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Healer, Killer, Aes Sedai. There is no going back.(attn. Myth)


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Thick gray clouds hung heavy over Tar Valon, and the entire city seemed lost in a haze. From her vantage point on the rise Eqwina was able to see the harbor and the bridges, but it was the gleaming Tower that held her gaze. No sister could help but have the Tower gain a special place in her heart; for some it was greater than others. For emerald eyed Eqwina Tar Valon and the inhabitants it contained was the only family she had left; and she hoped dearly that this would not be the last time she gazed on them.


Her hands tightened on the reigns, and she absently patted Nightlilys neck to settle her frisking. The gray mare had spent too many months in the stables and she was ready to run. In contrast the young Tower Guard at her side sat motionless, waiting patiently. He was newly raised and his readiness to obey was a quality more men needed to possess.


After a time Eqwina was no longer really seeing the city before her; she was lost inside the chasms of her mind.


…Emerald eyes over flowed with tears as she stared down at the ruined head before her. The blood felt like fire on her hands and without thought she wiped them on her cream colored silk… the blood coated iron clattered to the floor with a deafening crash and a the cold stone felt like ice….


Nightlily frisked and Eqwina was brought back to the here and now. If she was not careful she could become lost in her thoughts; so lost that she may never return. With a last regretful sigh she turned the gray and turned her back on the life she had known.


Eqwina and Naradin rode in silence except when he returned with reports. It left her far too much time to think; and so her daydreams had become as haunted as her nights


…The stench of death hung thick in the air and the pile of ash at her feet seemed to taunt her further. Bile rose in her throat and in a dank dungeon she lost every meal she had ever eaten..


The first night they stopped in a small town not ten miles from Tar Valon; snow made travel slow, and Naradin’s insistence on scouting the way only made it more so. Eqwina and the young man were the only inhabitants of the tiny Inn. It was only two floors with less than a dozen rooms to rent, but the linens were clean and the food warmed her belly. That night was the only time on her long journey that she ever regretted her choice. As more miles and days passed between her and the horrible crime the pain lessened and the memories became less intense.


….two months had passed and the duo had already faced winter wrath, but it was nothing like what they would see in the blight…


Winter still held a firm grasp on the Borderlands, evident by the knee deep snow that covered everything the eye could see. The icy wind cut like a knife even with the sun shining bright overhead, and at night it was fatal. Eqwina did not mind the cold, she could ignore it until she was already in deaths grip but Naradin was not so lucky. So for three nights Eqwina chewed her nails while the boy rested and gathered supplies. Her target lay deep with in the Blight and as much as she hated to admit it she needed the young man, at least until she was at the Fortress’s door. If he could be trusted to keep his word she may be able to let him live, but the chances were not great; and at the end of the day she would kill him if she must.


During the excruciatingly long three days Eqwina had time too reflect once again on what had brought her too this place.


From her earliest memories her life had been filled with turmoil and pain. She had watched her parents Inn burn to the ground with them inside, and later while still a child the only other family she’d had, left her alone and scared. Her unshakeable faith in Nevin, her one true love, had been shattered as if it had been nothing more than glass. She endured years of ridicule from fellow Aes Sedai and Novices alike, but she pushed through..she was stronger than most people thought. Her confidence built only to once again be crushed when she had been taken captive by Isha. The name Brute and Vile Beast and had been replaced with a name fairly soon after her capture. Somehow she had found a friend in the insane Asha’man; and with as much grace as she could muster she had endured the taunts and threats from every side while in captivity. She survived the insane nightmares that now wandered her head. She had dealt with it all and came out mostly whole.…but then….as she stared down at Isha’s mangled body with the murder weapon still in her hand she gave up. She forsake the light and all the ties that had bound her, Oh she had howled when the oaths had been removed and others placed upon her. But she survived. In the Dark Lord she would find the missing pieces to her heart, and once again make herself whole


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The world was silent except for the creak of saddle leather and the occasional clack of hoof on stone.


Winter’s cold hand lay heavy on the land, but even the wind had temporarily died down. All was still, except for his progress on the seldom-used trail and the thoughts running through his mind.


His departure surely caused a stir in the Black Tower, but unless he missed his guess only a short funeral service marked his passing. He had blown up a sufficiently large chunk of real estate, and the tattered, scorched remnants of his boots and collar pins should be enough to lead the Asha’man to the conclusion that he wanted.


