and more powerful entity. It is just Mordeth taking over the body of someone like he intended to do with Fain. I assume that a bit later in the game you kill The Hound in Shadar Logoth leaving Mordeth's soul trapped there again untill his eventual meeting with Fain.


All in all, I've found the story to be very good and very plausible in fitting in with the story of WOT. Other than the Ter' Angreal being scattered around all over the place to use instead of regular channeling, but since that is really the only major offence and it has been an excellent game I am more than happy to forgive it.



In summary, if FPS's aren't your thing then there wasn't much hope for you in the first place. But I think it is an excellent FPS, especially for its time, and had an excellent and entertaining WOT based story as well.


I still haven't quite finished. (more spoilers) I'm on the Gathering of the Seals now, and have taken two of them so far. That is one thing that doesn't make sense. you were supposed to have had one seal already at the tower, then you took one at the Fortress of the Forsaken, so you should have two. But when you begin the Gathering you only have the one you have just taken, plus you have to get another from Ishamael and the Whitecloak commander (and I assume the Hound). Unless we are to believe that the one you had before is still in your quarters and you are gathering three more in addition to the one you just took when completing 'The Inner Sanctum'?

Oh cool, someone else is playing too! It would be awesome to hook up and play in multiplayer mode, but I doubt my home connection (26K tops) will handle any multiplayer at all. I intend to put it to the test eventually anyway of course, but I do expect it to fail miserably.


Wow! I was wrong. I tried to multiplayer last nite and it worked. I'll keep my username on the servers the same as on here. I may be on some this PM. :)


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