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The One Power, Channeling, and OP Scores [Male Channelers]

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There are several posts in this thread covering all relevant topics to the One Power and channeling for male characters. Please be sure to read them all if you need a refresher or to understand how it all works!


The True Source is a mystical force set in place by the Creator to eternally fuel the turning of the Wheel of Time. The One Power can be drawn from the True Source by gifted individuals called channelers. The One Power is composed of five elemental flows: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, and Water. Wielding the One Power to create affects is referred to as weaving the flows, while particular strength with individual flows is called an affinity. These flows are called the Five Powers.

The One Power itself is divided into two halves which constantly struggle against one another to turn the Wheel. The female half, saidar, can only be wielded by women and the male half, saidin, can only be wielded by men. From just before the Breaking of the World, a taint, caused by the Dark One’s backlash from the Sealing of the Bore, causes madness in any male who uses it extensively. 

A male channeler must reach out to the One Power, seizing saidin, to channel. Channeling is directing the One Power and weaving is the act of taking the flows (either one, some or all five elements) and forming them into a weave to create the desired "magical" effect.

While women tend to be stronger in channeling Water and Air, men are better with Fire and Earth. Spirit is often equal among both.


Wilders - Those with the Spark Inborn

While the Aes Sedai consider any channeler not trained by Aes Sedai to be a wilder, in reality a wilder is any channeler, male or female, who does not have a mentor or organization to teach them to use the One Power, but has the spark of channeling born in them; that is, a person will channel when they reach the age to do so whether they want to or not. Wilders lead a potentially dangerous life, assuming they even survive their first channeling experiences. In the Westlands, the ability to channel is kept secret if possible. Otherwise, the discovery is met as the local culture deems appropriate. This means gentling if the wilder is a male or a trip to the White Tower for training if the wilder is a female.

Wilders are often frowned upon by modern Aes Sedai for messing with the One Power before coming for training, and they often have blocks due to this. Blocks literally block a channeler from touching the Source under certain circumstances; for example, only being able to embrace the Source with one's eyes closed (in which one cannot channel because they cannot see what they're doing), or when angry or when touching water. Blocks are unique to the individual wilder.

In other cultures, such as the Aiel or Sea Folk, female wilders are unknown as a concept as their fellow channelers will find and train them quickly. Male channelers among the Sea Folk are killed at sea, while Aiel channelers are sent to the Blight in a doomed mission to fight Shadowspawn.



Other people who do not innately have the spark to channel, but can learn to do so, only find out if they are guided by those who can already channel. If the ability to learn to channel is discovered, a woman remains at the White Tower to train. Due to the taboo of men channeling, these men who can learn but do not have the spark will go their whole lives without ever knowing what they can do.




The One Power scoring in the books is a little complicated, so we'll go over the relevant male scoring here (without getting into Forsaken Age of Legends scores or spoilers). Unlike female scoring, there are not many examples of male channeler's strengths. We also need to compare the saidin and saidar strength levels.

Men generally are stronger in the One Power than women and can achieve higher levels of strength. To reflect the stronger levels, men will generally fall in six strength levels above the women. This means that male channeler PCs will have scores from 7(+6) to 39(27). The lower the number, the stronger the channeler.

In the White Tower, there is only a scale of 33 levels that are important: the numbering beginning at 13(1) and ending at 45(33). In the White Tower, women below strength 46(34) cannot become Aes Sedai. Therefore, the weakest Sister in the books is at level 45(33). Thus, Aes Sedai OP levels are 13-45, but we also use 1-33 to simplify that. All OP scores will have both numbers. This is because channelers of other cultures, and men, can go beyond these levels, and very, very few Aes Sedai are stronger than 13(1). Thus, all PC Aes Sedai at our RP will be within this 33-level range.

Scores of 12(+1) to 7(+6) are the six levels above the strongest Aes Sedai beginning at 13(1).