Looking back, his time there had proven to be eye opening in many ways. He had even made a friend or two, but when the news reached him that Isha had been killed in the White Tower, he knew the time had come to leave.


If his suspicions were correct and if he had connected the whispers he had heard correctly, he would be seeing an Aes Sedai in the Fortress before long…


That was why he was traveling in such forbidding conditions. He needed to make it to the Fortress while she was still there. He had a plan, but it would come to nothing if he missed meeting her. Of course, he could be completely wrong, and this trip might just be a really difficult waste of time. But so be it. He had been wrong enough times to not get too worked up about it, but if he was right…


If he was right, the potential gain would be more than worth the present difficulties.


Crossing the tenuous line between Borderland and Blight, Drak eased his horse on toward his destination. Despite its deadly inhabitants the Blight held nothing for him to fear, but much to gain.


Only time would tell if he was right or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The trees took on a sickly hue, and winters wrath gave way to heat. The air was thick with the evil and decay that tainted these lands. With every breath Eqwina felt as if she were consuming and taking nourishment from the Dark Lord himself. The Blight, less than half a days ride a head held horrors many could not even dare to dream, but to her great shock she felt no fear.


With each day that took her farther from Tar Valon and closer to her destiny she lost a little more of her fear, and a little more of her compassion. Eqwina could feel her heart turning harder and blacker than she could have ever dreamed.  The pieces of herself she had lost were no longer of consequence, she felt like a person reborn with every step closer she took. For too much of her life she had been considered weak, and had proved it with her tears. All those that had crossed her would rue the day when her “training” was complete.


She felt in awe of the confidence that flowed with in her. Never before had she felt so empowered, especially while feeling her way blindly in the dark. The things she would face were a mystery to her, and still she felt little fear. That night when they stopped, just on the edge of the blight Eqwina did not sleep. She lay awake staring off to the North, her eyes straining to see what her future would hold.


Just as the sun crested the horizon Eqwina went to stand next to where Naradin was standing Guard. He was as stiff as a statue, glowing red in the morning’s early rays. His dark hair hung limp around his face and for a moment Nevin’s face flashed over his. With a sound of disgust Eqwina closed her eyes and when her emerald eyes reopened all traces of Nevin had faded from the boy and she saw him for what he was. His knowledge of her plans was a threat and he had to be eliminated.


Letting the sweetness of life flow into her Eqwina embraced the source. There were many ways to kill a many using the One Power and most were unpleasant. Threat or no Naradin had served her well and she would make his death quick. With an almost gentle touch she wrapped him tightly in flows of air and “swung” a club to make his consciousness fade. Releasing his bonds she wove a bubble of air and placed it around his head. With in moments the young boy gave a twitch and he was gone. He had died in his sleep, never knowing pain. Perhaps her heart was not yet as hard as she had thought.


Not knowing fear Eqwina mounted Nightlily, and rode off into the Blight not sparing a glance for the life she had just taken. She had not rode an hour when a man cloaked and hooded approached her without a word and took the lead. She had been warned of this, and she feel into line with out a word. As the sun climbed higher Eqwina lost track of how many turns the man had made. All of her focus was on the back on the cloak in front of her. The Blight may not hold many fears for her kind, but being lost alone was not a fate she wanted to face.


Just as Eqwina was sure they had ridden past the same broken tree at least three times and great fortress blocked all else from her site.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Drak walked alone through the Fortress’ halls, his boots sending a hollow boom resonating through the vast stone emptiness at each step.


Word had spread through whispers and innuendo of course, things were rarely spoken outright in the calculating, and lethal, world of the Fortress, that someone important was being escorted to the Fortress. No details were mentioned, but his instincts told him that he had been right. He had spoken to no one of his intentions, nor even of his interest, merely feigning a cavalier air of apathy when the discussions of who it might be came up.


His mind, though, was very intent on uncovering the identity of the forthcoming guest. He tried to keep from getting his hopes up, but he couldn’t help becoming a little excited late at night alone in his room. If all his efforts, instincts, and gambles had been correct, it would be a most worthy prize that he would win.


Today would be the day he found out. There was to be a gathering, perhaps party would be a better word for the event, to welcome this important guest. All the high-ranking people currently at the Fortress had been invited to come, and Drak knew he would make a fashionably late entrance. It wouldn’t do to become eager at this point.


