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Fighting Shadows (Bubble of Evil RP)


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Looking around teh Field Rowul tried to gather all of his forces taking a quick head count found that he had lost no less than a 1/8th of his men, where the dead that he had slain laid, was no nothing more than a pool of blood, marsheling his men he set out to find his nephew then back home.

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Ingtar rode with his back straight. He rode with his back straight because of the pride he felt in fighting his first battle. And surviving. Battle was nothing like he had thought it would be. He heard Rowul call out for the cavalry to form up. He rode quickly to the spot and formed up right in front of the man. Rowul looked over Ingtar's body and shook his head. "Go see a medic. Before infection sets in." Ingtar nodded, threw a salute and rode off to where the medics were stationed. He surveyed the dead and wounded, and felt intense pain in his heart. Firends, dead, or dying, heaped everywhere. He dismounted, and looked into the eyes of his roommate. Or rather, his EX-roommate. The man had taken a sword through the chest. "The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother take you home." Ingtar knelt over his friend and offered the words of burial to his fellow Shienaren. Even though he wasn't being buried yet, Ingtar knew that he would not see him again. Ingtar limped slowly to a medic station and awaited treatment. He felt the pain crawl through his body.

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Being helped to his feet, Logan quietly thanked the unknown face.


"It seems I will live to fight another day," he said to himself.


Holding his arm and limping he fought back the swarming black specs in his vision and slowly made his way to form the ranks. It seems quite a few men had died in this evil battle.


Thinking a prayer for the dead Logan hobbled back with the remainer of the Band to the Citadel were he found himself in the medic building to get stitched up.


Holding his head high and gritting his teeth he counted the mental ticks in his head for all the men he had slain. Praying and crying inside he retired to the barracks.



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