Strength Scores for Characters


OP Strength Scores will be assigned upon biography approval for each channeling character independently. Scoring will functionally work as follows:

  • Players of new AS characters can chose to be of average/upper strength, in which case a score from 9(+4) to 22(10) will be randomly chosen by rolling dice. 22(10) is the average comparable strength of a male channeler to a female Aes Sedai.
  • Players of new male characters can ask for a completely random score, which is also chose by dice. The scale then goes from 7(+6) to 39(27). Time to toss the dice!
  • Older players bringing their male channeler from the older Legacy PSW RP can keep their scores if they wish, or ask for a re-roll in the two options above. Scores will then be converted to the book canon scale that applies to our new RP, as explained above.
    • The Legacy RP OP scores are flipped. Thus, 33 was the strongest strength score for a female PC; under the new system, it is now 13(1). So, a female character with a score of strength 28 will now have their strength listed as 18(6) and someone with a score of 21 will become 25(13), etc. Please keep this in mind when you see your updated score!
Edited by Jagen Sedai
Posted (edited)

How Channeling Works


The "magic" system that is the One Power in The Wheel of Time works very uniquely, with certain rules in place. This post will be a list of rules for channeling, how the One Power works physically, and what can and cannot be done with the Power.


The One Power, which comes from the True Source that turns the Wheel of Time, is composed of five elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, and Water. These are called the Five Powers. Wielding the One Power to create affects is referred to as weaving these powers into flows, which together make up any one particular weave. A weave is what Aes Sedai want to do to create a desired effect.


Seizing saidin

Saidin is described as a a raging torrent, just as powerful as saidar but tempestuous: a raw, untamed force that must be "coerced" through strength of will or else it will overwhelm you. In contrast to saidar, a man must make saidin submit to him in order to access it: a process known as seizing the Power. Weaving for a male channeler involves wielding it much like a weapon and directing it to do his bidding.


Learning to seize saidin takes training. Wilders might unconsciously touch the One Power, but in general they do not know what they are doing, and often develop blocks, which do not allow them to touch the Source at all.


A man can sense when another man is holding saidin, though not in the way women do: a man would describe it as a feeling of awe and menace -- with nothing truly visible -- and not easily pinpointed to a particular location or person. The farther the channeling, the fainter the feel.

While a female channeler can sense any woman channeling, sensing for men depends largely on the amount of saidin used in the weave; small weaves cannot be discerned unless one is in extremely close proximity to the weave, whereas something like a gateway can be sensed from a considerable distance. It is also implied to depend on strength of the male channeler as well.


Male channelers cannot see the glow of saidar but can sense when a woman is holding the One Power, though he cannot pinpoint the source (or who it is channeling). On the other side, women cannot sense men holding the Source.


No man can tell at sight if another man can channel, unless the other man has seized saidin. Testing for men involves channeling a simple flow until a "resonance" is felt from the one being tested. This may often take as long as fifteen to twenty minutes for those with the spark, and much longer for those who can only learn.

Men can sense how much saidin another male channeler is holding.


Strength and Skill

Strength refers to how much of the One Power a particular channeler can embrace and channel. There are a total of 72 possible levels (though we do not use them all here in RP). Strength is relevant when it comes to a few factors concerning being a channeler:

  • Where women tend to reach their full potential gradually, men often "jump" in their potential as they learn and practice. Among men, there was no way of knowing how strong a beginner can become.

  • While men tend to be stronger in the One Power than women, women are often more dexterous and skillful at handling the flows. This means, in a battle of the One Power, a man does not always have the advantage simply because he is stronger.

  • Usually, the stronger the channeler, the more threads one can form and manipulate, and at a higher dexterity. For example, in Knife of Dreams, a powerful Aes Sedai is seen easily weaving more than a dozen threads simultaneously, however a very weak character, too weak to even become an Accepted, is seen struggling to weave a single faint thread.