No, it won’t do at all, he thought to himself as he walked toward the library. There is still much to be done.


Composing himself was easy now that things were in motion. It was always that way with him. Once the action started, the tension evaporated. It was only the waiting that was difficult. If he had been told correctly about when the party would begin, and there was no reason to believe he hadn’t been, he knew he had plenty of time to finish his work before getting dressed in his finest and joining in the festivities… He didn’t even bother to wipe the smile from his face before he said aloud to the emptiness.


“Tonight is going to be fun.”

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The dark spires filled her vision and for a brief moment she had been engulfed by the evil that was The Fortress. For that heartbeat Eqwina had stood paralyzed with fear; her heart in her throat. 10 steps and there would be no turning back, 9 steps and her life would never be the same, 8 steps and she would be Eqwina al’Caupthn  Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah tied heart and soul to the Dark Lord….. 1 step and?


The black iron strapped doors swung open, welcoming her into their depths; and the once unknown and dangerous blight had enveloped her like a mother’s embrace.


A greasy little man met her at the door, offering a towel and a sickly grin. The lust that clouded his eyes made Eqwina sick. Back in the Tower any man who had gazed at an Aes Sedai with those eyes would have found himself skinned alive. Being unsure of her new surroundings Eqwina only fitted him with a level stare, memorizing his face should an opportunity present itself.


Her quarters were more than sufficient, making up slightly for the staff. One oddity she noticed were the heavy iron locks imbedded in every surface with a door. Trust must run shallow in a place such as this. The same greasy man had informed her that the only key was “just there” and if she lost it there would be no other. Had he failed to notice her ageless face, or were Aes Sedai really of no consequence here?


A few moments after the greasy man had departed, not with out a final leer, Eqwina found a note to the contrary of her prior thought.


There will be a dinner this evening to allow you to mingle with your new found brethren. Just after dusk. Formal dress.


The note was not signed and it was in a very neat hand, the letters large and black. Someone had taken great care to make sure their hand was not recognized. The realization that the rest of her life would be shrouded in mystery was beginning to settle in.


With no windows she could only guess she had a few hours before dusk, and she decided to use those hours to settle in. With care she unpacked all of her silks, locking them in the wardrobe, and her jewels were locked into a tidy box built into her vanity, and her vials of “herbs” she tucked into her belt pouch, just in case.


She donned her finest dress, a deep emerald silk that matched her eyes. It hugged her expansive bosom to perfection and disguised what she felt were her too large hips. Eqwina added a simple string of firedrops and her mother’s barrettes, that left the single moonstone dangling just above her brow.

She had never been one to fuss over her appearance, at least since Nevin had been gone, but when the occasion called, Eqwina’s appearance could impress.


Eqwina wandered the halls in search of this “dinner” and soon the sounds of soft music showed her the way. Tall oak doors stood wide, opening into a room with dark red floors and walls as black as night. Flickering stand lamps lit the room like the noon day sun. With a cautious step Eqwina stepped forward and into the light, a few heads turned her way, but for the most part many went on as they were.

Unsure of what to do, Eqwina crossed the room to the nearest fireplace and took a position where she could observe them all.


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Drak strolled into the dinner a little over half an hour late, just in time for the good wine to be served.


“Black is so overdone,” he joked to himself under his breath as the great double doors closed behind him. With the exception of himself and a bare handful of other guests in attendance, everyone at the party was dressed in black, with maybe just a bit of color splashed on a cuff or collar to offset the stark black. It was always that way here in the Fortress, which was why he was dressed as he was.


Tonight, he wanted to stand out.


As such, he was dressed in an immaculate, perfectly tailored white suit. His coat was of the Andoran style, purposefully looking just like an Asha’man’s coat, except for the color of course. It would take a clever mind to make the connection, but he suspected his target was very clever. His crushed white velvet trousers were tucked into knee-high black leather boots, polished to a mirror gloss, the numerous silver buckles adorning the sides of the boots were equally polished.


His white silk shirt was just tight enough to hint at his lean, muscular physique, but not so much as to be obvious about it, and it was tucked into his trousers. A black leather belt with a silver buckle in the shape of the ancient symbol of Aes Sedai, rounded out his clothing. He had relatively simple silver rings on the first and second fingers of his left hand and an intricate one on the thumb of his right hand. His raven-black hair, a perfect match to his boots and belt, was pulled back in a short tail with a silver clasp, also engraved with the ancient Aes Sedai symbol, but inevitably his bangs escaped and framed his face. All of that was intentional, as well.


