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What your promised doesn't know can't hurt.....(Orion)


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Lavinya made her way through the smoky throng in the tavern to a table tucked away at the back, offering some shelter and anonymity to those that would seek it. The hood of Lavinya's cloak was thrown back, revealing her delicate features and the fiery red curls that tumbled down her back like a river of flame. She was far too striking to disappear in a crowd, her great serpent ring and ageless appearance doing nothing to help her fade into the background. Still, that was how she generally preferred things.


Sweeping off her cloak, Lavinya draped it over her chair before sitting elegantly, smoothing her silver silken skirts over her knees. She surveyed the room in silence, waving away the serving maid without ordering refreshment. Boredome had drew her from the Tower, an overwhelming urge to leave the cloistered quiet, and overabundance of females. Some days she longed for the times before she became a novice, when she would spend much of her time paying court to any number of young admirers. Such behaviour was strongly discouraged, even looked down upon for Aes Sedai. And that caused Lavinya to chafe at the bit. She was not made for a quiet, celibate life. She missed the playful banter, the flirting, the admiring looks...among many other things. So many men were intimidated by her ability, and those who weren't, who offered her intelligent and somewhat delicious conversation were bonded to others, or scared of the wrath of the tower. Still, it had never stopped her before.


Tonight was a respite from the monotony of the tower, a chance to escape the solitude and propriety. Propping her chin in one hand, Lavinya's eyes latched on to a young man before the crowd shifted and blocked him from her view. She recognised him, in fact, she had stood at his ceremony, raising him to Tower Guard. Events that she was not completely privvy to had led to his blindness, and perhaps it was her boredom, or a desire to test her wits, but Lavinya rose from her chair, stepping around tables as she approached him. Perhaps he would make an amusing partner for her night of freedom.


"I must say, I didn't expect to see anyone from the Yards in this tavern, Orion." She said when she was close to his side, her words easily distinguished in the bustle. "But it is not an unpleasant surprise. Are you here alone?" Lavinya knew he had heard her, and could see him mentally trying to place her voice. It had been some time ago, would he recognise her, from only her words?

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Orion sat in the corner of the Tower Gate in, sipping a small glass of wine and conversing with Mistress Raena. He had needed to get out of the Tower for a little while and this had been the one place he had thought of coming to. He had spent many hours sitting in this exact place with a book on his knee during his Trainee days, and Mistress Raena had become a sort of adopted aunt in the meantime. She was known to protect her serving girls as much as her own daughters and she had immediately taken a liking to Orion when he had bodily thrown out a customer, with a broken nose he had given to the man, when he had grabbed one of her girls. It was a light conversation, strained with the frequent attempts made by Mistress Raena to find out why he “looked like his favorite pup had fallen into the river and drowned.†Orion diverting the subject all the time.


What was troubling him was Estel, or rather her Warder Matthias. He had sat next to him in the mess hall without realizing it, Matthias not Orion, and had said some off comment that had Orion’s anger rising and him storming out of the room. Orion could say he truly hated few people in the world but Matthias was one of them.


"I must say, I didn't expect to see anyone from the Yards in this tavern, Orion. But it is not an unpleasant surprise. Are you here alone?"


Orion snapped out of the small reverie. Mistress Raena had left a few moments ago saying something of a special patron and Orion had fallen into his memories. Almost instantly the voice sounded familiar, the only problem was in pinpointing it. If it was before the accident it would be much more difficult because he had never really noticed voice as much as he did now.


It hit him nearly instantly, and the surprise that came along with it showed briefly on his face. “Good afternoon Lavinya Sedai.†She and been the Aes Sedai who had stood for him at his raising, that was how he knew her. “I am here alone as a matter of fact, just trying to get away from the Yards. And since there are not many that come here I thought it the best place to be.†Orion took another small sip of his wine. “Nor are there many Aes Sedai who are usually here.†Orion tried to keep his voice neutral, but it was difficult. Estel had destroyed much of his view of Aes Sedai, and while he could not destroy the beliefs ingrained since his childhood, nor did he enjoy the women of the Tower much at the moment.


But some proprieties must be kept. “Sit, if you would like. I am sure Savannah is around here if you would like something to drink. You are here to get away as I am I can assume. Why would you be here if you were not.â€



Orion Mantier

The Blind Tower Gaurd

Promised to Estel Sedai

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“Good afternoon Lavinya Sedai.†Lavinya smiled, thrilled that he had indeed recognised her. Obviously Orion had sharpened his other senses, since he was devoid of sight. Her respect for him increased instantly. She had no time nor tolerance for fools, and in that once sentence the Tower Guard had proved himself otherwise.