  • Usually, the strongest channelers, having more ability and proficiency in making weaves, are more skilled in all uses of the One Power, so they also have a propensity for studying and experimenting with it, are more intuitive with its use, and are able to invent new weaves or rediscover those that were considered "lost".

  • Usually, the strongest can learn a new weave with greater ease than the weakest, for example it is enough for the very strongest and learned to have seen the composing of a new weave only once in order to learn how to reproduce it; for strong-to-upper medium strength Aes Sedai, it is enough to see it formed a few times; alternatively, it may take the weakest channelers years of study in order to learn a new weave. (This is proved also by the period necessary to gain the shawl in the White Tower: strong Aes Sedai, such as Elaida, Moiraine or Siuan, spent only three years as novices and three as Accepted in training to learn the very complex weaves required for passing the test for the shawl; medium-high ranking Aes Sedai usually take a dozen years (6+6), average Aes Sedai twenty years (10+10), while the weakest Aes Sedai, such as Elin Warrel, remained in training almost thirty years before she was able to gain the shawl.)



  • Some channelers can Heal better than others, while some cannot Heal at all. Healing is an actual Talent that, when discovered in a female channeler, she is often directed or encouraged to join the Yellow Ajah, whose primary purpose is healing. All Aes Sedai who can Heal have the Talent to do so, and it's the most common Talent among Aes Sedai. That said, some are still stronger in the ability than others.
  • The Talent for Healing is independent of one's strength in the One Power; a channeler who cannot channel as much as another might still be a better healer.
  • Healing cannot be done on ones' self; that is, only another can Heal a person with the One Power, as its impossible to direct a weave into your own body.



The ability of channelers to combine their flows of the One Power in a circle. While the combined flow is not as great as the sum total of the individual flows, it is directed by the person who leads the link and can be used much more precisely and to far greater effect than the individual flows can be.

Men cannot not link their abilities without the presence of a woman or women in the circle. Up to thirteen women can link without the presence of a man. With the addition of one man, the circle could increase to twenty-six women. Two men could take the circle up to thirty-four women, and so on until the limit of six men and sixty-six women was reached.

There are links that include more men and fewer women, but except in the linking of one man and one woman, one woman and two men, or of course, two men and two women, there always have to be at least one more woman in the circle than there are men. In most circles, either a man or a woman could control the link, but a man has to control in the circle of seventy-two as well as in mixed circles of fewer than thirteen.

Although men were in general stronger in the Power than women, the strongest circles were those which contained as near as possible to equal numbers of men and women.

Entering a link is normally a voluntary act, requiring at least acquiescence, but under certain circumstances, a sufficient circle already formed can bring another woman forcibly into the circle as long as no man was part of it. Insofar as is known, a man cannot be forced into a circle, no matter how large.


Caveats and Impossibilities

There are some things channelers cannot do, as well as caveats to channeling.

  • Strength is not always a factor in what one can do; for example, women can make bridges with Air further than a man stronger than her in the Power.
  • The simple act of picking something up is one of the hardest things in channeling, but a strong channeler can lift at least three times her own weight.

  • One cannot lift themselves with the One Power, but can lift others, though it takes much strength and skill to do so.
  • One cannot Heal themselves.
  • Men and women cannot see each other channeling, so one could never learn a weave from another.
  • Channelers cannot close their eyes while channeling as they must see the flows, but once a weave is completed it is possible to look away from it and still hold it.
  • A weave is learned by watching other channelers make it; seeing a weave only after it has been completed does nothing for learning it.

Other Notes

Among the advantages to being able to channel is a heightened resistance to disease. The stronger one is in the One Power, the more the resistance one has. There is a resistance to bodily deterioration also, as from the effects of aging. For someone who can channel, old age is youthful and vigorous, lacking the aches and pains normal to those who cannot. Aes Sedai life expectancy is around 300 years old, but men and female channelers who are not Aes Sedai have much longer life spans that are directly correlated to their strength in the One Power.

