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The New Amrylin - The Brown Stance?


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Right-o ladies, we've got a new Amyrlin, and though yes - she's going to get picked, what is everyone's stance going to be?


I am still waiting for Arette to post her thoughts on how Annais would related to the Greens, which will honestly make one of the main influencing points on how Raeyn relates to her - even if they're fun to chat to OOC, we're all quite aware that my character hates Greens, and thinks little of you adventuresome wandering sorts ;)


Thoughts, opinions, standing or not?  I plan on keeping Raeyn's bum in a chair, especially coupled with the fact that the proposed other possible character is a Blue (who we traditionally support).

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Guest nephitess

Well Sada is going to follow the Ajah Head and Shan is going to be a supporter of Annias. As far as I understand it anyway. Shan please correct me if i'm wrong. :) Though in the Raising thread Sada will want Annais to wash her feet. once at least...if it happens a second time...Cool!


Veria I'm not so sure about yet. She's just an Accepted right now though.


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Annais apprenticed her at one point in her youth to an ancient Green and learned battle weaves from her. This Sister's Warder killed her father so it was about personal reconciliation too. She has ever since spent every 7th year in Borderlands where ever help is most needed so she could be said to have some Green Ajahish tendencies. She has made alot of Green Ajah contacts during these years but she doesn't particularly favour Green Ajah.


Annais' Accepted mentor made her spend every day of the week in study of one particular Ajah and she tries to keep this tradition alive in some way. So she would have tried to maintain contacts with the Brown Ajah too and dedicate time to personal studies.


But Annais is not a very scholarly person and for this reason she respects (and to some extent envies and is intimidated by) the Brown and White Sisters. She is not particularly adventurous despite traveling alot. Her missions have a purpose, they are not about fun.


So I don't think that she and Raeyn would have very much in common. If you feel like it would require more than one rounds of feet washing before Raeyn can accept her, go ahead hun ;)

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Oh, you already know you'll be washing at least once ;)  I appreciate the fleshing out on the character's relationship stance with the Greens - that will make it possible for me to stand for Annais... after I walk through some mud for her ;)


(well, not literally the last part)


It should actually make for an interesting character relationship if Annais is semi-intimidated by the average run-of-the-mill Brown... Raeyn would probably make her wet herself  :D  Is good to be old and cranky!  And don't worry - not likely to try anything skeeery against Annie ;)


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No worries about clearing on the stance about Greens :) I'm glad to answer any and all questions anyone has about the character.


And it would be awesome to do an RP where Rae intimidates Annie. Mainly she feels inferior in comparison to Browns about intellectual matters. She is by no means stupid, just not very academically inclined.

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We might have to work out something, either retro or current timeline.  I don't really want to think on it right now, as we're going out of town this week for a week (be gone Wednesday-Wednesday), and if all goes well, we should FINALLY be moving into our house shortly after that :)  I'll have internet/email access while gone, but I won't want to be thinking about anything DM-related while gone :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I also am willing to pull Shan's strings through Mae as they are also in the same age group and get along very well. That and Mae s 'very' scholarly.. 8)

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Tis all very cool with me. ;D  Raeyn likes Shan, but Shan is a bit untraditional so I've always gotten the impression that Raeyn is not fully trusting of her. Correct me if I'm wrong, Virginia.


Honestly, I think Shaneevae will just be pleased as punch that we will not have another Green Amyrlin.  Lanfir wasn't so bad, but she hated Sirayn with a passion.


Shaneevae will support Annie, I really so no reason for her not to.

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That is true, Shan - As much as Raeyn loves her little Brownies, it does irk her that they're off having adventures like they were Greens!  And actually, I had an idea for a possible correspondence RP, since you're sort of not at the Tower (if I recalled correctly) due to the Watchers stuff (??)... something along the lines of "twhap, I told you so! ... finish your sprouts <.<".

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That is true, Shan - As much as Raeyn loves her little Brownies, it does irk her that they're off having adventures like they were Greens!  And actually, I had an idea for a possible correspondence RP, since you're sort of not at the Tower (if I recalled correctly) due to the Watchers stuff (??)... something along the lines of "twhap, I told you so! ... finish your sprouts <.<".


I love it! Cause down deep we know that Raeyn loves us, she's just like a mom and I'd expect her to treat me like a wayward child on this account. Because Shaneevae will likely be wishing she'd listened to the old woman.

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Pretty much, naughty child ;)  I will be on vacation from Wednesday to Wednesday (12-19) in Phoenix, AZ, so I wouldn't recommend starting anything until we get back... and when I do, you're welcome to start it up however you wish, and we'll see how it ends up <3

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