“Sit, if you would like. I am sure Savannah is around here if you would like something to drink. You are here to get away as I am I can assume. Why would you be here if you were not.†As far as Lavinya could tell, he was asking her to join him out of politeness, and she was happy enough to leave him to his drink, until his last words. He was here to escape? Intriguing.


"Indeed, I will join you, if you have no objections, Orion." Sweeping out a chair Lavinya sat, waving to the serving woman who quickly made her way over. "I do believe I will have that drink now, spiced wine." The woman bobbed a curtsey and raced off as Lavinya eyed her companion curiously. "You are very insightful it appears." She drawled with a wry smile. "For like yourself I am looking for escape from the tower, if only for one evening. Sometimes I enjoy remembering what life was before I discovered my ability. The bonds of the White Tower can be...stifling." Her tone was conversational, yet mirth filled her voice as she accepted her wine, giving the girl a Silver mark, to keep their drinks supplied for some time yet.


Lavinya eyed him over the rim of the goblet. She was used to winning men over with her looks, an asset she has always used to it's best advantage. At the same time she was a woman who thrived on wit, enjoying clever conversation, though there was also someting to be said about a handsome face. Orion was certainly not an unatractive man, and Lavinya found herself exceedingly interested in learning whether the man had the mind she assumed he did. It would make an intersting change, charming someone who could not see her. It would be a challenge she would enjoy.


"You mentioned you were seeking yourself also." She murmured, after taking another fortifying sip of the potent drink. "I can hardly say I blame you. I imagine life as a tower guard would be similarly demanding to life as a White Tower." She mused, before waving her hand. "No, we are both seeking escape. I will make you a deal. We will not talk about mundane matters which we'd rather leave behind right now, if you can do your best to imagine I am not an Aes Sedai, but rather just a woman you have met in a tavern." Her smile was broad. She had been integrated in the White Tower for so long now, sometimes she herself couldn't remember that inside, she was still a woman. Forgetting for an evening sounded wonderfully tempting.

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"Indeed, I will join you, if you have no objections, Orion. I do believe I will have that drink now, spiced wine." Orion let out a long breath through his nose to not give away the sense of dissapointment when his ears picked up the motions of Lavinya sitting that matched her words.


"For like yourself I am looking for escape from the tower, if only for one evening. Sometimes I enjoy remembering what life was before I discovered my ability. The bonds of the White Tower can be...stifling." Orion sniffed in amusement at that simple comment. Stifling may not be the life of the common Tower Gaurd but for Orion he had started to hate walking around the Yards, of being a Tower Gaurd. Every step was a reminder of the things he had lost. His sight, Estel. Painful were the memories that he endured every step through the yards.


"No, we are both seeking escape. I will make you a deal. We will not talk about mundane matters which we'd rather leave behind right now, if you can do your best to imagine I am not an Aes Sedai, but rather just a woman you have met in a tavern."


Lavianya's words produced a small audible chuckle from Orion, a rare sound now adays. "It is well then that I am not able to see, I would not be sure I could do that with your face." Orion shook his head gently. "But in light of our mutual wish to escape, it seems I will be able."


Orion took another sip from his drink and sighed contently as it produced a relaxing effect. "Well, If I am to beleive that you are simply a normal woman than perhaps I should begin trying to get you to slide closer and try to eventually bounce you upon my knee." Orion shook his head ruefully with a small smile.


"Though I am rather out of practice, I'm not sure how I should begin." Orion simply took another sip of his ale, satisfied by the small amount of enjoyment he was getting out of this encounter.




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The soft chuckle in response to her approval broadened Lavinya's grin, well pleased when he replied that he would endeavour to see her so. Orion seemed to relax slightly, and he certainly caught Lavinya off-guard with his next words. "Well, If I am to beleive that you are simply a normal woman than perhaps I should begin trying to get you to slide closer and try to eventually bounce you upon my knee."


The shock that crossed her features was only momentary, replaced by a grin that was positively wicked, and a soft, alluring giggle. "Though I am rather out of practice, I'm not sure how I should begin." Perhaps Orion was going to prove to be more entertainment than she had originally expected, a prospect that Lavinya found highly amusing.


"I must say you are doing well in forgetting my identity." She mused, pausing to sip her wine. "It has been quite some time since I have had such an enticing proposal." She chuckled again, her laughter tinkling softly with her amusment. "Though I was always led to believe a gentleman didn't inform the lady of his intentions - unless of course you're asking me to believe you not a gentleman?" Her voice rose at the end, signifying the question, since he could not see the way her brows rose at the playful remark.


