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To My Bemusement...


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I've already been giving group access here.  Whee!


I do have a base bio that I need to tweak up to standards, but yeah... I will gladly take assistance from anyone when it comes to getting the crap together for a 2nd new Sister character ('cause I hate things that smack of training, like Oaths :/).


Whee <3

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Eh, they know I'm here... I think both are semi-busy with real life right now, so I abide with patience. :)


Well, sort of patience.  A reduced version of it.

::frets and twitches::





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Heh, all of it, probably.  The main things I need to do is buckle down and taint myself with boring stupid Oaths (unless I can get away with a bare-bones cut and paste job; I am firm in that this is a waste of my fucking time), as well as update the bio.  I already have an idea in mind for the character development RP... if I can talk Taya into it ;) 


I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around the rest of the requirements - stupid inability to lie and claim that it was an NSW/NPC that I'd written and used prior -__-



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Oh right... you're the one with the almost-identical name to my White Sister (being Lillith... and not changing that, as I a) picked that name out some 4 years ago, and b) that is my main online name outside of the WoT world :D).  And I already have the basic idea of what she's to be like - cold, introverted, and limited on social skills/niceties...  though this is subject to slight change based on what I do with the rest of the bio, since I still need to fill in the bits to reflect her time in training.  If you want, I'll shoot you a pm of what I have of the bio as this point - it's basically up until she was recruited for the Tower, and sharing it might help me get off of my ass and fill in the gaps.

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I've decided that I'm going to hold off on writing the rest of it out until I can get an OP score rolled.  I've already shot Jaydena a PM about it :)  But I thought about it, and how her score comes out is going to effect the end product of the bio; she's sort of a fragile individual thusfar, so I've got to take into mental consideration any possible knocks she could've taken in training when I finish writing it all out.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I can't.. Jade passes them out and keeps a hard copy on her computer. I don't know which numbers are handed out next. She actually has to wait for Jade's return. :P

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