Edited by Jagen Sedai

One Power Weaves

This is an alphabetical list of all known possible One Power weaves. Any weave with the word LOST after the name means it was last known in the Age of Legends; thus, no channeler today can know how to do them (though some may be rediscovered at a later time).

The exception to this rule are the Forsaken, who come from the Age of Legends themselves.


Weaves are also limited by if one has enough strength in the One Power to weave them, as well as their affinity for each element. As men tend to be stronger in Fire and Earth and women in Air and Water, weaves that involve those elements are accordingly more common or easier to do for one group than the other.



Absorb Heat: Extinguishes a fire by drawing the heat away. The greater the strength in Fire the more heat that can be absorbed, eventually freezing the object.


Air Club: Invisible club of Air. The higher the channelers strength in Air, the more powerful the club. A strength of 1 might leave a small welt while a strength of 9 might take topple a stone wall.


Air Lift: Lift small objects using Air (books, feathers, etc).


Air Razor: A razor of air capable of cutting a solid object. The higher the strength in air, the harder the blade. The higher the Skill, the sharper the edge.


Air Shield: A Shield of solid Air


Alarm Ward: Alerts a channeler when someone passes through it.


Alter Voice: Used to alter a channeler’s voice to imitate other sounds/voices.


Amplify Voice: Allows channeler to make his/her voice louder.


Arms of Air: The simple action of wrapping solid Air around someone/something. The greater a channeler’s strength in Air, the more formidable the binding.


Balefire: LOST – The most dangerous weave. Unblock-able, cuts through anything and burns it out of existents.


Boil: The channeler Weaves Water into the person’s body, then uses Fire to boil it inside of them. This can be used lightly as an interrogation method as well.


Bonding: Makes a bond between the channeler and another person so they both gain certain mutually beneficial attributes.


Bridge of Air: Makes an invisible bridge. The higher the channeler’s strength in air, the greater the weight that can be supported.


Candle Fire: Wrap a single thread of Fire around a candle’s wick, can be tied off or made to float in the air.


Cantrips: The channeler Weaves Earth into the ground, then brings it up into spikes. The size of the spikes vary with the strength in Earth.


Circle of Silence: Creates a dome around the channeler or someone else, cutting off sound completely.


Combust: Makes an object explode into flame.


Create Fire: Creates a fire where there is none. If there is nothing combustable touching the fire, it disappears once the weave is let go of. If for example, there is wood or papers where the weave touches, the will ignite and stay burning.


Create Heartstone – LOST – The ability to craft Heartstone.


Create Water: The drawing of water from the air into a glass or other holder.


Crush: A modification of the Binding Weave, the channeler weaves Air around an object, but instead of merely binding, the target is crushed. The power of this weave increases with the channeler’s strength in Air.


Cutting Flows: Slices another channeler’s flows. The greater a channeler’s skill the more quickly and deftly weaves can be cut.


Cutting Lines of Fire: LOST – Multiple thin tendrils of Fire that can slice an object or person.


Dehydration: Decrease the amount of water in a persons body.


Delving (Injury): Used to search for disease/injury.


Distant Eye: Creates a narrow tendril that can be extended outward. The greater the strength in Air and Spirit the farther the tendril can extend. The channeler sees as if he/she were at the end of the weave. The tendril can move through spaces like keyholes, gaps in a wall, etc. While looking through this, your normal vision is only vague.


Dream Ward: Shields the channeler’s dreams from others. Channelers are known to be able to inadvertently effect another channeler's dreams.


Drown (External): The channeler Weaves a field of Water around their opponent’s head or body, completely encasing them, effectively cutting of their air. The target ultimately drowns.


Drown (Internal): Creates amounts of water in the lungs drowning the person.


Dry: The channeler squeezes all the water out of an object that has gotten wet. This weave, if used with more strength can also prevent any more water from touching the object (ie. a cloak that the rain rolls off of).