"Though I suppose I should take it easy on you, since you're out of practice and all." She tossed her curls over her shoulder, the weight of the day slowly lifting from her shoulders as the once familiar game of flirtation began. "Perhaps a hint. You can start by buying my next drink." Matching action to words she emptied her goblet and set it back on the table with an audible thump. Leaning a little closer she adopted a conspiratorial whisper. "I do find wine makes me a lot more amenable to being dandled on a handsome man's knee." She confided with a sultry chuckle.


The sparkle of silver on her finger caught her eye, distracting her and drawing about a momentary frown. No, for tonight, it was not who or what she was. With a decisive twist she removed the great serpent ring from her finger and deposited it in her belt pouch, eliciting a faint tinkle as it joined the coins within. Feeling lighter still, she turned her gaze once more to Orion.


"So tell me, man I've never met, what leads a gentleman to frequent such a seedy inn as this?" Mirth played about her lips as she began a game she had not played in a long time, that brought a sparkle to her eyes.

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Orion let out a small sigh of relief as his words were met with a small bell like laughter from Lavinya in response to his words. In hindisght they had been rather foreward and with most normal women, especially the rather haughty Aes Sedai, may have got him a slap in the face instead of the caress of a laugh. "Though I was always led to believe a gentleman didn't inform the lady of his intentions - unless of course you're asking me to believe you not a gentleman?"


Orion smirked at Lavinya's words, expressing the things which he had been musing to himself just a moment ago. He wasn't sure what had possesed him to say those words but he knew that it was opposite of what he would have done a few years ago, before he had come to the Tower and had his beliefs shaken to their core. "That would depend on whether you wish for me to be a gentleman. I have always thought that making my intentions known makes for a more interesting situation." Orion answered, detecting the question in the end of Lavinya's words from the tone of her voice.


"Though I suppose I should take it easy on you, since you're out of practice and all. Perhaps a hint. You can start by buying my next drink." Orion's ears picked up the hollow audible thump that signified Lavinya's, now empty, cup hitting the table. Orion's was still nearly half full, he had touched it sparingly before and after Lavinya had arrived. "I do find wine makes me a lot more amenable to being dandled on a handsome man's knee."


At that moment Orion was very glad for how much he had grown since he had come to the tower. He was no longer the boy that blushed bright red when a beautful women was around and with the enticing chuckle at the end of Lavinya's words Orion could tell they were both beginning to flirt with each other. But he also knew that he was probobly way out of his leagure in this game, though he wouldn't concede anything to Lavinya for it.


"So tell me, man I've never met, what leads a gentleman to frequent such a seedy inn as this?"


Orion relaxed back into his chair and ran a finger aroundthe rim of his cup as the little game commenced. He could tell Lavinya was enjoying this, the mirth in her voice betrayed her, and it had an extremely relaxing effect.


"Wel miss that I've never met, I come here all the time. Isn't that right Savannha?" Orion turned his heda slightly to the side as his ears picked up the light footsteps that only the serving girl possesed. "For as long as I can remember." Was the girls reply as she leaned over the table to refill the two cups sitting on the table. She was standing when Orion tod her to put them both on his tab with a small smile for Lavinya, a thanks for her hint.


"It is a wonderful place to meet beautiful women, though tonight it seems one had found me. The hunter has become the hunted." Orion lifted the glass to his lips and took a small sip before holding it in front of him.


"And what about yourself miss? I would hope that you had come alone beacuse I would hate to have to compete for you, but if that is the price then so be it."




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Lavinya smiled in return as Orion placed the two drinks on his tab. "It is a wonderful place to meet beautiful women, though tonight it seems one had found me. The hunter has become the hunted."Self-satisfied smile in place, Lavinya remained silent and took a sip of her own wine. He considered himself a hunter, did he? Lavinya's skills were finely honed after years of practice and teaching. Her Domani heritage remained with her. At least the fox seemed to be enjoying the hunt as much as the hunter.


"And what about yourself miss? I would hope that you had come alone beacuse I would hate to have to compete for you, but if that is the price then so be it." Once again her tinkling laughter spilled forth, well and truly enjoying her part in this charade, and impressed to see Orion entering into it so fully also. Surprising really. She could have sworn he had been connected with a Blue sister, though his behaviour indicated otherwise, and Lavinya was inclined to take advantage of the situation.


