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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'm up for teaching Sword Forms & City Survival* to help everyone with their raising requirements. Anyone interested? (Groups are fun to Mass RP in. Helps people meet others.. *taunts*)


Sign up below!











*City Survival Is a little more planing. Be sure to state or start brainstorming ideas of problems You can fix either individually or together. (Or perhaps cause a problem, and then fix it yourselves.. like breaking a window... )



**Edit** Fixed Spelling and changed the offer from a specific WS to Two Electives.


For information on Electives See - http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/?page_id=17


Guest Arie Ronshor

Offer Fixed & Offer still stands. :)


Joining up, Mat? ;)


I'm considering lol.  Though I need it for a specific WS not my next one lol.  I need to look at my "schedule".



Guest Arie Ronshor

*Laughs* I love those 'schedules'.. I seem to be keeping on top of most of my RP's, so let me know if you need anything. :) Trainee ot TG. :D


i'd love to do city survival...i think Hall needs it *S*


on another basis

idea...how about releasing it a lil in that those who want to can jump back and forth and do the rp's beforehand but cant get credit for them untill they did the reqs coming beforehand


ie you can do ws 4-5 but you wont get ws 5 before you done 1-2,2-3,3-4




I never said you couldn't as long as you don't post it and I don't find out about :P  See problem with Being DL I can't hid said thing from myself :P  And I try to set a good example



Guest Arie Ronshor

balderdash. :) :D


but then you cant...;) as staff i am not suposed to be runing around not knowing or knowingly dash rules...need to be a good example self :P


anyhow i am up for this as i can use it anyhow on any level and dont feel for at any stage doing a dull rp in the armory

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