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Approved Seanchan FL Bio for Muaghde - CC'd by the BT

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Handle: The Don

Character name: Muaghde

Age: 38

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 142 lbs

Hometown: Seander, Seanchan


Muaghde was born to a privileged family in the capitol

city of Seander. From an early age, he was destined to

become a soldier. However, Muaghde was never a big kid

and never grew into a big man. His skill with the

blade and in command were never lacking, however, his

small stature kept him from the front lines. It was to

his good fortune, however, that he was put into the

morat’raken corps. Raken were not built to carry large

men, or even average men, and Muaghde’s small size

made him a perfect fit. He rose through the ranks

quickly, eventually becoming M’der’morat’raken,

commander of all the Air Corps. He was part of the

command staff for the Hailene, and fought many battles

over the entire west coast. When the Commander of the

Ever Victorious Army was slain, Muaghde was elected to

take his place. The Hailene, however, was an ultimate

failure. Muaghde himself was humbled and sent back to

Seanchan by an officer of the Band of the Red Hand,

some fools that wished to bring back some former

glory. Muaghde was considered about as skilled as can

be without attaining the rank of blademaster. The

officer, though, was a true master of the blades. He

handily beat Muaghde, and spared his life. He returned

to Seanchan sei’mosiev. In a rare moment of

forgiveness, the Emperor, may he live forever in the

Light, let him retain his rank as Commander and set

him to lead the Return.

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