"It appears you are in luck sir, for indeed I did come alone. You have my complete and utter attention." Her dark eyes twinkled as she again took another swig of wine, her gaze roving over Orion's features, his raven black hair a striking contrast to her own fire red curls. He was taller than she also, though most were taller than Lavinya - she had not been gifted with the customary Domani height. All in all he made a handsome picture, his evidently toned physique undisguised by his clothing, and though he could not see, it appeared his wits were as sharp as ever. A combination she was unable to resist.


She shuffled her chair sideways slightly, leaning in to better speak with Orion over the din of the crowded room. "So now that you have my attention, what are you going to do with it?" Lavinya asked with a cheeky grin as she again reached for her wine, relishing the warming affect it had. Indeed, she was already feeling decidedly carefree and adventurous, likely because it had been quite some time since she had indulged herself so with drink. Watching Orion drink from his cup also, she smiled to herself, glad to have a companion on what was proving to be a most entertaining encounter.

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"It appears you are in luck sir, for indeed I did come alone. You have my complete and utter attention." Orion chuckled to himself as the game continued, finding these proceedings very amusing indeed. He was also suprised at how easily he had forgotten Lavinya's Sedai. She was slowly changing his views on Aes Sedai as a whole, and adding a small amount of color to the black and white picture he saw them in. Some perhaps were not all arogance and upishness.


"So now that you have my attention, what are you going to do with it?" Orion took a small sip from his wine glass to give him a moment to ponder over what words he would say. The warmth of the wine spread throughout him.


As the dark liquid passed through his lips thoughts of Estel came unbidden to his mind. He struggled with himself to push the thoughts away. There was no cause for himto be thinking of her, even if a small part of him felt guilt form as he continued.


Orion tried to bring up a memory of Lavinya's face. He succeeded to some extent, though the picture was perhaps more angelical than the real thing considered what the original circumstances had been. He could recall enough though.


Orion set his cup down and let his one hand settle under the table. He turned and leaned in slightly, carefull not to go to far and using the sounds of her chair moving closer and her voice to judge. "I have few things in mind, though, I don't think my gentleman image would allow me tell those to you." With his free hand he strayed foreward to lightly touch Lavinya's leg and walking with his to fingers down her mid thigh to her knee.


Orion was slightly taken aback at his words and actions. How very foreward they were, and he was half expected the sounds of Lavinya's hand flying foreward and the sting on his cheek as she slapped him.And he would be very diserving. Mentally Orion told himself the cup in front of him was his last for the night.




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"I have few things in mind, though, I don't think my gentleman image would allow me tell those to you."Lavinya eyed Orion's hand, no shortage of surprise in her eyes as he connected with her leg, the warm presence of his palm lingering on her knee. A slow smile spread across her face, and a twinkle came to her dark eyes.


"Gentleman indeed?" She purred, humour abundant in the richness of her tone as she leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. One hand reached out to brush at some invisible lint on Orion's sleeve, before her fingers lightly trailed down to where his hand rested on her knee, idly skimming her fingers across the back of his hand. "I must say your gentlemanly image is already wavering." She chuckled, one fingernail caressing his hand.


Leaning forward further, Lavinya whispered in Orion's ear, her breath softly fanning his cheek. "Though your secret is safe with me." Her voice was low, throaty, as she lingered a moment, before sitting back slightly, using her free hand to lift the pewter goblet to her lips once more. She continued to lightly brush his hand as she considered him in silence, swirling the wine in her cup and smiling to herself.


"If you aren't going to tell me your ideas, perhaps I should guess them." She mused with a smile. Lifting the knee where Orion's hand rested, she crossed it over her other knee, her hand covering his to hold it in place as it slid slightly up her leg with the movement. Idly she kicked her foot back and forth as she toyed with his fingers lightly.


"Perhaps you plan to share amusing stories of your childhood." Lavinya continued, in the same light tone. "Or maybe you are going to gallantly buy me a meal, to go with the delightful wine." Waving to a serving lady, she had their cups refilled. "Am I getting warmer?" She purred, grinning with the thrill of the game.



Pushing the Boundaries

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"Perhaps you plan to share amusing stories of your childhood." Orion breathed slowly as his hand slowly slid up Lavinya's thigh, her fingers toying with his. Excitement coursed through him from the touch feeling that he had not felt since Marosa coursing through his viens.


"Or maybe you are going to gallantly buy me a meal, to go with the delightful wine." Orion smiled as much to keep Lavinya from noticing how he was reacting to the touch as the thought that Lavinya had already called Savannah over to order something. "Am I getting warmer?"