The only bit of color was the ruby and gold pendant pinned to his breast.


All of it was meant to pull eyes toward him, and for one set in particular to keep them there. Of course, there was always danger when you were focused upon here, but he accepted that as readily as he did the other certainties in life. It kept him alert, but he wasted no energy being fearful of it. There was always risk when you chased reward.


There was a long table in the room that was bursting with activity as swarms of servants bustled out with innumerable succulent dishes shortly after he took a goblet of mulled wine. There were no chairs, but no one would have bothered to sit down anyway. This gathering was meant to encourage interaction, and he was more than pleased to do his part.


He made small talk with a variety of guests, especially a few teachers who still had many lessons to offer. But it didn’t take long before he “accidentally” bumped into the guest of honor. She was easy to spot. In an emerald green gown, she was one of the few colorfully dressed guests.


“I’m sorry,” he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “I didn’t realize you needed so much space.” Grinning at the jest, he turned his back to her slightly as he snared a goblet of wine from a passing tray. It wouldn’t do to appear eager.


No, it won’t do at all, he thought.

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Eqwina maintained her position by the fireplace; forcing all the interested parties to come to her. From her vantage point in the corner she was able to keep most of the room in view, even while engaged in conversation.


True, Eqwina was new to the fortress but she was not stranger to deceit and intrigue. Over the course of their lives women wore many masks and Aes Sedai donned even more. Outwardly Eqwina was breathless and excitable, often times she appeared more Domani than not. Inwardly though she was in complete control. Eqwina kept a running catalog about anyone who crossed her path. She memorized their face, with their quirks and most especially the tidbit of information they let slip. While speaking to a man more wrinkles than not Eqwina’s breath caught as she stared past his sunken chest.


A man in pristine white entered; a man beautiful and haunting, his confidence unmatched. Eqwina’s emerald eyes were wide and she stood up straighter trying to attain her full 4’10” height. She had stretched so tall trying to keep the mysterious man in her view that her expansive bosom threatened to pop right out of her dress. It was a fact Eqwina did not noticed until she turned back to the withered old man and saw him gaping openly with lust.

With a delicate touch and a raucous laugh Eqwina tilted his head back towards her face. When she was able to glance away again the beautiful man had been swallowed by the crowd.


The night crawled on with excruciating slowness with more and more faces passing before her own. With each new face Eqwina acquired a new goblet of wine. The masterfully spiced wine helped to calm her nerves and left her with an excuse to depart if the conversation became too droll. Through all of this Eqwina had kept one eye out for her mystery man. Eventually she had abandoned her post at the mantle in hopes of catching the attention of that certain man.


As she wandered, Eqwina nodded to those whom she had already spoken and offered a coy smile to those she had not. It was always best to begin with kindness as you learned your ground. Eqwina’s wanderings found her next to a large banquet table and she could not help but try the roasted goat. She was still wiping the juices from her chin when the man she had sought found her. 

Eqwina covered her momentary surprise well and with a very dry laugh she returned his jest. “Perhaps it is not that I require space, so much as it is that you take up to much” She quirked a questioning eyebrow and took a long swallow of her wine. While she drank Eqwina’s glassy eyes studied the man with interest; interest that he returned.

Small nuances in his dress tickled something in her mind, but she was unable to say what. His coat was a fine Andorian cut and upon noticing that it clicked. His coat was just like that of an Asha’man. The question that plagued her was why?


Eqwina took a step forward and delicately laid a hand on his arm. “Since you have invaded my space I will not feel bad in invading yours.” Before introducing herself she took another sip of wine. “My name is Eqwina, and I would be honored if you would grace me with yours” Just as she finished speaking she trailed a slim finger along his lapel leaving a trail of wine. Faining shock she fell over herself apologizing. “I am so very sorry, I think I have had just a touch too much wine. I never meant to stain such a…beautiful coat” While she spoke Eqwina let her words take on more of a slur and she made her eye lids a tad heavier than they really were. Her finger absently traced the pin on his chest.


This man was familiar, and mysterious; a great puzzle. Eqwina knew that if she could hold his attentions long enough she could make the pieces fit.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Drak smiled with genuine mirth at her retort. So, this is whom all the fuss is about. Interesting… he thought to himself as he looked her up and down, before winking and casually turning away from her to observe the rest of the crowd.