Earthquake: The channeler Weaves Earth into the ground, spreading the threads in a circular pattern around themselves. They then ‘flick’ the threads, causing the ground around them to give a sudden kick, usually knocking people to the ground. The size of the quake depends on the channeler’s strength in Earth.


Earth Projectiles: Earth used to create sharp objects which can then be thrown using Air


Earth Wall: Makes a wall of earth. The greater the channeler’s strength in Earth the larger the wall, the greater the channeler’s skill the more solid it is


Eavesdropping: lets you listen at distances that wouldn’t be possible normally


Elemental Blades: Varies with the prefered Elements used, Water and Air formed to a sword’s shape for ice, Fire for a sword of flame, Air and Spirit for a sword of air, all five Elements for a blade of light energy


Encasement: The channeler Weaves Earth into the ground, then brings it up and around the target, encasing them in solid earth/stone/etc.


Entering the Dream: LOST – Allows Traveling to the World of Dreams in the flesh


Explode: Making stuff explode


Explosive Ward: Triggered when a living object passes through it, a ball of Spirit containing one or more of the other elements. Causing more damage the greater the amount of other elements used.


False Wall: Creates the illusion of a false wall which can be used to obscure hidden passages and the like


Fireball: A sphere of Air and Fire, moderate range, size and damage varies with user’s strength in Fire, distance varies with strength in Air


Fire Storm: Fire balls and rain (rain is on fire) coming down from the sky. Destroys everything in its path


Fire Trap: Creates a ward around an object, floor, wall, or other item, which you have to be touching when the weave is cast. If anyone but you touches the warded object or area, a blast of fire explodes into the air around it.


Flame Arrow: The channeler Weaves the three elements into a rod-like shape, braiding them into the correct form, then hurls it at the enemy. This is more of an armor-piercing Fireball type Weave, used to punch through metal and walls


Flame Aura: Air and Fire is woven around the user’s body. This creates a shield of fire around the channeler, so that no one will dare get too close.


Flame Tempering: Fire woven into metal making it harder than normal


Flashfire: The channeler Weaves Fire and Air in a circle around themselves and any others in the vicinty, then releases the Weave and pushes it outwards. This creates a ring of fire around the user and their allies, and can catch many enemies on fire


Flood: Must be near a river or a water source, the size of the flood depends on the channeler’s strength in Water


Fog: The channeler Weaves Water and Air into the atmosphere around them, making it somewhat thin and spread out, then adds a tiny amount of Fire to warm it, creating fog. The greater the channeler’s strength in Water and Fire the larger the fog


Folded Light: An intricate net of Fire and Air is placed over an object or person, rendering it invisible. Movement causes the weave to shimmer.


Foundations: Used for making buildings, impregnable by weather


Freeze: Freezes water. The greater the channeler’s strength in Air the larger an area of water that can be frozen


Globe of Light: A ball of light so you can see. The greater the channeler’s strength in Fire the more brilliant the light


Grenade: Gives a stone an explosive property. If the stone strikes a surface, it explodes.


Grounded Shield: Grounds lightning bolt


Heal Fatigue: Spirit, Water, and Air, draws the tiredness from someone into one’s self


Healing (Minor): Can heal scrapes and bruises.


Healing (Moderate): Can heal moderate wounds and illness.


Heat: The channeler Weaves slight amounts of Fire around an object and heats it. The greater the channeler’s strength in Fire the larger and more dense an object that can be heated


Heat Wave: The channeler Weaves Fire throughout an area, warming it to potentially deadly levels. This is incredibly draining, but also incredibly destructive


Illusion: The channeler uses Spirit and other elements to create illusions.


Inferno: A tornado of fire


Keeping: A weave that protects a perishable object and keeps it permanently fresh (for food, plants, etc).


