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Journey´s end (Open)

Guest Faile1987

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Guest Faile1987

Realization was dawning on Dorian as he heard Orion speak about his blindness. That was what he had noticed about the strange man right from the beginning. Dorian had known that there had been something amiss with him, but he somehow was too distracted by his own thoughts to realize what was going on.


But before Dorian could even ask the other man, Orion, he remembered vaguely, about how he was doing here being blind and all, Dorian was almost glad for Rodrik to interupt them by saying Your going to like it here! Grab your stuff, and I'll show you to your room.", since Dorian remembered it would be rather rude to ask Orion about his blindness here in front of all others. At least he was blind and a full Tower Guard or Warder or whatever and Dorian couldn´t tell with how much optimism and relief this knowledge filled him. So there was one other like him and he really wanted to talk to him again and so just said: "Well, I´d really like to talk to you some time soon, if you don´t mind, Orion. How about you just joining us and Rodrik after we´ve been shown to our rooms?" Hoping that Orion would agree to his suggestion, Dorian listened for the others´direction and tried to follow the noise of their feet as best as he could when Rodrik guided them through the Yard to a building that seemed to be made of stome, according to the noise their booted feet made on the ground when they were walking through it, Danian eventually reaching out for his hand to guide him before Dorian would stumble over some stairs just coming into his way abruptly.


Taking Danian´s proffered hand, Dorian could tell by the feeling of it that his brother was about to relax a little as well, apparently feeling the same about tension and nervousness suddenly falling apart from him as Dorian did.


Now as they were walking through the narrow but long corridors as Dorian could tell from the echo their moving feet made when they walked, Dorian tried his bes to memorize as much as possible about the environment he was moving in like how many crossings they passed, how long distances between the different doors and passages were and how many turns they had to take into which direction to get to their room. Though Dorian knew he would have Danian by his side whereever he went from here, he still couldn´t get rid of this habit, measuring distances in paces and remembering places by their sounds or feeling and finally Rodrik spoke up again opening what sounded like a rather old wooden door according to the way it creaked and motioned them in.


"This will be your home from now, until you're raised to a full Tower Guard. If you need anything, I'm next door. You guys get yourselves unpacked, and meet me outside in twenty minutes. Then we'll go for drinks to celebrate your entry to the Yards. See you later!"


As the door closed behind them, Dorian shut his eyes letting out a sigh of relief and felt his way across the room, exploring hands wandering over everything he could grasp and touch. Though he soon noticed there wasn´t that much to feel since the furniture of the room was rather spartanic and simple but actually that was much to Dorian´s liking. The more furniture there was, the more obstacles were stading in his way waiting for him to trip over or crash against in an unwary moment.


As it was, his fingers were feeling tenderly across a wooden table and a couple of stools which Dorian only barely missed coming short to tripping actually as he thought they would be standing at a different place. Then there were two hard narrow beds and a small washstand next to what felt like a wooden wardrobe. Simple but clean as far as Dorian´s nose told him and turning to what he thought was the direction his twinbrother was standing in, he said nodding slowly: "Well, I think we´ll live in here just fine..." That senence acutally told more than just the spoken words, Dorian really hoped they were able to live well in here wíth one of their mentors apparently far from pleased to the fact about having to teach a disabled trainee. But then again what other choice was there but to endure whatever might be coming?

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"Well, I´d really like to talk to you some time soon, if you don´t mind, Orion. How about you just joining us and Rodrik after we´ve been shown to our rooms?" Orion nodded to the quiter boy's voice in acceptance of the request. It would do well for the the trainee's to relax, and it seemed he wasn't doing anything else that day.


"If you come find me when you are finished I will be happy to. I doubt I will stray far from here." Unless he felt something from Estel which he would be going as fast as he could to her side. Orion listened to the retreating footsteps of the pair before his smile slid off his face to settle into a more serious expression


"May I ask why Deneira seems to intent on not training her student, or decided it was so obvious as to risk an encounter in front of them with the Mistress of Trainees. May I ask their disabilities if that is what is wrong with them, or one of them at least." This was the fault at which Orion was most prone to. When meeting with someone new he could not judge their visible weaknesses, though it did make it so he never underestimated an opponent to easily. But still, it would have been nice to not have to ask.




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