In his mind, his thoughts were racing, but his face was frozen in a slight, devilish grin. She is truly lovely, he admitted to himself. The innocence of her face is defied by the fact that she is here, and the way she moves with those delicious curves of hers. But it certainly makes for an intoxicating combination, more so than the finest wine. But more importantly, what’s between her ears is what concerns me.


Before he could ponder any further, she laid her hand on his arm and introduced herself. The boldness of her approach, and the fact that she instigated physical contact hinted that she found him appealing. Which was good, but to what purpose did she act? Everyone here was playing their own game, and she no doubt was, as well. Looking down into her eyes, he noticed a thoughtful, calculating mind behind her fluttering lashes.


Before he could answer her request, she ran a wine-stained finger down his lapel. As he opened his mouth to address her, he noticed the suddenly affected slurred speech and facial expression. Ah, so she has noticed the coat… that is good. That means she is not only intelligent and observant, but it should also put her off balance enough to nudge in the proper direction…


Continuing his motion without pausing, he looked down at the stain and responded. “Tis no matter, Eqwina…” he left a brief silence that almost shouted at the unspoken “Sedai” honorific that normally followed her name. “It is easily cleaned.”


Holding out a hand for her to accept, he introduced himself. “I am Drak. It’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


Seeing her continue the ruse of being very inebriated, he pulled his hand away and wiped it on his already dirty jacket, flashing a brief look of disappointment at her, he continued. “I seem to have caught you at a bad time… Perhaps we can speak again when you are more yourself.” Giving her a curt nod, he walked away, removing his coat and draping it over his arm as he did so.


Once he was outside the ball room, he smiled broadly. If that doesn’t catch her interest, then I don’t know what will. 

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A whisper of a hint tickled at her brain and for a moment Eqwina forgot herself, and her ruse. She quickly “recovered” her drunken state when she felt his eyes meet her own.


More than once in her life Eqwina had been told how beautiful she was, and over the years she had learned to use that beauty to her advantage. Posing herself just up on her toes Eqwina took a deep breath; showing off her expansive bosom to its full advantage. She was loathe to discover that Drak had failed to notice. In fact all his attention now seemed to be focused on everything except her.


Her plump lips pursed into a frown. Somewhere she had slipped….perhaps her casual game had been a touch too obvious.


She could see already that sharper tactics and slyer whit would be needed to survive in this place. Eqwina made a vexed noise as she watched Drak retreat to the door. In a few short hours she had learned that what she knew of deceit and Das Dae’mar was a single straw next to a hay bail compared to most people here and not for the first time since arriving, Eqwina felt more than a little out of her league.


As she floated through the rest of the evening making idle conversation Eqwina kept a careful count of the time. She wanted to catch him at just the right moment, timing was always key.


Ever so slowly twenty minutes crept by, and with excuses of a heavy head Eqwina left for her rooms. The same sleazy man came to lead the way and this time she offered him one of her shy smiles and a not so shy wink. All the while she plotted Let him live one more night with his sick fantasy; when the time is ripe he would know the taste of death That thought brought a true smile to her lips.


A quick twenty minutes later Eqwina found herself poised just down the hall from Drak’s door. She had changed into a dress of thin, almost opaque red silk; a left over gown from her trip to Arad Doman. The dress clung to her every curve and what it did not hint at it, it completely failed to hide.


Eqwina knew now that her approach had been all wrong. Her petty games would not stand a chance against this man; in fact she would have let the entire matter die had she not kept having the undeniable feeling that they had met before. On slippered feet she crept down the hall, closer to his door. She paused a moment and ran a slim hand across her hips to smooth her gown. Her games would be of no use but perhaps her looks still provide her some advantage.


thunk…thunk..thunk. With her petite knuckles she rapped; pitched just loud enough to be heard in the silence of his room.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that his evening was over, Drak had settled comfortably onto his bed to do some reading. There were several volumes of history that he had discovered in the library, and their content had intrigued him. As with most things in life, there was apparently more to things that he had been taught as a boy than meets the eye.


He couldn’t have been more pleased with the events that had led him here. His gamble had paid off, and if he wasn’t terribly mistaken, tonight’s brief interaction had planted a seed of interest in the Black Sister’s mind. Of course, many things could still go wrong, and he could still end up very, very dead, but he was closer to achieving his goal than he had been this morning. And that thought, among other things, kept a small, devilish smile on his face as he turned the pages.