Lava Flow: Melts earth


Lightning (Chain): Lightning that strikes from one object to another


Lightning (Channel): All five Elements in mass quantity, using yourself as a sort of conductor rod, creates lightning instead of calling it down


Lightning (Storm): A thin thread of Earth or Water as a guideline, then Air, Fire and Spirit to form the actual lightning


Linking: Not really a Weave, slight amounts of Spirit used to combine multiple channeler’s power


Mask of Mirrors: Changes ones self image


Mirror of Mists: Alter size/appearance of an object or another person. Must be stationary


Mudslide: creates massive amount of water that causes a mud slide.


Pain: Causes pain in joints and muscles. The Higher the strength the more pain, the higher the skill the greater the likelihood of the subject surviving.


Phantom Fire: The creation of hundreds of tiny, weak lights. This can be used as a simple distraction, or more Fire can be used to light people’s clothes and hair on fire.


Pitfall: Makes a hole In the ground. The greater the channeler’s strength in Earth the larger the hole.


Polish: The user can polish items to an almost gem-like quality.


Poof: The weakling’s fireball. The channeler uses Fire and Air to make a toothpick sized rod, which is then flicked at someone’s hair or clothes


Quagmire: Quicksand, sinkhole and so on.


Quake Subside: Stabilizes the ground under the channeler’s feet during an earthquake


Rain Cloud: Coalesces water in the air to form a moisture-filled cloud. Fire is used to release the moisture in the form of rain. The greater the strength in Water the larger the cloud, the greater the amount of Fire the harder the downpour.


Remove Taint: Can heal wounds from a Myrdraal’s blade or other tainted items.


Ripple: The channeler Weaves great amounts of Earth into the ground, then pushes it outwards. The size of the ripples depends on the channeler’s strength in Earth.


Riven Earth: You direct the weave at a spot in the ground and it erupts in a shower of rock, dirt, and fire.


Rock Wall: Makes a wall of fire harden earth


Seal: A ward within a close container or space, which either you must be in, or touching. If anyone but you opens the sealed item, a flash of flame ignites within it. You can also create a trigger word that will allow any person who says the trigger word to enter or open the container, without the flash of flame occurring.


Severing: Cuts someone from the Source so they can’t feel or use it again. Doing this to men is called "gentling" while doing so to women is called "stilling."


Shaping: Shaping objects out of earth


Shielding: Heavy threads of Spirit woven around a channeler, cutting them from the Source


Skimming: LOST – Travel in between two places. Portals are opened up and the channeler uses a platform to ‘float’. The starting point must be known intimately by the channeler


Sleep: Puts someone to sleep


Spinning Earthfire: Earth quakes laced with fire and lava


Spirit Barrier: Heavy Spirit woven in a dome around someone


Static Field: The channeler Weaves a field of spirit and Air, then adds Fire to it. This creates a field of static that zaps anyone when they step into it, and can be tied off to be a continuing annoyance.


Summon Storm: The size of the Storm depends on the channeler’s strength in Air and Water


Thunderclap: Makes a thunder like noise that deafens enemies


Tornado: The user creates a tornado using threads of Air woven together, then spun around, creating the deadly and powerful winds. The greater the channeler’s skill the greater his/her ability to control where the tornado is heading


Touch of Death: LOST – Sends tendrils of the Five Powers into the body of your target to manipulate it from within, doing severe damage without apparent injury. With more strength, this weave simply stops the target’s heart, leaving no indication of the cause of death. With less strength, the weave still leaves no external evidence of the cause of death or damage.


Traveling: LOST – Instantaneous travel between to places. Men bore a hole in the Pattern while women make two places the same.


Use Portal Stone: LOST – Allows the Channeler to use a Portal Stone, that is if he or she understands the runes inscribed on them


Wall of Flame: Makes a wall of flame, the size and heat of which depends on the channeler’s strength in Fire


Ward Bore: LOST – Creates a probe which can test the structure of a Ward that you know exists. If strong enough, you can open a hole in the weave. The lower the skill, the more whoever the Ward’s caster is can feel you tampering with the Ward.


