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Brown Sitters, Sisters and Aspirants!


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I've yet to figure out how to get access to our own private board.  I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong, but if you'd pop in and let me know  who all is here it would be greatly appreciated.


I'm also trying to figure out who our sitters are and if I need to pull Shaneevae as Sitter to post on the Amyrlin raising thread.  So, give me name, rank and serial number as well as any NSWs you may have that are sitters.



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Guest nephitess

Hey hun...Am I a sitter still? Sada Kuchim was the char I wrote.  I would love to still be one if thats all right.


My accepteds name i s Zeveria Agotta.


I to cannot see the private board, if your talking about one here on DM. If your talking about the one on the White Tower site, then yes i can see it. :D


Thanks a bunch!

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I have added you and looked to make sure I spelled it wrong. Click on White Tower Div (this board) and at the top of the page, go down a couple of lines and you'll see child boards....there you should find Brown Ajah.  Let me know if you still can't find it.


Raeyn is right.....it does seem to be hiding/in an awkward place.


It's perfectly fine with me for your NSW to continue being a Sitter, but we'll discuss who all is interested on our private board.....not that there are many of us. LOL

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