Orion's voice was low to make sure Savannah didn't hear, leaning in to whisper the words in Lavinya's ear. "I beleive both of us are." His fingers gave a light squeeze to Lavinya's thigh as his voice became louder to speak to Savannah. I believe we would like something to eat Savannah. I beleive you know what I will ask for and Lavinya will have...." Orion let the sentence hang for Lavinya to finish. "And again, it's on me for tonight."


Orion groped about for a few seconds as his hand searched for his goblet. He picked it up and sipped at the now refilled glass, applying pressure with his figners, one at a time, on Lavinya thighs to match the finger she was playing with.


Orion swallows slowly and breathed deeply to try and still the thudding of his heart as it pumped his heated blood through his viens. "I'm not sure what I should do to thank you miss. You are proving very helpful with all these little hints for my rusty mind. Your generosity it seems, is only matched by your beauty." Or what Orion could remember, which was more than enough.


"Perhaps another guess for starters, I beleive you were getting warmer with the food, though it does have something to do with children." Orion grinned wickedly as he took another sip, still playing with his fingers.




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"I believe both of us are."The softly spoken words were not lost on Lavinya, her blood boiling in response to the barely veiled promise, the knowledge that he was enjoying this game as much as she. A slight shiver down her spine made her smile, a reaction from Orion's warm breath as it tickled her ear in a most intimate manner.


"I'll have the same." Lavinya cut in with a smile, not knowing what the usual was for Orion, but caring little what she ate, her mind diverted to the warm pressure on her thigh. She breathed deeply, smiling to herself as she revelled in the moment, let herself simply feel, be carried away with the sensations that were causing her nerves to hum.


"I'm not sure what I should do to thank you miss. You are proving very helpful with all these little hints for my rusty mind. Your generosity it seems, is only matched by your beauty." Lavinya chuckled, enjoying the compliment, finding it all the more amusing knowing it was his memory Orion relied upon, though truth be told she had aged very little since their first meeting.


"Perhaps another guess for starters, I beleive you were getting warmer with the food, though it does have something to do with children." Lavinya's eyes widened slightly, again understanding the full meaning behind the words, Orion's wicked grin concreting it anyway, should she have doubted.


Swirling her wine in her glass, Lavinya contemplated how to answer, findig herself enjoying the game more and more. "Involving children, you say?" She mused playfully, pausing to drink more of the wine. "You have aroused my curiosity, I must say." She purred, slightly accenting the word aroused.


"I was wrong about the childhood stories," she began, as though thinking out loud, slowly inching her chair closer to Orion's. "Yet it has something to do with children." Moving sideways on her seat slightly, she was suddenly pressed from knee to hip against Orion's side, her hand still keeping his upon her thigh. "I do believe I may need a thorough explanation of just what you have in mind...or rather," She paused, lowering her voice some and leaning a little closer to his ear. "a demonstration." Her voice was rich and lusty, her chuckle soft and throaty. This was a game she had long enjoyed, and was never one to refuse to step up to the challenge. And what a delightful challenge Orion was proving to be.

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"Involving children, you say? You have aroused my curiosity, I must say." Orion let out a long breath as he listened to Lavinya, her accencted word underlying a rather wicked idea that made Orion's stomach flip.


"I was wrong about the childhood stories," Orion nodded, and with a small feeling of confusion made out the sounds of a chair scraping on the wood beneath, but his hand began to move towards him to reveal where it was coming from. "Yet it has something to do with children." Orion let out a small quick breath as the warmth of Lavinya's body was suddenly pressed from her knee to hip, with her hand still lightly pressing his on her thigh.


"I do believe I may need a thorough explanation of just what you have in mind...or rather, a demonstration." Orion let out a long breath as the lusty, and seductive voice caressed his ear as much as the feeling of Lavinya pressed against him. The words themselves went much passed insinuation and were nearly an invitation. And invitation that made Orion's blood boil and his heart rate quicken.


Outward Orion simply kept the small smile on his face and contemplated for a moment how he would respond. This game they were playing was a delicate one, and one wrong word or turn of phrase could ruin everything. Orion turned his head so that his face would be close to Lavinya, though to what he didn't know nor did it truly matter. "I am finding it rather hard...to think of a way to explain. And the prospect of..demonstrating..has a certain appetising quality to it." Slowly Orion slid his hand higher on Lavinya's thigh an inch or two, turning his head as Savannah returned with the two plates of food laying silverware next to each plate. Orion took a deep breath and sighed as the mixture of a soft flowery scent from Lavinya and the rather appetising scent coming from the food in front of him.