He hadn’t been reading long when an unexpected knocking sounded on his door. He seized saidin immediately, before releasing it just as quickly. If there had truly been an imminent threat, the assailant would hardly have knocked before attacking. Laughing ruefully at himself, Drak padded in bare feet to the door and answered it without bothering to put on something appropriate for company. His time on board the Merry Pauper had stripped him of whatever false modesty he may have once had. And though he wore no shirt, the loose-fitting, scraped-linen, almost-white pajama pants he was wearing were more than he often wore at night. They were very comfortable, though, and they were also very flattering to his physique, not that that mattered at this moment.


Opening the door, he instantly recognized the Aes Sedai. Eqwina her name was, she had said. He also noticed the scandalously provocative red Domani dress she was almost-not wearing. It was nearly transparent, and more than hinted that the body it clung to so precariously was worth inspecting very thoroughly. But the desires of his loins were a distant thing as his mind searched for the reason for her visit.


Looking up and down the hall, he saw that she was alone and was curious about it. Smiling charmingly, he bowed his head in a slightly mocking manner and asked, “Has the wine gotten you lost, Eqwina? I believe the party is that way.” Pointing, he kept the barest hint of a smile, and asked another question. “Or is there something I might be able to help you with at this late hour?”

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As she stood by the door Eqwina tried to formulate a plan. It was obvious to her that Drak thought her a fool. Perhaps that in its self would provide her some advantage; though she was loathe to admit she did not see how. One thing Eqwina did know for certain was that “coy” was no longer an option.


The thin white linen that Drak wore left little to the imagination and Eqwina was surprised to feel a familiar tingle run through her. It had been too many years since she had felt the embrace of a man. As her desires threatened to overwhelm her, Eqwina clung hard to the task at hand. Physical pleasure was not her first purpose here.


“Perhaps I should apologize for my behavior earlier, but I had my reasons. After all I am new to this place. Besides apologies are not the way of ones like you and I”

Drawing her courage around her tight Eqwina stepped forward and put her body parallel with to Drak’s; making no effort to avoid contact as she slid her way into his room.


“I realize I may have given you the wrong impression earlier, and I wanted to…” Eqwina reached out grasp his hand, pulling him farther into the room. Once the door had shut she continued. ..clear my name.” Before she could stop herself Eqwina smiled. It was only the second true smile she’d donned in months.

Drak still had not spoken, so Eqwina felt free to continue on.


“You are familiar to me Drak, and I would know why” She glanced over her shoulder as she paced around his room. Stopping, she took a seat in an overstuffed arm chair. Eqwina kicked her slim legs over the side and was none to quick about arranging her skirts.  She did not even hesitate to help herself to one of the figs from the overly gilded bowl. Surely nothing he kept for himself would be poisoned. She chewed delicately and considered her next move. Drak’s calculating eyes made it had to concentrate and she had to break the silence. With the half eaten fig still in hand Eqwina pointed at Drak.

“More than that though I believe you know me to…what I cannot figure out is how.”

She forced herself to meet his stare. There was a delicate balance to the game they now played, and Eqwina felt for certain the stakes were her life.


“I know I am beautiful Drak, but surely a man such as you would not be so fixated on beauty that you are unable to speak. I had thought you more cunning” She was taunting him now, but Eqwina felt she had gained the upper hand and refused to let it go.



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  • 2 weeks later...

He laughed out loud, the genuine mirth of his amusement echoing warmly in his room. How long has it been since I’ve truly laughed? The thought flashed through his mind like quicksilver. Too long, probably. Still, now was not the time for pleasant recollections.


Business was at hand, and the lovely lady wrapped so delicately in a gown of desire would kill him as soon as look at him if it benefited her.


If she could, at any rate, the small voice in the back of his head reminded him. The voice never liked him to be too disrespectful of his own abilities. Smiling warmly at his unexpected, though intriguing, guest-prey, Drak plopped down casually on the foot of his bed and pulled his feet up to sit cross-legged. Propping his chin on his fist, he looked into the eyes of mystery.


“By all means, make yourself comfortable. But sadly, life is full of little disappointments, Eqwina.” Coldness swept across her eyes like a winter storm, but if he hadn’t been paying attention he would have missed it. Her facial expression never changed; the smile never left her lips. She was VERY good at the game, this Aes Sedai.


