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For the next week or so our Database will not be "useable".


I am nearing my server provider contract end and I'm not happy with my current service so I have moved to a new hosting company.  So that means I have to move all the information.  While nothing will be lost, everything after this morning will not transfer over to the new database.  Today is back up day.  While it will take me a while to get it all done information will still be up but you just can't update your WS.


Please use the progress board here to keep track of your changes if you have any until I let you all know that it's a go again.


Sorry for the inconvience, but this will be a better server I hope.




Just letting everyone know that I beleive the data has been transferred successfully so on Thursday I will be making the url point to the new server, this may take a few days to propogate through and things might be broken at that point in time. 


I will work as fast as I can to get things up and running in short order but my time is not always my own.



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