Orion sniffed lightly in amusement as an idea came to mind. Slowly he shifted ever so slightly. With a grin Orion slipped his foot behind Lavinya's and using both his hand on her thigh as well as a small push from his knee bounced her leg over his own so that the back of her knee was sitting right above his knee. "Half way there sweet." Orion grinned as he took a small bite from his dinner. "I have to say this food pales in comparison to how sweet your demonstration would be though."




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Lavinya allowed herself to revel in the warmth at her side as she picked up her fork, taking a delicate mouthful and chewing thoughtfully. She really was partial to a well built man, one like Orion who was toned from many hours training. Light, the Warders Yard was simply busting with incredible masculine physiques, and Lavinya could not resist the opportunity to enjoy this particular one for a while, letting her pulse increase and her temperature rise in response to the handsome company pressed against her side.


Lifting her fork once more, she paused, hand in the air, as a movement under the table made her eyes open wide, shock lancing through her, only to be replaced with a slight tremor of pleasure as her thigh rested on top of Orion's, increasing the pressure and closeness, his words inciting her all the more. "Half way there sweet."


Shock fading, a broad smile of feminine satisfaction tugged at her full lips. "I have to say this food pales in comparison to how sweet your demonstration would be though." Lavinya chuckled at the brazen words, perhaps they sounded innocent to some, but she could sense the intimate meaning behind the words, words which were making her stomach churn in expectation.


"A demonstration? Indeed that does sound like an enticing prospect. I just hope I can live up to your expectations." She said with a smile, before taking another mouthful. Had she been asked, Lavinya would have had no idea what she ate, but she continued mechanically, her attention focused on Orion, the tangy masculine scent emanating from his person, his handsome profile, the exciting heat radiating from where they touched. Her nerve endings jangled, her skin tingled.


Pushing aside her plate, she waved for a re-fill for their glasses, lifting the intoxicating liquid to her lips for a deep pull before she leaned to whisper in Orion's ear, her lips lightly caressing the sensitive skin there. "A little more wine, then perhaps a taste of that demonstration?" She purred, her tongue flicking over her lower lip in anticipation, before lightly touching the curve of Orion's ear, grinning at herself as her head pulled back.


Again she drank deeply from her cup, the alcohol having its effect on her small, delicate frame, making her light headed. A rosy flush lit her cheeks, though whether it was from the wine or from the hand on her thigh she couldn't say, as her hand walked from Orions hand to lightly caress the thigh beneath her own. All thoughts of subtelty had fled, all she knew was that she was thoroughly enjoying herself, like she hadn't in some time, and that she wanted the man at her side, no needed. And she would have what she wanted.


"I'm finding it far too....crowded in here." She purred, fingering his thigh softly. "Perhaps you know of somewhere quieter where we can...talk?" The words rolled from her tongue, as though her mind had taken leave and her passions taken over, her breath catching for that moment as she awaited Orion's reaction - would he decline, or would she get that demonstration after all?


OOC: You are far too cheeky - I'm blaming you when I get into trouble from Estel :wink:

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Orion ate and drank rather slowly, trying to remain calm as his heart beat his heated bloodly through his viens. His fingers on his occupied hand ran up and down teh fabric of Lavinya's dress and the spot where Lavinya's leg rested on his seemed to pulsate heat through the rest of him. "A little more wine, then perhaps a taste of that demonstration?"


Orion shivered as and let out a ragged breath as Lavinya's lips caressed the sensative skin on his ear, a small grin appearing on his face as his increased sense of touch sent pleasure shooting through him as her tounge touched his skin. His body nearly ached with anticipation, needing Lavinya as much as his heart did. He had felt alone and hated for so long that this breif sense of need coming from someone else revitalized him in a way he hadn't thought possible.


"I'm finding it far too....crowded in here. Perhaps you know of somewhere quieter where we can...talk?" Orion had a vague notion of where a good place to go, though he knew talking was far from what would be going on once they got there. He pushed his half finished meal away and fished out a couple of coins frm his bag, quickly judging them by their wieght to make sure they were correct. He stood slowly smiling as he slid a lone finger along Lavinya's thigh and across her hip as he stood.


"I think there are far to many people in here to properly talk milady." Orion offered his arm and smiled softly as Lavinya took it. He took the shortest route he could find to the door, using cues Lavinya gave off naturally to guide him away from other people.