“For example, I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting you before tonight. That is certainly sad, because who knows how much I’ve missed in my life from not meeting you years ago?” A small smile crinkled his lips, and she reciprocated, the small jest lightening the mood a bit. “I can assure you, I would remember had we ever spoken before.”


Letting his eyes roam deliberately over her face, and then the wares of her body that she so deliberately displayed, he added, “You would be impossible to forget.” While most every woman enjoyed flattery, in this case his words were completely true. She was lovely as the morning.


Continuing, he said, “I am sorry to disappoint you. I appreciate that you’d go to all this trouble to speak with me, though my vanity insists I shouldn’t be so easily forgotten.” Chuckling richly, he cocked his head slightly, looking only into her eyes. The curves of her body were alluring, but it wasn’t time yet to indulge in them. Not quite yet…


“Is there anything else, Eqwina…?” The unspoken Aes Sedai honorific so loud he might as well have shouted it. “It is late, and there aren’t many things besides reading that are enjoyable at this hour.” Smiling devilishly, he wondered what she would make of that.

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A jolt of white hot desire burned its way through her body; causing her heart to undulate quicker in her chest. At that moment Eqwina could have thought of any number of things that would be pleasurable at that hour; most involving sweat and the entangling of bodies. It took of her to keep her chest rising and falling at its normal rate.


She had never bedded a man simply for the pleasures of the flesh. There had always been another goal in mind, though some of her conquests had been more than adequate lovers. Sitting, staring into Drak’s cold eyes Eqwina could not help but wonder what kind of lover Drak would be. Only at that moment did she realize that she intended to add his name to the short list of men that had shared her bed. Perhaps after she indulged her pleasures she could coax him to relent all his secrets. It would not be the first time and man had spilled his all for the touch of a woman. Still studying his eyes Eqwina was not sure if Drak would be a means to an end or her first real pleasure.


She laced her slim fingers together and reached high above her head. The precariously clinging Domani gown slipped another inch it did not have and Eqwina “failed” to notice. ”The hour has grown late” She allowed herself a languorous yawn before continuing. “ But I fear I must detain you awhile longer”


Eqwina kicked her slim legs forward and leaned in towards Drak, her eyes intent.


“ I fear I have been rather aloof of events  of late. I have been…detained” She searched his eyes for any sign of recognition. Any hint he knew the nature of her detainment. Those cold eyes yielded not a whisker, so Eqwina pressed forward drawing closer to her point.

“ What can you tell me about the rumors I hear surrounding the…Black Tower”

Her voice was dead calm, and her emerald eyes never blinked. Eqwina was the calm before the storm, serenity to her toes. All the while her insides churned.


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Drak sat on his bed, legs crossed beneath him, and his left elbow propped on his knee. His chin rested on his left hand, as he peered studiously at the Aes Sedai before him. She was quite a woman, this one, and not just because of the barely-contained, succulent flesh under the gown she was almost-not-wearing. No, what lay behind her eyes was what captivated him, though her body was certainly worth enjoying on its own merits. He needed to keep his wits about him, lest she became the hunter instead of the prey.


Tucking his hair back behind his ear, he considered his next move.


She has taken the bait and has made the connection with the Black Tower. I knew she was clever, he thought to himself. Inwardly pleased at the talents of his target, he quickly assessed the situation. She still doesn’t know that I know about her time there, and for now that won’t change. Time to change the subject, I think.


“Life has a way of taking strange turns, sometimes, as the Wheel weaves us into the pattern. Like your visit, for example. But all the same, I think I can manage to stay up as long as necessary,” the double entendre hinting at sexual escapades to come. Grinning devilishly as he purposefully eyed her body, he continued, “The Black Tower? There are as many rumors about that place as there are tongues to speak them. I think our time tonight can be better spent than discussing those poor fools, don’t you?”


Reaching out slowly but confidently with his right hand, Drak brushed the hair from in front of her face. In one continuous motion, he brushed his fingertips on down her cheek, before cupping her chin gently in between his thumb and forefinger and running his thumb across her lips. With a mischievous wink, he sat back for a moment, then channeled. A small blade of Air sliced up the front of her dress, like a hunter would gut a rabbit.


Her dress fell off her like a forgotten dream.

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