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Movies you think need a sequel


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Guest Emperor

Ever wonder "Hey they left the original up for a sequel and it might actually not be that bad"? I know, it rarely happens but are there movies that there should be a follow up movie to? Let's discuss...

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This one's kinda hard. I've been racking my brain for the past hour trying to think of just one movie that I wish they would have made a sequel too, but everything that comes to mind either had just a perfect ending that a sequel would just take away from it, or someone has already made a sequel too it.

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Guest Barmacral

I think if a movie is made to have a sequel, then the whole series of movies better be written before the first one is out. Any solo movie that did well in the box office should never have a sequel just because you think it might make you a bit of extra cash. I can think on this one, but I really hate sequels... not that I don't go see them anyways...

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