Orion breathed deeply as he stepped out into the night air and turned back towards the Yards, though that wasn't the final destination. A small turn took him towards the Ogier Grove, the most secluded place he knew as well as the fact that it would be the only place Orion could find for them to be alone.


Orion could not help a small pang of shame at how slow they were going, on his half and how he had to take Lavinya's lead to avoid hitting a tree, though his memory provided a destination. Orion half led, half followed to a small secluded clearing, the noise of a slow river off to the side. He had spent much of his training here in the queit, and it was also the site where Marosa and he had had their small affair.


"I do hope you are alright with my little getaway." Sliding his arm out from Lavinya's Orion moved to her front and ducked his head in. His lips connected with the soft skin of her cheek and his lips moved to catch hers in his own. His passion, his lust, taking over his wits and crushing the tiny voice warning him that he shouldn't do this. Smothering any thoughts of Estel.




Has no idea what you are talking about :twisted: [/i]

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Lavinya could not contain the tiny shudder of pleasure that coursed through her as Orion's finger blazed a trail along her thigh and hip, anticipation fueling her desire as she stood alongside him, tossing her cloak back over her shoulders. "I think there are far to many people in here to properly talk milady."Well pleased that Orion seemed to have taken her up on her offer, she took his proferred arm willingly.


The cooler air did little to take the heat from Lavinya as they made their way, silently complimenting Orion's dexterity, even without his sight. A smile curved her full lips as she realised his destination, the stillness of the Ogier grove in the night alluring and intoxicating in its stillness, the lush scents teasing her senses, heightening her already racing pulse.


Following Orion's lead, while still ensuring they encountered no obstacles, she let out a soft breath at the enchantment of their surroundings, the tinkling of water just audible, the feeling of being in a secluded paradise undeniable. Lavinya hadn't spent much time in the grove, though now she regretted it, thinking it would be a perfect place to lose oneself in their thoughts, or in their passions.


"I do hope you are alright with my little getaway." Lavinya was unable to reply before Orion's lips caressed her cheek softly, the skin instantly leaping in response, before his lips found hers in a searing kiss that took her breath away, boiled her blood. Such passion, matched in herself, led her to lift her arms, her cloak falling unheeded to the ground as she returned the kiss, deepening it, her hands tangling in his hair.


Need, passion, lust, all swirled within her, like a potent drug, dulling her senses so only the raging fire of arousal remained. Pleasure was the focus, giving and receiving, nothing but sensation. Her eyes closed, her hands reaching, searching, much like Orion in his blindness. Urgency to experience that which had been promised stole her breath away, demanded she move closer, so that she was pressed intimately against Orion's warm, solid frame. Hands impatiently divested of his shirt to glory in the smooth tone of his sculptured shoulders and back, thoughts incoherent as lust and desire took over her body.

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Orion shivered lighty, both from the effect of having Lavena pressed against him, as well as the feeling of her hands running across his skin. His fingers slowly worked at the buttons of Lavinya's dress.


A small voice inside of him tried to be heard, tried to warn caution at what he was doing. It shouted about Estel, about what his father would think of him now if he were alive. Did he not care anymore? The small voice shouted about how much he cared for Estel, that perhaps he loved her. But it was like a lone man shouting at an army to stop their attack.


Passion, lust, clouded his mind and smothered his judgement. This small act of feeling wanted, needed, after months of feeling alone drove him foreward. His hands searched by touch as he worked to get Lavinya out of her dress, Lavinya's hands working at removing his clothes.


His mind, or his body, at the moment didn't seem to matter was to weak to stop him. His need for companionship, the lust and passion swirling inside of him as he sought Lavinya's lips once more.




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Lavinya lay on her cloak, her wild red hair spread out about her as she gazed up at the starlit night, a smile curving her full lips. She sighed deeply, contentedly, the sounds and scents of the grove softly teasing her already heightened senses. Slowly she drifted back to earth, her racing pulse gradually returning to normal, her ragged breathing slowing.


Turning her head slightly, she smiled again, lifting a hand idly to softly caress the face close to her own, Orion's warm breath softly tickling her cheek as he lay close, his bare limbs entwined intimately with her own. Heat still suffused her body, warring with the soft breeze rustling the branches overhead that pebbled her skin.


"For a blind man, you don't seem to have much trouble finding your way." She said softly, with a rich chuckle, bending her head to lightly graze her teeth over his bare shoulder. She sighed again, stretching luxuriously, completely at ease with her nakedness and that of Orion, eyes roving over his form approvingly, and not for the first time that evening.


