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Secrets of The Rainbow Bridge, The Fire of Ionracas: Book One


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I've recently completed book one of my fantasy series, Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge. I loved WOT which partly inspired/influenced me to write my own epic length fantasy. It's a long manuscript at 340k words. The style is certainly different than WOT, but if you are interested in a long read with deep world building then maybe you'll like this.


Here is the blurb:


"Baudwin is a water Faery who is two hundred years old – still quite young mind you. For his entire life he has wondered where his mother vanished, after a time of great travail and upheaval in his realm. This burden has been quite heavy, as without her, he was never joined to his current so he could live as he should – at one with the Water. Ever ready to lift his grandson’s spirits, his grandfather, Seamus, encourages him to find the Water – or to have the Water come to him – a ridiculous prospect for a water Faery not joined to his current. After decades of trials, the Water finally does come to Baudwin – defying all expectations. The Water then leads him down an unexpected path that unfolds into an epic adventure with myriad discoveries filled with elven inventions, ancient wonders, and a being who seeks to shape his destiny through the most compassionate and terrifying means possible.

Secrets of the Rainbow Bridge: Book One will take you through a tale told in a mythic-storybook style, with numerous references to Celtic culture, all set in a finely detailed and well bounded fantasy realm. This work was crafted with serious intent to act as a beacon to readers who wish for a tranquil haven to dwell in a time that is becoming ever more dangerous and uncertain. So please immerse yourselves, and find healing and renewal."


Mysteries in the Music: CASE CLOSED






Thank you


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