Waterspout: The channeler Weaves large amounts of Water and Fire into the ocean/river, then cause it to explode upwards in a cylinder, creating a Water spout


Wave: The channeler Weaves large amounts of Water into a large body of water, then pushes it towards a target. As the strength in Water increases, so does the size of the wave.


Weave the Winds: Summons the winds, commonly used by Sea Folk Windfinders. The greater the channeler’s strength in air, the stronger the wind. The higher his/her skill the more easily the wind can be controlled.


Whiplash: The channeler Weaves Air, then whips someone with it. This same Weave could be used to knock something small off a table, to push small objects around, or even throw dirt up into someone’s face, all you need is some creativity.


Whirlpool: The channeler Weaves Water into the ocean/river, then causes it to pull in on itself. The size of the Whirlpool increases as the channeler’s strength in Water increases


Winds: Air and slight amounts of Water, creates winds/breezes according to amount used.




Talents are rare. That said, The most common is Healing, and Cloud Dancing seems pretty common as well. Some Talents will be restricted and others given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can only ask for more than one both Talents common, to a maximum of two.




Aligning the Matrix: Altering the properties of materials, such as creating Power-wrought artifacts.


Cloud Dancing: Involves control of the weather.


Compulsion: (Not Available) – The ability to bend another to your will. The greater a character’s Skill above the minimum requirement, the more skillful and delicate the Compulsion can be, and the less trace is left behind. The White Tower has outlawed the teaching of Compulsion, but many sisters know fragments of it.


Create Ter’angreal: (Not Available) – The ability to make ter’angreal, and other objects of the Power.


Delving (Earth): Locating water, minerals and ores beneath the earth, and their removal.


Dreaming: (Not Available) – Visions in dreams of possible future events. No particular strength in the Power is required. Similar to Foretelling.


Dreamwalking: The ability to enter Tel’aran’rhiod, and enter other people's dreams. Anyone can be a dreamwalker – not all Dreamers are channelers.


Earthsinging: Controlling movements of the earth similar to Cloud Dancing, such as earthquakes and avalanches


Foretelling: (Not Available) – Gives the person the knowledge of certain events that WILL happen in the future, from reading the Pattern, but not how or why. They do not come at will, and some with the Talent only have a few in their lives. Only channellers have Foretellings.


Healing (Age of Legends): (Not Available) The Healing Nynaeve and Flinn use in later books. Heals almost anything except Death. The power comes only from the Source and the patient isn’t left with any after-effects. Uses all five Elements.


Healing (Major): (Common) The Yellow Ajah level Healing. Heals anything except Death and Stilling. The power comes partially from the patient leaving him/her tired and hungry.


Know Ter’angreal: (Very Rare) The ability to recognize the purpose of ter’angreal. Must be a channeler.


Listening to the Wind: Ability to sense the weather, possibly linked to Weaving the Winds.


Milking Tears: A lower level version of Compulsion, this deals with emotions, making them stronger or weaker.


Read Auras: (Not Available) The ability to see auras around people telling their future in a similar way to Foretelling. Anyone can have this.


Residue Resurrection: (Rare) The ability to see the residues left by weaves and reconstruct them. A person with this Talent can only reproduce weaves that are at or below his/her skill level but can recognize any weave that he or she has seen before.


See Ta’veren: (Rare) The ability to see ta’veren. – Anyone can have this, not just channelers.


Shielding: Talent that allows you to shield and hold much stronger channelers shielded. Requires great strenght in Spirit.


Sniffing: The ability to “smell” violence and wrong doing, and track it. Anyone can have this, not just channelers.


Uncommon Luck: The ability to duplicate the chance twisting effects of a ta’veren. Again, it doesn't require channeling to have it. Often you must be ta’veren to have this Talent.

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