"Your demonstration proved every bit as delicious as I'd imagined." She murmured, catching his lips in a lingering kiss, one that threatened to send waves of pleasure crashing over her senses once more before she broke the contact, stretching once more before sitting up. "Perhaps another will be in order though, someday, lest my memory grow dim." She said with a chuckle, before reluctantly rising to her feet. "As much as I would enjoy passing an entire evening in the grass with you, I doubt my body would appreciate the forstbite...nor yours. Asking for healing could prove rather...interesting." She grinned, breething deeply of the night air before hunting for her shift, tossed aside in their haste.


Dressing herself, Lavinya watched Orion with avid interest, helping him locate his clothing and sighing almost wistfully as he covered himself, thinking it a terrible shame to hide such masculine beauty so. Stepping close, she ran her fingers through his hair to put it back into some order, taking the opportunity to steal one last, searing kiss.


"Thankyou for a pleasantly diverted evening...if you ever want to buy me dinner again, let me know." She purred, stepping to his side and linking her arm with his. "Now let me lead you back to civilisation before someone sends a search party after you." She chuckled.

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Orion shivered lightly as Lavinya's hand moved to softly caress his face, both from the touch and the soft breeze moving through the Grove. Orion smiled as his breath and pulse returned to normal, breathing deeply the scent of the grove around him and the woman next to him. "For a blind man, you don't seem to have much trouble finding your way." Orion laughed along with Lavinya at the comment, until the feeling of her teeth grazing over his shoulder cut it off and sent a small shiver along his spine. The words threatened to make Orion blush with the meaning they entailed, though thankfully they remained the same.


Orion ran his hand over the soft skin of Lavinya's stomach as she kissed him again. His pulse began to pick up pace again as he silently agreed with what Lavinya was saying. It had been wonderful, in every way. And for what seemed a long while all his troubles had been forgotten.


"As much as I would enjoy passing an entire evening in the grass with you, I doubt my body would appreciate the forstbite...nor yours. Asking for healing could prove rather...interesting." Orion sighed softly but could not help but agree. He stood eventually and tried to recall where his clothes had gotten to. It was difficult, the first few moments were difficult to recall and was more a flurry of motion as they undressed.


Though with Lavinya's help Orion found himself lacing up his shirt with a small smile as he heard Lavinya stepped closer to him. The memory of what she looked liked, as well as what he could tell from touch painting a picture of her as she stepped closer. He refrained from shaking his head, and settled with a small grin as Lavinya tried to fix his hair. Though he was unable to comment as she pulled him closer for one last kiss.


"Thankyou for a pleasantly diverted evening...if you ever want to buy me dinner again, let me know. Now let me lead you back to civilisation before someone sends a search party after you."


The trip back to civilization was taken in relative silence, Orion following Lavinya's lead fully so not to trip. The only warning that they were once again out in the open was the soft change beneath his feet from grass to stone. A change that made Orion sight softly. Back to the real world. Frostbite was begining to look like such a small worry if it meant a night away from here.


Orion turned so that he was facing Lavinya, a rather useless gesture for him but it was more for Lavinya's benefit. He ran a finger slowly up her arm that has been linked with his and moved his hand to caress her cheek softly.


"Thank you for the pleasent evening Lavinya. I will have to remember your offer about the dinner. And maybe next time and I can show you my more gentlemanly side." Orion laughed softly and let his hand fall to his side. "If you are ever in need of something..." Orion nodded with a halg bow and one last smile, letting the uselss finish the phrase hang in the air. He turned on his heel and began his journey back towards to his barracks and back to his normal life.




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A light shiver ran down Lavinya's spine at Orion's soft caress, turning her head slightly to lean her cheek against his finger as he touched her, a smile curving her lips. "Thank you for the pleasent evening Lavinya. I will have to remember your offer about the dinner. And maybe next time and I can show you my more gentlemanly side." Lavinya chuckled softly, eyes dancing as he took his leave. Gentleman indeed, she much preferred the side she had encountered that evening, far more entertaining than a man caught up in a rigid sense of propriety.


"If you are ever in need of something..." She smirked at his formal bow, so at odds to the flurry of limbs they had shared earlier. "Oh you shall hear from me again, Orion." She drawled softly, lingering a few moments to watch his backside as he walked away, back towards real life and its duties.


Sighing softly she turned also with a soft swishing of skirts, making her way through the gardens towards the tower, arms about herself and a wicked smile playing about her lips. A most diverting evening indeed, and one she would pursue again sometime.

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