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[TV] Reaper CW Tuesdays, 9pm eastern


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Sweet. You should try the one and only season of Wonderfalls, you'll most likely enjoy it. I think it gets even a little bit better if you wait until you're closer to finishing/finished with Uni. It's got sort of a post-school "now what?" tone that was and has been just perfect in the past few years of my life.


Also, in case you don't catch it, I recommended Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Dart trilogy to you in some other thread in which you mentioned her. ^_^

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So, I watched season 1 of Dead Like Me this weekend, and I did enjoy it more than the one episode of Reaper. However, it doesn't go for the laugh out loud comedy that reaper aims for, it's more of a quirky humor, which it does well. I wasn't as captured by it as I was by Wonderfalls, or Weeds, which was recommended to me at the same time as DLM, but I did like it very much. I'll be watching Season 2 eventually, and hopefully finding Ellen Muth and feeding her. She's a cute girl, but her arms have that emaciated look I've seen on too many girls I danced with. No good.  :P

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