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What about the birds and the bees? [attn. Timewalker]


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To say Sohvi was confused would be a grave understatement. To say she had no clue about why she felt the way she felt would be a better observation. Ever since she left John sitting by the fire near his hunting lodge, her heart had seemed to flutter around in her chest, and her instincts had been running wild. And what was even worse was that she had no one to talk to about it. She could hardly go and see John about it. She didn’t even know if he wanted to see her, after she ran off so suddenly, and on top of that… well, who knew what she would do when she saw him again?


She couldn’t go to Anton either. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t want to help her out or explain things to her, but… Sohvi sneezed as she remembered the scent of disappointment that had wafted her way when she ran into him on her way back to her home after running from John. It was as if he instantly realised where she’d been and what she had been up to, after explicitly promising him to give it some more time. It didn’t help that Timewalker had been upset with him at the time either. That was another understatement, almost as grave as the previous one. Sohvi had never seen something quite like it in her entire life.


Timewalker never seemed to have the wolf inside of her on as tight a leash as Anton for example. The wolf was always right around the corner, ready to pounce on things depending on Timewalker’s mood. While that had frightened Sohvi at first, she was now beginning to understand that her instincts were no different than those of the other woman. Timewalker had shared her hut for quite some time now, so Sohvi had had plenty of time to get used to the other woman’s wiles. That didn’t make things easier after the fight Anton and Timewalker had though.


They had both been on their toes after that. Sohvi was deathly afraid that Timewalker would think ill of her, and Timewalker seemed just as eager to avoid the subject all together. The irony of the situation was that Sohvi really didn’t know who else to turn to now that her instincts were starting to overwhelm her. Her heart seemed to beat in her throat when she finally gathered the courage to talk to the other woman about it. “Ehm… Timewalker? I was hoping we could talk about something… you know… girl things.” She hoped that that at least would keep the other woman for sending her off to talk to Anton instead.


~Sohvi Darwin



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There were any number of safe conversations she could think to have with Sohvi, but girl things?  That meant men no matter how you said it and it was perhaps the worst topic she could imagine starting between them now.  She looked at the girl and thought about walking away, thought about just trying to make an excuse to leave or just run away before she could say anything else, but Anabel, as much as she would like to be, was not that person.  Neither was TimeWalker and though she sometimes felt a pull between the girl she had been and the woman she was now, she couldn't just walk out.  Regardless of anything else, Sohvi had been kind to her and given her space when other's had pressed in too hard for her.


Light, but this was all a mess.  She didn't know what to think about the whole thing and she had certainly avoided thinking about it too much ever since the argument.  She didn't like where her feelings were taking her and she wasn't even sure if it was her feelings, or if it was just the wolfish instincts in her spilling into her human life.  And Sohvi wanted to talk to her about girl things? 


She looked at the girl and shook her head.  "Sohvi..." she stopped at the look the other girl gave her.  She didn't want to have this conversation either, but she needed it bad enough to ask.  She took a deep breath.  "Ask away Sohvi.  What can I help you with?"



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