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Ajah Reports

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Please fill out :) Posting below is good, and as James has Hall Board access he can post the filled out report there. :)


Current Status:

















RP Reports:

Paragraphs by characters are fine.

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Current Status: A.O.K!


Sisters: Carelia, Deiria, Indira, Isra, Lillian, Raeyn (char name to be determined).



Active: Carelia, Indira, Lillian, Raeyn.

MIA: Deiria (haven't seen her for a bit, guessing things just got a bit busy), Isra (Haven't heard from her in quite awhile).


Aspies: None so far, will be sure to go on a brainwas- err, recruitment campaign at some point.



Active: -

MIA: -



Website: whiteajah.wordpress.com


RP Reports:


Stuff is going well, we're all happy and fine and if we don't have threads up, we're planning them.  Got some plans happening for the White Ajah internally.  Don't worry folks, everything is bon.




Does that report work?  Am I missing stuff? :)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

:P I need more on the RP report. I need actual Plans and a basic character summery of what each active character has been doing.


*smiles sweetly* Thank You. ^_^

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Guest Arie Ronshor

James, you are an... ********  [use your imagination]



*heavy sigh*



Oh.. General :) (unless you're being smart, than thread by thread.. :))

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No Izzy.  Seriously, Lillith is my other main alias on these intarwebs, and I will move myself elsewhere if people insist on that sort of indignity upon me :)  Like.. to the point people can't ever remember my real name 'cause they feel Lillith suits me better - it's as much my real name as Virginia is these days.  I will respond to Lil or Lillith as easily as my real name.


::puts foot down and keeps it there::

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