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  • Community Administrator

Entertainment Discussion is a place to discuss All forms of Entertainment.

Board Games, Tabletop Games, Video Games, Music, TV, Movies, and Sports. (Except for the Wheel of Time TV series!)


Does Entertainment Discussion have any specific Rules?

Abide by DM's CoC at all times. Discuss topics with civility, and agree to disagree before arguing.


Spoilers. Err on the side of caution and make ample use of the Spoiler Code

[spoiler]Snape Kills Darth Vader!!![/spoiler]
  • Threads like "What have you watched/Played recently?" use these codes when discussing anything that isn't pertinent to the plot.
  • If you create a thread about a specific Movie, TV Show, or Video Game, include the Tags Spoilers or Spoiler Free, and include [SPOILERS] or [SPOILER FREE] in the title

Tags We have this feature, so tag the topic as what it is. Movie, Sports, TV Show, etc.

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